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The Evolution of Kensi Blye
Over the past five years, “our girl” has matured from a fresh-faced junior agent to a seasoned, uniquely-skilled member of the team. In what ways has Kensi changed and in what areas has she remained firmly rooted?
The First Impression
In the opening of the crossover pilot, “Legend, part 1”, the first glimpse of Kensi is with her leaping over a car to avoid being hit by another vehicle as she and Sam pursue a suspect. As she quickly recovers, Kensi is solely focused on encouraging Sam to apprehend their target. Interesting. In part 2 of “Legend”, Kensi is tasked with placing a camera inside a garage where Callen is undercover. Being creative Kensi brings her convertible Nissan to a screeching halt, grabs a pipe along the street, and busts out the front light. Nice! However, as they usually do with her, things go one step further. As nearby thugs attempt to intimidate her, Kensi (pipe still in hand) with simple confidence effortlessly pulls her service weapon. Oh, tough girl!
However, it is a scene from the aptly named “Search and Destroy” (1×4) the cemented this fan’s endearment to the contemporary ingénue. Kensi volunteers to rid the team of an unwelcome security crew tailing them. From the trunk of the Mercedes she easily retrieves a battering ram and smashes it into the front of a Cadillac Escalade, which discharges the airbags making the vehicle useless. Again extending the situation, a nearly giddy Kensi cheekily (& disingenuously) asks the passengers, “You boys need me to call a tow truck?” By now, it’s clear this young woman can and will hold her own against any man – friend or foe. Everything about her words, actions, and attitude scream, “That’s our girl!” This character is a classic example of Hollywood magic: women want to be her and men want to be with her.
The Look
In the early days, the youthful Kensi had flowing natural curls that have since given way to more streamlined, yet still effortless styles, particularly the no-nonsense functional ponytails. Her work attire consisted mainly of jeans, sneakers, & simple tank tops (which even in LA might be questionably inappropriate for most workplace settings). A few cases forced/made use of Kensi’s feminine attributes, requiring her to showcase short hemlines and stilettos. Those days also seem a distant memory in her now-daily boots and rotation of plaid shirts, Ts, and henleys. Another key accessory now notably absent is the black leather wrist cuff. If anything about Kensi initially signaled she was definitely more dangerous than her beautiful exterior indicated, this was it.
The Car
Much like pets, people tend to have a level of similarity and sometimes connection to their vehicle. As the show grew its roots, Kensi was firmly united with a silver Cadillac SRX. This may initially seem like a debatable match (at least to this viewer), but as we learned more about Kensi, the NCIS-issued vehicle is now quite fitting. The unremarkable color allows for the necessary skill of hiding in plain sight. The luxury brand reflects the beauty of and high standards of its driver. Most importantly, it provides the power and storage capacity crucial to a federal agent needing to haul both large sniper rifles and cases of junk food!
The Family
As with any new show it takes time to get to know each character, their traits, backgrounds, and personal connections. Like strategically-placed breadcrumbs, knowledge about Kensi’s family was delved out in specific doses. In Season 1 Kensi admits to Nate about how she lost her father. In Season 2’s “Disorder” her former fiancé is mentioned.
Then in Season 3, the full story of her father’s murder and estrangement with her mother is brought to light. Most recently in Season 5, Kensi’s mission (unbeknownst to her) centers on her ex-fiancé Jack.What a complex web was woven through that storyline, an case that doesn’t yet seem to be completely closed.
The father-daughter connection Kensi had with her father explains so much about her. It is her foundation and a brilliant thread that’s resurfaced throughout the series. Sam’s statement that “Girls love their daddies” is as integral in the formation of who Kensi is now, as who she will become and choices she will make in the future.
The Woman
As someone who works diligently to compartmentalize her life, even Kensi’s sometimes-staunch attitude fails to hide the qualities that make her quintessentially Kensi. Her worlds of being a unique person and federal agent regularly meld, resulting in both impressive and humorous results. Just a few examples include:
In common with all of her team members, Kensi’s personal support network is virtually absent due to complicated family circumstances and the secrecy necessary in being a federal agent. Why she came to NCIS was eventually revealed, but why she stays is undiscovered territory. The unique bonds with her “work family” are surely significant factors.
