Got any scoop on Michael House RulesWeatherly’s NCIS: LA appearance you feel like sharing? –Michelle
NCIS: LA boss Shane Brennan says that Weatherly’s crossover visit fuels one of the spinoff’s “Top 5” episodes ever, triggered by “a classic DiNozzo moment in which he’s in Los Angeles to pick someone up from an airplane and, goodness me, they’re not there. He’s about to be in serious trouble with his superiors, so he needs the help of our team in L.A. to find the person he was supposed to pick up.” Sharing moments with Hetty, Deeks, Sam et al, Weatherly’s scenes are “amazing,” Eric Christian Olsen raves. “He’s such a gifted actor, so good with comedy and drama,” perhaps no more so than when paired with Deeks. “I am his spirit animal. He is my spirit animal,” Olsen declares. “One of us is one of us’ spirit animal.”
source: tvline.com