And the question still is… What’s in the Box ??



NCISLA Producer John Peter Kousakis provided NCISLAFamilia with another teaser last weekend by posting this picture with the note “What’s in the box? Only Mr. Brennan knows! #Deekstease #jpkteaser

3 thoughts on “And the question still is… What’s in the Box ??

  1. tati

    I hope you will soon find out. Kensi knows Deeks better than anyone else so does Deeks. So she knows what he ”wants more than anything else in the world” (4×19 Red pt 2).

  2. Fenix

    My idea….
    Deeks open the box, look inside, and make big smile.
    And then cut.
    So, he will know, but we do not. 😉

  3. Charla

    Everytime I read the question, “What’s in the box.” I hear Deeks yelling, “WHATS IN THE BBBOOOOXXXXXX” Which makes me giggle. But I agree with Fenix, Deeks will open the box and see whats in there but we won’t get to.

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