Tag Archives: NCIS Los Angeles

NCIS Los Angeles ‘Command and Control’ Picture Review



Wait... WHAAAT ??

Wait… WHAAAT ??

Ui... #Exciting

Ui… #Exciting

Kawawawumm... Does she look hot or what ??

Kawawawumm… Does she look hot or what ??

"I like things with flaws." "Yeah, that's no secret." #snort

“I like things with flaws.” “Yeah, that’s no secret.” #snort

Whaaat is he doing ?? :)

Whaaat is he doing ?? 🙂

"Safe word, safe word !!" HA HA !!

“Safe word, safe word !!” HA HA !!

Nell dated one of the instructors... glad they didn't make her the "I know it all from experience." gal... that's what we have Hetty for... ;)

Nell dated one of the instructors… glad they didn’t make her the “I know it all from experience.” gal… that’s what we have Hetty for… 😉

Callen & Sam bromancing over food? Never gets old !!

Callen & Sam bromancing over food? Never gets old !!



Let the game begin...

Let the game begin…

Of course these two will do *everything* to keep those people alive !!

Of course these two will do *everything* to keep those people alive !! And, yeah, they definitely should have a theme song…

Enter COD's wife and kiddo... Too cute !!

Enter COD’s wife and kiddo… Too cute !!

#Boom again...

#Boom again…

Why exactly would Eric check their phones on their day off ?? OK, he prolly has this smart alert app when things like this happen...

Why exactly would Eric check their phones on their day off ?? OK, he prolly has this smart alert app when things like this happen…

Great shirt, Kens !!

Great shirt, Kens !!

THIS. WHOLE. SCENE... #happysigh

THIS. WHOLE. SCENE… #happysigh

So Joelle's still in the picture... yay NOT !!

So Joelle’s still in the picture… yay NOT !!

He makes them run ?? Oh, G will hate him even more after that one... ;-)

He makes them run ?? Oh, G will hate him even more after that one… 😉

Niiiice new car (I know it has been seen in the eps before but since this is my 1st review this season I thought I'd mention it...)

Niiiice new car (I know it has been seen in the eps before but since this is my 1st review this season I thought I’d mention it…)

Bike messenger down...

Bike messenger down…

Just a liiittle crazy... and soooo brilliant at the same time...

Just a liiittle crazy… and soooo brilliant at the same time…

I literally cringed when I saw Kensi & Deeks on the playground and was waiting for a "baby convo"... their "flipping" convo - wayyyy better !!!

I literally cringed when I saw Kensi & Deeks on the playground and was waiting for a “baby convo”… their “flipping” convo ?? Wayyyy better !!!

So he doesn't have eyes or ears on them... You go, guys !!

So he doesn’t have eyes or ears on them… You go, guys !!

Yeah, clearly not expecting them...

Yeah, clearly not expecting them…

Wait... I just realized - there was no Hetty in this ep yet, right ??

Wait… I just realized – there was no Hetty in this ep yet, right ??

Oh yeah, him we know...

Oh yeah, him we know…

Eric, you really wouldn't want that, right ??

Eric, you really wouldn’t want that, right ??

Aww... a rare Granger smile... courtesy of Nell...

Aww… a rare Granger smile… courtesy of Nell…

"Rosecrans Catering"

“Rosecrans Catering”

Sam taking the responsibility... #BigHug

Sam taking the responsibility… #BigHug

Our guy's on the run...

Our guy’s on the run…

Hetty (!!) caring for her team...

Hetty (!!) caring for her team…

Another #Boom...

Another #Boom…

When Deeks says NO you better listen...

When Deeks says NO you better listen…

That's one huge boom...

That’s one huge boom…

Following his brother's fate...

Following his brother’s fate… but WHO WAS THE MOLE !!!

Aww... Nell really brings out Granger's sweet side...

Aww… Nell really brings out Granger’s sweet side…

Double date over double-doubles... ;-)

Double date over double-doubles… 😉

Yeah, that mole question is really troubling...

Yeah, that mole question is really troubling…

"Today's Monday, Hetty." "Ooh..." #Snort

“Today’s Monday, Hetty.” “Ooh…” #Snort

OK, so far the pictures… now some comments/thoughts… 🙂

Overall I liked this episode very much !! I loved the ups and downs in tone and speed of scenes… it had the right amount of action and team banter, seriousness and lightness. I often watched a whole scene and had to rewind to make screencaps because I was so captivated the first time.

The ‘crazy’ bad guy was awesome. His motive and well-prepared revenge plan gave him depth. Well written and very well played.

Callen & Sam: loved their banter moments as well as their ‘we’ve worked together for so long and know each other’ moments.

Kensi & Deeks: they had great moments and dialogues and I really like the way they are presented lately.

Eric & Nell: great friendship – no necessity for more IMO.

Nell & Granger: always in for a treat – they have an awesome dynamic.

Hetty: so few lines, so much impact… 😉

Deeks & Monty: I love how they always bring Monty up.