Throughout the series Kensi has always been the only female field agent. Early on it was no surprise when they used her as bait in particular situations. However, it has been a refreshing portrayal of a strong, focused, & fierce agent, who also happens to be a woman, and a beautiful woman at that. Never has Kensi’s skill set been questioned solely because of her gender, which serves as a strong role model in today’s entertainment medium. To have her superiors, a former CIA agent, a Navy SEAL, and… Hetty, show respect, confidence, and even admiration serve as irrefutable endorsements.
The Partners
In first meeting the LA-based team, very little delineation existed regarding partnerships. Team members filled whatever role necessary to successfully complete a mission. The younger Kensi could be found pursuing an investigation with Nate, Renko, Callen, or all on her own. As time passed traditional partnerships became the norm with newbie agent Dom almost by default paired with Kensi. While their partnership was notably short, she offered her knowledge to aid the novice in developing his foundational footing. With the unexpected abduction and eventual murder of Dom, viewers were presented with the rarely-seen emotional side of our female Fed. Here we glimpse a regretful and remorseful Kensi. Little did we know at this time how this painful experience harkened ghosts of her past.
Then on an unremarkable day, a solo undercover effort brought her face to face with the man that would affect nearly every aspect of her being.
Enter the unconventional LAPD Detective Marty Deeks (& his unending stream of nicknames!) In fact, from that day forward no one’s life at the Mission would ever be the same. As natural as breathing Deeks effortlessly, immediately, and instinctively knew how to push Kensi’s buttons. Accustomed to keeping the world at a safe distance (at least in her personal life), her new partner challenged her personality quirks, while simultaneously served as a whole-heartedly supportive sidekick.
As much as Kensi worked to maintain a professional demeanor and secretive personal side, the stealthy Mr. Deeks slowly, steadily, and determinedly made his way into her heart. Over the years Kensi involuntarily altered her reactions to him ranging from aggravating, irritating, & frustrating, to neutral tolerating and hints of intrigue, and eventually to begrudging endearment. The futile resistance faded to the point of silent desire for the man who long ago became her partner far beyond the confines of work.
Looking back, particularly at Season 1, it’s now as if we were only seeing a portion of Kensi, a carefully-guarded piece she voluntarily chose to show the world. With Deeks serving as her “other half” in the partnership, we now see the “other half” of not just the federal agent, but of the woman. All of this has resulted in a very different Kensi, one she herself might be surprised to discover.
The Actress
Much like her character, Daniela Ruah bravely ventured into a highly competitive and demanding career environment. She has unquestionably made the young, attractive, and slender Kensi more than believable as a federal agent able to not only keep up with, but often exceeding the skills and abilities of her male counterparts. The physicality of the role never served as a struggle. Being a woman in a “man’s world” is never easy, which she has presented without prompting viewers’ feelings of pity or doubt.
The overarching requirement in “being Kensi” has been in covertly conveying uncertain thoughts, emotions, and inner conflict wordlessly. Kensi is regularly “tough to read”, which is a key factor of her persona. It’s who Kensi is, and as much as some viewers are frustrated by this characteristic, Daniela portrays it in a genuine and strategic fashion; she elegantly brings to life the layered complexity of her character.
A review of any of the NCISLA team members would be incomplete without mentioning their connections. It’s one thing to be able to feign a role on screen, but it’s an entirely different situation when an authentic foundation grounds the complete cast and crew encompassing the total effort. It’s a fact this group of people genuinely gets along and appreciates each other as more than co-workers, which shines bright each week. From the infamous first conversation with her primary TV partner to now literally being family, there would be no Kensi (or Densi!) without the unique idiosyncrasies of our beloved Daniela Ruah!
What’s your favorite aspect of Kensi Blye?