Now that’s a way to start an episode… #LoveIt 😉

Good enough reason to stay out of the water for me…

Deeks… the ATM machine…

“But you should never lend anything that you actually expect to get back.” *glares at Callen* Uiii…

Eric was the one asking for the ‘loans’ ?? 0_0

Parts of the crew found… oil tanker not…

“… or sail it into the harbor and BOOM.”

“What I do know is that we got a second chance at finding that oil tanker. Don’t waste it.” Wookee…

“He rigged his car to explode. What do you think he would do to his house?” 😉

“Smile for the camera.”

This feels like ‘Look what I’m doing and come and catch me.’ to me…

Wow, why does Arkady still have those newspaper clippings of Callen’s dad ??

“It’s pretty cool your dad being a hero.”

Yeah, not so lucky this time…

This episode was brought to you by… #subtle #NOT


Arkady & Sam are great together !!

Nice stash…

“Sweet of you to worry but if someone’s not trying to kill me I’m not doing my job.”

“Don’t take it personal… Or do.” *giggles*

Connecting Arkady to the brother’s murder… not good…

Ivan, the butcher… I have the feeling we see this guy again… *gulp*

Deeks ‘whining’ after he took down a suspect… sooo Deeks-ish… 😉

Before we go into the depth of what’s to come can we please appreciate that Callen equipped his house with lamps, a cupboard, a desk and a chair ?? 😉

Callen & Hetty scenes have become too rare !!

Gotta love Deeks’ unconventional ways…

And the Prop Oscar goes to: The Floating Defi Paddles !! HI-LA-RI-OUS !! (Someone please make a GIF out of this… THX!!)

Really, Arkady ?? Wow, he must be desperate…

Ouch !!

Deeks yelling at Kensi because he thought she didn’t hear him… *snort*

The story about the coins sheds a little more light on Callen’s father’s story…

Ivan’s called the butcher alright…

Tanker’s in San Pedro…

…but the oil has been moved already…

The tanker is rigged to blow ??!!

“Still plenty fast for old man.” tehe…

“She’s your daughter.” Ding-ding-ding… and the ‘Finally Getting It’ Oscar goes to… :p

The oil’s separated on three different tankers… Karposev fled to Russia and took Anna with him… #MoscowCalling

“I hate to admit it, but we need him.”
Well, well, this was a great lead-in episode for next week’s finale. (Finale? YIKES !!)
All the terms were set for their trip to Moscow, Arkady’s connection was established and he gets to go with them.
Densi was mentioned but subtle… Deeks had great moments and lines.
Granger being Granger.
Eric & Nell found useful infos and supported the team a lot this time.
The Hetty & Callen scene ?? *sighs* Way too little of them lately !!
Sam & Callen bromance at the beginning and great showing of trust at the end.
But one question is bothering me (and @ChrisDaisy405 who I watched this ep with): Will Anna be Callen’s new love interest ??
Uhm… please… I’m veeeery curious how they will establish a connection here and make it believable… on the other hand I’d like to watch Arkady getting irritated over it… LOL
OK, NCISLAFamilia, second to last episode of NCIS Los Angeles Season Six… let’s hear your voices in the comments !! 🙂
I agree with you ladies. It’s a whole: Will she or won’t she ? situation.
I’m not sure if Anna is going to be Callen’s new love interest. It would be a bit odd and the introduction of her would have to be mind-blowing to make it believable.
Well, two 2 things would occur if this was the case:
-bye,bye Joelle
– Arkady would be irritated 😉 (At least, they’d meet secretly…which would be a bit inmature but also kinda sexy 😉 )
In Beacon, Callen seemed very curious about her…if she is his new love interest then will he ditch Joelle first? Will Ana be in S7? I would love to that relationship to wind up Arkady.
Since Callen’s “new love interest” was to be revealed in Season 6 (one more episode left) and said person is related to someone from Callen’s past (Arkady) it makes sense that Ana is the love interest. I will be VERY surprised if she isn’t.
Great recap!
Ty sindee!
NCIS LA is always good; Sad S6 didn’t have anything even close to the series best episodes like “Parley” or “Neighborhood Watch”
Always look forward to the recaps. I loved this episode. I like the dynamic Arkady adds to the story. I’m curious how the whole Callen/Ana thing plays out. My favorite scene was with Hetty/Callen at his house. These scenes were practically nonexistent in season 5 and most of this season except for the Grey Man episode. I really hope we are going to get more info about Callen’s past.
I’m loved this episode I hope that they get rid of Joelle and just have the odd reference to romance for Callan, they don’t need it if the story lines are good, but don’t hate I think Ziva And CAllan would be a perfect match
No way I think Anna is the new love interest. In my opinion, she’s far too young for that. I think Brennan meant Joelle after all. We’ll see. Perhaps there’s someone Callen knows from Moscow who he’s meeting with again?
Age is another aspect…..but looking at Ana I can’t really tell how old she is. (but yes, she looks young) We don’t even know how old Arkady is.I take he’s older than Callen.
The actress herself is 29. I doubt Anna is much older than that.
First of all, I had a great time watching the episode with you, sindee! Wish we could do that every time ☺
It was a really good episode and perfect as a lead-in for the supposedly great season finale – action, suspense, emotional moments and the right amount of light-heartedness with funny moments and team banter. I am still giggling at hospital scene with the paddles – hilarious. And honestly, this scene would’ve worked with no one but Deeks.
I wish there would be more Callen/Hetty scenes like the one in this episode, especially now that we know how their relationship began and what Hetty really is to Callen.
Callen taking his law-required lunch break? Yeah, as if… snort
I have a feeling that Hetty’s suggested prayers won’t help this time. Everything we’ve seen in this episode indicates that the personal and professional ARE wrapped up together in Callen’s case.
The scenes involving Arkady were great, as always. Even worrying about his daughter (and it was obvious in his behaviour that something was off) he had the most funny lines.
As for Anna being Callen’s new love interest: it all fits with what’s been teased throughout the season.
But I agree, Richtsje, she seems a little young… Though I admit it would be kind of fun to see Arkady’s reaction…
Being not a huge „Callen and romance“ fan anyway, I just hope they make it somewhat believeable and keep it to a minimum (whoever it might be) but that’s just my personal opinion.
Anyway, I am really looking forward to the season finale and the upcoming season 7. I have a feeling that it’s going to be a looooong summer… 😉
Just thought that I would add a comment. I really enjoyed the episode. It was obviously a very good set up for the finale. There was drama, tension and of course humour. It was nice to see that Sam is always there for his partner because he is really going to need him. It was a nice thing for him to do to tell him that his dad was a hero. Callen is determined to find out more about his family and I hope that too. I am looking forward to the last episode even though it marks the end of the season. Thanks Sindee for a great review.
Great episode. Anytime Arkady is there you know you will get a mix of humor, mystery and tension. The character is that powerful. As much as I enjoy Callen and Arkady scenes, Sam with Arkady were so revealing.
Both of these men have an important role with Callen, and have created a truce to honor the man the care for and protect. Sam knowing Arkady enough to see his desperation and not get overly angered about it, shows how far they have come.
I do think Anna fits some of the teased info. I personally do not want her to be the love interest. I am not impressed by her, and feel she is not the victim she portrays. Plus being related to Arkady, is not a good thing – not for a love interest.
Looking forward to the finale, the teased reveals and ending credits.
Thanks Sindee for the pics and recap.