Category Archives: Marty Deeks

Decidedly Deeks New Caption Contest!


New Caption Contest!  

Come on and Make us Laugh!  

Tell us what Deeks and Kensi are saying in this picture!

Submit your entry in the comments below and the winner will win a Decidedly Deeks wrist band!  Good luck!





Detective Quarterly He’s Got the Look Winning Picture


Ok, so the man looks good in jeans….and a gun…and an attitude!  No argument there!  The winner of our Detective Quarterly poll was Casual Cop Deeks (above) receiving 21% of the vote and Max Gentry Deeks coming up a close second.  Our next poll on Detective Quarterly will let you pick your favorite sexy looks for Deeks.  Coming up soon on Decidedly Deeks!  Stay tuned!



New Mini FanFic


By @cuttestnik

Everybody knows that Marty Deeks loves surprises!

When he was a child, it used to surprise him how after a night of abuse and beating, everything used to go back to normal the next morning.

It uses to surprise him how he could easily lie to people about his beating. Later he found out that nobody cared.

He was surprised when he found one person in his life, Ray who cared about him when no one else did.

When he shot his father, he was scared because he thought that as soon as his father was out of jail, he would beat the hell out of him. But he was surprised when all that beatings and abusive talks stopped and he never saw his father again.

It surprised him how he easily flipped from being a lawyer to LAPD cop and undercover specialist.  He was surprised at how much he loved helping other people.

One of the biggest surprises of his life was when Hetty offered him the liaison position at NCIS. It also surprised him that he found his home in NCIS and how much he enjoyed it. He never thought he would ever gain their trust but he did.


It surprised him how much he hated playing a jerk like Max Gentry and how it came so easily to him.  It also scared him.

But the best surprise of his life was how a person he thought was a drug dealer at first, turned out to be
a federal agent. Then the federal agent became his partner. But what surprised him the most was, how his partner became his friend and then his best friend and then one day the love of his life.  Kensi Blye became Marty Deeks’ everything.

It surprised him when Kensi told him that he was the only person she trusts.

It surprised him how easy it was to work with Kensi and how much he loved going undercover with her as husband and wife.

He was surprised to find out that the person he loves the most is afraid to lose him. It touched him to see the tears in her eyes.

It surprised him at how much he loved the smell of sunshine and gunpowder.  He loved it a lot!

But he was surprised at how easy it was to love Kensi and how hard it was to communicate with her.

He knows his life ahead will always be full of surprises, good and bad.  But one thing is for sure…

Marty Deeks loves surprises!


DC, Marvel and Deeks by @imahistorian






“It’s a surfer…It’s a police detective…It’s Marty Deeks!”

By: Mel (@imahistorian)

In the season two episode “Personal,” Deeks revealed to Kensi, in a surprising moment of insight for both characters, that he reads comic books, notably of the DC and Marvel variety.  It isn’t a revelation delved into very deeply at that moment of the episode or since, but there’s enough of a hint to suggest that Deeks has a collection of some volume, and that he may have been collecting comics for some time.

The history of DC and Marvel comics goes back to the 1930s, with superheroes and stories that are fun for their escapism and imagination.  There are billionaire playboys, aliens from far off planets, Amazonian women, ordinary people struck by extraordinary circumstances like spider bites, and scientific experiments gone wrong.  People read comics for fun, for art, for the fantastical stories, and maybe because they want to imagine impossible but amazing things happening to them just as they do to the comic book’s heroes.

Looking at the various comic book heroes, I narrowed them down to several Deeks might have read and might have been influenced by growing up.  And there were some repeating themes that showed up and made me wonder if Deeks might have related to any particular hero more than another.

Could he have related to how Superman/Clark Kent, Batman/Bruce Wayne, Spider-man/Peter Parker were orphans?  Knowing what little we do about his lack of a relationship with his father, might he have wished for the fatherly influence of Jonathan Kent or Uncle Ben?

Maybe Deeks would have been attracted to the billionaire playboy lifestyles of Bruce Wayne, Oliver Queen (Green Arrow), and Tony Stark (Iron Man).  Deeks might have been fascinated by the larger-than-human heroes like Superman who has superpowers like flight and strength, or the Flash with his superhuman reflexes and super-speed.

Or perhaps Deeks identified with the more “self made” superheroes like Batman, who often used his deductive skills and weapons of his own design and making, and Tony Stark, who engineered his own suit as Iron Man.

It could be that with his love for the sea that Deeks might have enjoyed Aquaman for his abilities to survive underwater, communicate with the sea life, and swim.  Maybe Deeks even felt a close kinship with Thor, based on the god of Norse mythology, as part of his Norwegian cultural heritage!  And we know he’s given Kensi the nickname Wonder Woman, which is quite the compliment considering that heroine’s history as a feminist icon fighting for justice and peace, and her training in martial arts and ancient forms of combat!

I wonder also if through the course of his young life and the possible difficulties of his upbringing and time in law enforcement if Deeks might identify with the tortured darkness of Bruce Wayne, the loneliness of Peter Parker, or the split personality of the Hulk/Bruce Banner.  Would Deeks have felt the isolation that Superman and Thor felt as aliens on earth?  We don’t necessarily have all the details of Deeks’ history, but these characters might represent an outlet and examples Deeks could identify with.  Maybe Deeks became a lawyer to focus on social change and Robin Hood-like activism like Green Arrow.

The comic book has evolved over the decades, with superhero films relatively recent in their mass popularity in our culture.  Save for the occasional Superman movie and a few TV shows and cartoons for other superheroes, growing up Deeks would have had to rely largely on comic books for his superhero fix.  And the picture of him lost in a comic book, wrapped up in the action and stories, the detailed drawings of crazy feats of adventure and daring, is one that speaks to an active imagination.

