Curious what you all vote as “Your Favorite Granger Moment”… you can choose up to 5 !!
#NCISLA150 Moments Poll #10 – Granger Moments
- 3x12 - The Watchers - His first entry in the series, when Hetty’s ‘agent in distress’- code gets the team alerted. He wanted to see the team in action. (21%, 27 Votes)
- 3x12 - The Watchers - "It’s a Think Tank, Agent Callen, not a Cartel.” (7%, 9 Votes)
- 3x17 - Blye, K Part 2 - Granger’s look at Kensi while they listened to her father on the tape recorder. Almost fatherly. (26%, 33 Votes)
- 4x06 - Rude Awakenings - Granger having Sam’s back (9%, 11 Votes)
- 4x06 - Rude Awakenings - Granger getting lessons in contructions of nuclear bombs (13%, 16 Votes)
- 4x09 - The Gold Standard - When he goes out in the field with Kensi to the costume place (17%, 22 Votes)
- 4x14 - Kill House - Granger apologizing to the team and that he risked Nell's life (14%, 18 Votes)
- 5x01 - Ascension - The ambulance scene as medic in “Ascenion” dealing with one of the Russian “barbies”. “Bad news, these little piggy’s are going to prison.” (33%, 42 Votes)
- 5x04 - Reznikov N - Granger driving Sam’s Challenger (21%, 27 Votes)
- 5x13 - Allegiance - When Kensi explains about 'helmet hair' and Granger answers "Oh. I wouldn't know about that." (25%, 31 Votes)
- 5x14 - War Cries - I don’t understand the appeal of hot, dirty water" when Hetty offers him a cup of tea (8%, 10 Votes)
- 5x14 - War Cries - Having a bad knee and having to play 'Gun twister' – “not really” (13%, 16 Votes)
- 5x19 - Spoils of War - Telling the team ‘that was a good mission’ (12%, 15 Votes)
- 6x01 - Deep Trouble II - “Those meerkats you have up in ops…” (29%, 37 Votes)
- 6×01 - Deep Trouble II - When he offers to call military authorities and tries to save Sam and Callen (20%, 25 Votes)
- 6x03 - Praesidium - The early morning call and he’s with a blonde. (9%, 11 Votes)
- 6x09 - Traitor - He end in the hospital bed where they talk about Hetty trying to kill him (deliberately) (20%, 25 Votes)
- 6x14 - Black Wind - When he saved the man and his family and Deeks hugged him. (48%, 61 Votes)
- 6x15 - Forest for the Trees - When he was the only one that liked Deeks’ Swedish nachos in 6×15 (24%, 30 Votes)
- 6x21 - Beacon - "Why does your team have to look for drama in everything?" (21%, 26 Votes)
Total Voters: 126