This calender was a nice little mash-up of two of the biggest villains we had on the show up to that point.
There were many many others during the last six seasons, so for our third Suggestion Thread we’d like to know:
Who was your ‘favorite’ villain on the show ??
Here is how it works… We’re posting a ‘Suggestion Thread’ with a certain topic (in this case: villain) and YOU ALL can leave a (or many) comments with YOUR favorite moment regarding this topic.
After we have collected all your favorite moments to our topics we will start polls to find out the ’10 Favorite Moments’ of each topic.
And voilá we’ll have our ‘150 NCISLA Moments’ in no time…
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Mo’s killer, Comesque villains over the course of the show, #Traitor, sorry but there were no bigger villains as Crimelion and Sidovrski. Of course Hettys nr 1 villain from the 6×04 episode
Sidarov’s torture of Sam and Deeks
Arkady is kind of a villian in the sense that he didn’t always help the cause and occasionally hindered it. Therefore he should count here.
Siderov. Torturing Sam and Deeks? Die, Sidorov, die.
And Granger when we didn’t know know if he was on our side or not. 🙂
Jan Vier, Siderof, but Jan Vier is My favourite, hope he returns as Callens nemesis.
Callen’s enemies: the Comescu’s and Janvier.
My choices are Siderov, Janvier and the various Comescus.
Janvier for me is the best villain as he was always thinking of the end game, at least three steps ahead of the team. His is an unfinished story between him and Callen as exemplified at the start of S5. He will return, I just hope it won’t mean another character death (unless it’s Nell) 😉
Definitely Janvier. Loved the last meeting he and Callen had #precious
But I also loved Comescu, though he was less dangerous than Janivier ever was | will be.
I’d give it a tie between Sidorov and Janvier. Different methods, different charaters, but both were definitely formidable villains.
Sidorov & Janiver. Both crazy, both characters weren’t cartoony thanks to the actors that portrayed them.
I would say Janvier because he was the chameleon in the world of bad guys as is Callen the chameleon in the world of good guys. But because so many people has already mentioned him, my choice is Alexa Comescu. A true matriarch of the family. She shot Hetty and then she continued preparing the soup! And the scene with the knife was also great. She was so calm and you could feel the hate behind her words.
And I would add Hunter there, of course she wasn’t a villain in the true sense of the word but there were moments when you couldn’t be sure on whose side she was. And the tension between her and Callen…
Janvier is my favorite. His story with Callen is not over. The last meeting they had in the jail was great!
Janvier and Sidorov definitely are top of my list as well as the Comescus.
Janvier is an intriguing character and I hope that we will see him again because there has to be a final confrontation between him and Callen at some point.
However, there were also other impressive and interesting villains throughout the six seasons.
Keelson in Season 1 was one of them, as was Dallas in Rage (S6). Vaziri and Khadeem (?) should also be mentioned. And there was that female doctor in Spiral who set the virus on Callen cold-blooded (and who I did not suspect to belong to the bad guys).
Then there was Tahir Kaled, Jada’s brother, in S3 who wanted to have Sam killed when he was undercover in Sudan.
And back in S2, Little Angels: that Lucas (?) Maragos character wasn’t the „real“ offender in this case, but still he was a villain and a really creepy character.
Sidorov & Janiver by far. This past season the terrorists in “Spiral” were nicely evil.
Janvier of course.
but Sidorov was really cool
and so was Dracul Cumescu!
Also when Deeks was undercover, Lazik was the guy who Callen shot to death and many villains in LD50. When the virus buy was an Sam went undercover, lovely how Sam pissed everybody off there
– Janvier and the Comescus. IMO Vasile was worse than Dracul. But I hope there are some left to continue killing Callen (trying)
Definitely Isaac Sidorov is my favorite villain. I just love how Timothy V. Murphy portrayed the deadly Russian.