Category Archives: Character Appreciation Weeks 2014

Hetty Appreciation Week — FanFic Call

As innocent as Hetty looks in the picture above she seems to get a temper when her drink of choice is tequila. Callen seems to have his experience with it leading to his declaration “Hetty plus mechanical bull plus tequila equals bar fight.” in NCISLA Season One Episode “Past Lives”.

So here’s the call for all you FanFic Writers out there:
– Write a one shot about ‘Hetty + Mechanical Bull + Tequila + Bar Fight’… other team members can occur but remember it’s #HettyAppreciationWeek so the focus should lie on our Operations Manager
– Post the story on
– Put #HettyAppreciationWeek in the summary
– Allow guests to comment
– Publish your ‘Hetty Story’ until August 4th

There will be no ‘prize’ for this challenge except the sharing of your story with all our readers here on our website and the affiliated social media… 🙂

Here’s a little fanfic we thought was very suitable for Hetty…

Tea For Two by Miss Guenever

A/N: I hope you all enjoy this little dabble into the NCIS: Los Angeles pool. Writing my Firefly fic is currently quite hard.


Hetty hummed to herself as she twirled boiling water around in her blue tea pot. The one with Maryland blue crab on the lid. Gibb’s had given it to her; he said it was from a local ceramicist in the Annapolis area. Annapolis being the capital of Maryland; quite a quaint little city.

With tea for two and two for tea,

Just me for you and you for me, alone!

It was almost a Japanese style tea pot; and with the matching blue ceramic cups it was perfect for days like this when a nice cup of strong black tea was the ticket to warm the soul.

Nobody near us, to see us or hear us,

No friends or relations

She poured out the water after ensuring that the pot was warm. Hetty then very carefully scooped out five precise teaspoons of her prized Nilgiri winterfrost tea. One scoop of the medium bodied tea leaves for the pot; four scoops of the tea that was delicately harvested in the winter for the drinker.

on weekend vacations

We won’t have it known, dear,

That we own a telephone, dear.

She placed the lid on the pot and slipped the tea cozy over the pot. The cozy would let the tea steep and keep it warm. Six minutes and she could sip a wonderful cup of the elixir of life. She kept humming to herself:

Day will break and I’m gonna wake

and start to bake a sugar cake

Hetty carefully poured a little boiling water into her chosen blue tea cup; and a second (just in case someone walked in) to let the cups warm up. Pouring hot tea into a cold cup cooled it too quickly.

for you to take for all the boys to see.

We will raise a family,

Checking the time; the Operations Manager padded lightly over to the small credenza where she kept her tea services and placed a small plate with a couple of lemon cookies on it, a small pitcher of milk (for Callen, he liked to drown the taste of tea), a small bowl with lemon wedges, a silver strainer, and two silver spoons.

a boy for you , and a girl for me,

Can’t you see how happy we will be.

Padding across the office she set the tray on a small end table, poured the hot water out of the cups placed them on the tray and took a deep breath.

Picture you upon my knee

tea for two and two for tea

Ahhh… afternoon tea. There is nothing quite like it. She thought to herself as she removed the tea cozy and carefully set it aside and patted it. It had been a gift from a dear friend. Hetty breathed in the fragrant steam. She kept humming to herself:

me for you and you for me, alone!

Nobody near us, to see us or hear us,

It was time! Triumphantly she lifted the perfectly brewed pot of tea and with her other hand placed the strainer on the cup and poured.

“Ahhh… Miss Blye won’t you come in and have a cup of tea?”

E/N: The lyrics that Hetty is humming are from the Doris Day song ‘Tea for Two;’ there are many versions of the song. But, this one; it seems the most appropriate. The tea ceremony is mostly correct for English tea. And Nilgiri Winterfroast tea does exist; I’ve had it. I get mine from Stash; it is one of my favorites. Although I do prefer Assam’s.

Welcome to Hetty Appreciation Week

Starting tomorrow (7/7) NCISLA Magazine is all about our “Main 8” Characters when we enter “Character Appreciation Weeks“.

This week it’s Hetty’s Turn, so get a cup of tea and have fun with…

MO — Jigsaw Puzzle + ‘3 Words’
TU — FanFic Call
WED — Word Search + FanArt
TH — Retrospective (‘Team Thursday’)
FR — Fave Quote

Oh – and invite your friends… the more the merrier !! 🙂