Callen & Joelle: Bringing up Joelle? Not so much… ;-p

Well, well, it was a great decision to revive my picture reviews with the 150th episode. So let me know… What should be Callen & Sam’s Theme Song ?? Did you notice COD’s wife and daughter ?? Should Deeks & Monty get their own TV Show ?? Who do you think is the mole ?? Or, you know, just anything you wanna share about the ep or my thoughts… #MuchLove

‘Blame It On Rio’ Promo

CBS next Monday
ERIC: Who’s that?
HETTY: DiNozzo.
Michael Weatherly comes to LA…
TONY: So this is the secret lair of the West Coast Avengers.
…in the biggest event…
DEEKS: One… two… three…
…of the season.
HETTY: Gibbs, said I should give you a message.
[Hetty Gibbs-slaps Tony.]
TONY: That was fun.
SAM: Just another day in LA, baby.
New NCISLA CBS next Monday.

sindee’s sentiment: this looks like a fuu-hu-un episode… I think the most funniest for me is Sam, being to god dang serious all the time… 😉

#NCISLA150 Moments Final Poll #15 – G Callen

We still need to find our favorite Callen Moments… here are the Top30 from our pre-polls… you can vote up to three ‘moments’ this time… the poll runs until Tuesday noon PST… Have fun !!

#NCISLA150 Moments FInal Poll #15 – G Callen

  • 1x01 - Identity - At the beginning with the flashbacks of his shooting - alive, scarred, physically & mentally (13%, 12 Votes)
  • 1x04 - Search and Destroy - "Is that a frog?' (11%, 10 Votes)
  • 1x07 - Pushback - In the Rostoff house, he sits on the bed, opens the cupboard door and lets his finger go over the ‘Callen 83’ carving (10%, 9 Votes)
  • 1x17 - Full Throttle - Being sent to driving school (9%, 8 Votes)
  • 2x01 - Human Traffic - Chase scene in his dreams at the beginning (8%, 7 Votes)
  • 2x10 - Deliverance - The laser gun being held on Callen & he pulls the FBI agent in front of him so he’s shot (2%, 2 Votes)
  • 2x16 - Empty Quiver - When Sam gets shot and Callen saved him and then protects both of them (9%, 8 Votes)
  • 2x24 - Familia - His outrage during the conversation with Vance and his reaction to this conversation “It’s about you Agent Callen, Operation Comescu is all about you.” (3%, 3 Votes)
  • 2x24 - Familia - The moment on the beach in Romania and realizes his past was there – and he remembers his mother was shot in there (15%, 14 Votes)
  • 3x01 - Lange, H. - His cold, ruthless streak ordering the team to kill them all (3%, 3 Votes)
  • 3x04 - Deadline - The grief, hurt and anger at the same time when Hetty tells him she knew his mother (9%, 8 Votes)
  • 3x15 - Chameleon - The episode was Callen at his best (5%, 5 Votes)
  • 3x24 - Sans Voir [Part II] - Shooting Janvier in front of the TV camera (9%, 8 Votes)
  • 4x14 - The Kill House - Being the team leader in Kill House (4%, 4 Votes)
  • 4x16 - Lokhay - Driving the Challenger in Lokhay 'Buckle up and take notes' (4%, 4 Votes)
  • 4x20 - Purity - Challenging Deeks to an arm wrestle to prove he’s fit when he clearly isn’t (1%, 1 Votes)
  • 4x20 - Purity - Playing ball with the boy at the end of the episode and the talk about foster parents (3%, 3 Votes)
  • 4x22 - Raven & The Swans - Baiting Hetty to reveal how many orphans she had put under her wing "How Many?" (5%, 5 Votes)
  • 5x01 - Ascension - With Janvier in his cell 'Priceless' and Janvier’s comment about the game not being over (9%, 8 Votes)
  • 5x04 - Reznikov,N. - Watching the movie about his family (38%, 35 Votes)
  • 5x06 - Big Brother - Teaching at school as 'Valerie' (4%, 4 Votes)
  • 5x08 - Fall Out - In the subway station and Sam rescuing Callen (7%, 6 Votes)
  • 5x19 - Spoils of War - Going against Granger and doing everything to find and rescue Kensi (13%, 12 Votes)
  • 6x02 - Inelegant Heart - His line to Sam, “You my dog!” (11%, 10 Votes)
  • 6x03 - Praesidium - Baiting the DOJ agents in the boatshed, get cuffed and escaped - taking off his wet shirt! (9%, 8 Votes)
  • 6x11 - Humbug - Going undercover to Joelle's house (3%, 3 Votes)
  • 6x12 - Spiral - Knowing he's been exposed to the virus and shutting down the security door to save them all (32%, 29 Votes)
  • 6x20 - Rage - The talk with Sam at the end, where he tells how Hetty saved him (12%, 11 Votes)
  • 6x24 - Chernoff, K. - Visiting his father’s grave (7%, 6 Votes)
  • crossover - Legend - Callen being shot (4%, 4 Votes)

Total Voters: 91

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