Special Shout-Out to NCISLA Crew



Today we want to send SPECIAL THANKS to the fabulous crew that stands behind the cameras of this great show “NCIS Los Angeles” that we all love to watch week by week…



Not only did they build this amazing “Idaho-Snow-Surrounding” but they also worked at least two over-nighters (filming starts afternoon or evening and lasts til morning) to bring these crossover episodes to our screens.



Please join us in the comment section with your own words of: THANKS A LOT GUYS AND GALS !! We really appreciate your hard work !!

23 thoughts on “Special Shout-Out to NCISLA Crew

  1. Laura Rondelez

    Thank you all so much for your hard work!

    You make a the show for a great part. It just wouldn’t be the same without all of you.

    Bedankt. Much love from Belgium



  2. Marla (@zoyaroses)

    Oh, this goes beyond thanking the NCISLA crew…..I have such admiration for them now after seeing the episode and how much hard work it must have taken to make it look so real. So THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. 🙂

  3. Diane

    You guys are the best! I know how hard you work for the best show on the air! We appreciate everything you do!

  4. Richtsje

    So right indeed, I remember having read all the tweets of working in the dark and the long days they made. It was all worth it, they did a terrific job. As ever it is not only the acting that makes the show, it’s the ‘what-you-see-is-what-we-did’ thing that does it.

    Thank you so much!

    tige tank,

  5. Keviana Elliot

    Not going to lie: thought those scenes were *actually* filmed up north where it was snowing! Great work, Team!!! Bravo! Now, go get 70 winks to catch up on the missing sleep. (:

    Thank you!!!!

  6. justdreaming83

    The outdoor/night scenes were so well done! I thought the cast and crew had actually gone on a “field trip.” Think I may have even shivered a few times. Thanks, guys, for continuing to amaze us!

  7. Dianne Sarah Kaye

    Thank you for the effort and ideas to make the show we love a great show for us! We will never know everything that goes through behind the scenes but we know that you guys put a lot of risk to your health to make the show possible and sacrifice a lot of sleep and time to take care of yourself.

    You’ve all done a great job. We appreciate your hard work. Thank you very much! ^^

  8. tara

    To the NCIS LA crew, you guys are awesome. You really made me believe that the two teams were up in Idaho. It looked so real.

  9. bethany kate

    I think we all truly appricate the lenghts all of this ncisla team go to to please their viewers! we appricate the times you shoot till
    we appricate that you give us time to talk to you all via twitter.

    Love bethany 🙂

  10. melissa mikaela

    Dear NCIS: LA crew!!
    You are awesome, thank you for your hard work to make this show that great. You are the very best. Amazing how you’ve done this!!
    I love NCIS LA and NCIS Red !

    THANKS A LOT GUYS AND GALS !! We really appreciate your hard work !!

  11. Cashkend

    MERCI!! Thanks for your amazing & hard work. Thanks for freezing us with this snow looking so real – thanks for giving us always, in every episodes, “room for dreams in front of fabulous views/places”.

  12. Tilbe

    Thank you guys for putting your EVERYTHING to the show! I’M so glad to be FAN of such an amazing show with such an amazing team. We all appreciate your works. Thank u all.

  13. Mako

    Thank you so much for working hard for NCIS:LA we love so much. We all always remember & appreciate you all whenever we watch NCIS:LA and even other shows. There are so many people who always do your best & work so hard for the shows! Team work can make dream work! Team NCISLA ROCKs!! #gratitude

  14. Anne

    Yes the cast do amazing job on screen but big thank for the amazing work from the crew who work really hard

  15. verena juliana

    a big THANK YOU, ein riesengrosses DANKE SCHOEN from your Austrian fans for your hard work!!!

  16. Mel

    Thank you for all the hard work, it comes across on the screen and in every impressive detail. You guys are amazing and you make a great show!

  17. Apples8d

    It’s sad really because I don’t think I’ve ever really realised just how much the crew behind the scenes do. The reason for this however is simply because they do their job so exceptionally well that it doesn’t even click that they’ve made the snow or blacked out all the windows to make it look like night.

    Thank you crew for been the glue that holds it altogether. Without the show would be nothing and we really do appreciate it.

    The cast and crew are definitely are special group 🙂

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