I don’t think there was any one specific comic book character Deeks favored.  I think there were probably aspects of many of them he related to that come alive in the man we see as Marty Deeks.  It could be Superman’s innate goodness and moral compass as someone wanting to protect people, something Deeks has mentioned as a reason for becoming a cop in Season 2’s “Overwatch.”  Or perhaps Deeks relates to something like Batman’s drive for revenge against the powerful and corrupt as shown in Season 3’s “The Debt.”

And it wouldn’t surprise me if Deeks took something of a lesson from Spider-man that “with great power there must also come great responsibility.”  For all his humor, Deeks takes his job, the safety of his team, and his abilities seriously.  And maybe some of that comes from the lessons learned in comic books.


What do you think?  What comic book characters might Deeks relate to and why?


Thanks go out to Colleen for her creative comic book  recreation of Joe Wilson’s episode Personal!!

Classified Deeks’ Profile Revealed


Decidedly Deeks is pleased to present the Classified Deeks’ Profile developed by @ghartler  regarding our amazing LAPD Detective. This comprehensive profile is an wonderful reference for all Deeks’ fans (and fanfic writers) when looking for information like his badge number, birth date, or educational background.   If you have specifics that you think should be added to this fun encyclopedia of everything Deeks, please let us know in the comment sections or email  Thanks go out to Gayle and the rest of TeamDeeks for all their efforts to bring this document to NCISLA Magazine.

Please click on this picture to get to the full profile:


You voted for your best ever Deeks episode and we asked the talented DeaksFreak to create one of her fun collages to crown the winning episode written by Christina Kim:  Congratulations to Neighborhood Watch!  Enjoy….




He’s Got the Look! Detective Quarterly debuts on Decidedly Deeks!


Volume 1

Edition 7

Welcome back to Decidedly Deeks!  This week we introduce a special feature called Detective Quarterly!  They say clothes make the man and we decided we would go  back over the last four seasons and pick a few of our favorite outfits that have been a part of Marty Deeks’ wardrobe.  It was hard to limit it to the following ten shots but we want to know which one is your favorite.  A veritable feast for the eyes!  Enjoy the many looks of our favorite detective!


DQ__2 (1)

ParleyMax Gentry Deeks


 Chaps Deeks

wanted 5 (533x800)

Undercover Deeks

DQVestful Deeks

DQ8Casual Cop Deeks

DQ2Surfer Boy Deeks

DQ1Laid Back Deeks

TuxTuxedo Deeks

DQ3Intense Deeks

DQ6Casual Deeks


What is your favorite Deeks Look ??

View Results

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Haiku Winner Announced!


Volume 1

Edition 6

Our readers have voted for their favorite Haiku and congratulations go out to @OSPliasion!  Here’s the winning Haiku:


What is in the box?

Love, sunshine and gunpowder.

My favorite things.

@OSPliasion wins an autograph picture of Eric Christian Olsen in Fired Up!  Thanks go out to everyone who participated and to all of our five finalists:  Callen 37, Alex Noble, AJ, Elizabeth Turner.  You did a great job!  We’ll have more contests in the future…be sure to stay tuned!


 Mini FanFic:



 Partners for the Evening

by Sweet Lu

“Don’t move, Mr. Deeks.”

“No problem there, Hetty,” he replied, gritting out the words as he tried to stop the bleeding from the bullet wound in his leg.

“I think I hit one of them,” she whispered, taking a quick look around the darkened living room of the safe house from her position on the floor beside her wounded agent.

“So, not as friendly as you thought, yeah?” he said, his voice weaker than just a minute ago.

She turned to him then, able to see the pallor of his skin, even in the dim light. Her anger almost got the better of her as she recalled her invitation to the young man to join her for a meeting with a couple of former Russian agents with sensitive information to sell. She thought it would give him a bit more experience to watch how she handled negotiations. She had known the men years ago, when she was with the CIA, and had always gotten useful information from them after the fall of the Soviet Union. The meeting had started cordially, but it was the woman that came with them that had worried her almost immediately. She had never met her before and her instincts flared a warning when they shook hands. She had noticed the same wariness from Deeks and had felt a tinge of pride. His acute awareness had saved her life when the woman pulled a gun and began shooting. Deeks had pushed her out of the line of fire, and the bullet meant for her was now lodged in his thigh.

“Did you send an agent in distress signal?” he asked.

She nodded as a quick movement to their left had them both turning and firing and the grunt they heard let them know they had hit their target.

“You cannot escape, Henrietta,” a voice called out.

The loud explosion of gunfire from two directions caught them in a crossfire. Deeks managed to cover Hetty with his body as he fired back, but his energy was soon gone and she could hear his labored breathing from the blood loss and pain.

“Don’t pass out on me, Mr. Deeks,” she said softly as the firing stopped.

“Wouldn’t leave a lady in distress, Hetty,” he managed to say.

“The team should be here shortly,” she said, trying to comfort them both.

“They’re gonna be mad at us, aren’t they?” he said, and then hissed in pain.

“Mr. Deeks?”

“I’m still with you,” he whispered.

“Mr. Callen will have some choice words, I’m sure,” she grumbled and heard the detective snort out a laugh.

Shouts of NCIS and gunshots suddenly filled the room and the lights came on, illuminating the blood that saturated the floor and the ragged jeans on Deeks’ unconscious body. She reached out and touched him and he stirred and struggled to sit up.

“You okay, Hetty?” he asked, his blue eyes flashing as he brought his weapon up.

“Thanks to you, I am, Mr. Deeks.”