Tony Wharmby, Shane Brennan and JP Kousakis at a Pre-Production Meeting for NCISLA Episode #100 ~~ ©lnapoli06
Via @JPKouz Twitter:
To all anticipating a small tease…Callen encounters a recurring nemesis in Ep.504-100! #NCISLA #morespoilstocome #staytuned #manythanks
To all anticipating a small tease…Callen encounters a recurring nemesis in Ep.504-100! #NCISLA #morespoilstocome #staytuned #manythanks
Who do you think the “recurring nemesis” will be ??
Callen’s Nemesis….Janvier…the Chameleon.
I like this character, and a head to head will be interesting, what will he reveal, how much does he know about Callen’s past?
Callen said “he was the best he had ever come across” so evenly matched.
Callen needs to restore faith in his own judgement, by overcoming his nemesis, and Janvier is out for revenge for being returned to the Iranians and suffering at their hands.
Will the Chamelion’s daughter make an apearance, or will they keep that for another time?
And another of my favourite directors maks an apearance “Tony Wharmby” he does a good job.
Soooo….looking forward to this one
Since Comescu isn’t around anymore [Callen killed the guy himself] it has to be Janvier, The Chameleon. Let him come, he’s pure evil and it’ll hurt Callen, but in the end Callen will have to win, won’t he?
They both need some revenge. Janvier because of the first shooting with which it all started, Callen managed to arrange the exchange with the Iranian, which caused the loss of his hand. The plead to kill him, and Callen did not give in.
The Chameleon knows more about Callen than we envisioned is my guess!
The other way around: Callen hates Janvier, ‘he killed our people’, he managed to betray sam, and Callen blames himself badly for not forseeing that.
Does anyone in the family Comescu? Because Shane said Janvier may die in the first episode.
I thought Janvier originally. As Domingo says “Callen said “he was the best he had ever come across” so evenly matched.” But I thought Ep 100 is suppposed to reveal more about Callen’s past? Is Javier more than his nemesis? Could they be related? After all, they are both masters at transforming themselves into others. And who is this daughter Javier has suddenly become so concerned about?
But of course there is the Comescu family. I’m sure not all the family was killed by the team. We know some went with Hunter to the warehouse when Callen & team stormed the house. We also know that the family itself is a recurring nemesis for the Callen family.
Will the powers that be reveal anything about Callen’s father, who we assume is still alive and watching him as he left a card on Amy’s grave, addressing it to his daughter…
I just hope they don’t reveal too much too quickly – as I love Callen be messed up in the head!
So many possibilities. Janvier would be everyone’s initial thought. Oh I hope Callen isn’t related to Janvier. But it is a possibility. Then there are the Comescus. Although Callen killed Dracul in Hawaii, other members of the family left the house to rescue Dracul. However it is played out, it relates to Callen finding out more about his past/family. I believe Hetty has been protecting Callen from his Father for a very good reason. Why did Amy Callen refer to her brother only as ‘baby brother’ to Hannah Lawson? There are so many questions that Callen will want answering. But will they be the answers he was looking for? Shane Brennan is a tease, and will have us all clinging on the edge of our seats when season five starts next month. Let’s hope all our dear favourite characters survive.