Next… on NCISLA! Impact (5×02) Preview by Gayle (@ghartler)

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Impact (5×02) Preview

by Gayle (@ghartler)

Written by: Sara Servi and R. Scott Gemmill/ Directed by: Jonathan Frakes

Official CBS Press Release – In an effort to help Sam and Deeks return to work, Hetty calls upon Operational Psychologist Nate Getz to help them cope with their traumatic experience. Meanwhile, the rest of the NCIS: LA team investigates the murder of a former Navy Admiral and a controversial journalist aboard a private jet, on NCIS: LOS ANGELES, Tuesday, Oct. 1 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Peter Cambor returns as Operational Psychologist Nate Getz.



Picking up the pieces

With the resolution of the Janvier/Siderov/nuclear weapons case and a presumed, much needed, well-deserved break behind them, the team will return to tackle their next case. However, as revealed in the promo and explained by Executive Producer Shane Brennan, not everyone is back to business as usual: “Nate returns because people are having problems with what happened,” he says. “I know a number of months have passed, but at that point, there are still issues. It’s something that plays out for some time.” Entertainment Weekly

Falling apart

When one of the team is struggling personally, it’s predictable for the team psychologist, Dr. Nate Getz, to make an appearance. In this instance his professional expertise will be needed in a way like none previously. From Mr. Brennan’s statement the long-lasting effects of this case will impact more than one member of the team, but none more so than the clearly damaged Deeks.

In the promo we see Hetty surprising a slumbering Deeks and another heartbreaking shot of him on the beach. From this are we to conclude Deeks has sequestered himself from the team during the break? Other issues to consider:

  • Will Deeks return to NCIS? LAPD? Law enforcement at all?
  • Who else is struggling with the fallout of the case/torture and how?
  • How much will Hetty be willing to fight for Deeks?
  • Have Sam and Deeks really made peace or are there lingering doubts by one or both?
  • Will Kensi ever respond to Deeks’ heartfelt words and actions?

With the complexity of the past case still lingering, what do you think is NEXT… on NCIS: Los Angeles?

9 thoughts on “Next… on NCISLA! Impact (5×02) Preview by Gayle (@ghartler)

  1. Evi

    Well said Gayle!

    I think that the person affected by that mission – apart from Deeks – might be Kensi. It must be really hard for her to watch him drift away day by day, considering the fact that she has already been through similar situation with Jack.

    I really don’t want any hints that something might have happened between them during the four months break. When they decide to get to that level of realationship we deserve to know and throw a party!!!!

    Besides, we need to see Kensi open up to Deeks for once. He has played his part both physically and verbally. Now it is her turn to give some much needed love to the broken Deeks.

    I understand Deeks wanting some time away from the team. But if he has spent all these months pulling away from even Kensi, then I might say that’s a little insensitive of him. He knows her backround and he knows she has experienced loss in so many ways. She doesn’t need another name to the list of people who have “left” her.

    Watching Deeks like in this state breaks my heart. I’ve always said that I needed to see another side of him, but never did I expect THIS! I wanted to see him Dark, not broken. Nevertheless it is going to be extremely interesting to expolre this new side of him. I think Diane mentioned the teardrop during the scene with Sam in the premier. Of course I went back to watch it and YES. Indeed he shed a dinstict tear.I never thought I would see Deeks cry. I believe that at some point he is going back to LA PD but honestly, I can’t figure out the why. There are sooo many possible scenarios.

    According to JPK there is going to be a storyline shot in Afganistan. My only guess is that Kensi is going there on a mission – a great chance to hide Danielal’s pregnancy as well. Wouldn’t it be interesting if Jack is in Afganistan too?

  2. Andieke

    Good questions, don’t really like the idea that it’s been 4 months. Why waiting that long to bring Nate in?

    Anyway, with Kensi and Deeks, like Evi said it would be a bit insensitive from his part. Question is, if that has happened is he aware of it? Or more and more consumned by what’s going on in his mind? And perhaps he’s been able to hide that long enough , which could explain why Nate isn’t brought back untill now.

  3. Beth

    I personally don’t want to see Jack in the Afghanistan arc if it’s going to be longer than 1 appearance. I don’t want to see any remote chance of Kensi getting back together with Jack after he left her behind with no word so many years ago (it makes me think too much about the “soap opera” between Harm and Mac in Jag).

    As for Deek’s being insensitive, I think it’s more that he is so consumed with what is going on in his head that he is oblivious by what is going on around him. The 4 months also seems lengthy to me when in my opinion, he is showing signs in Ascension that he needs to talk to someone and I would think they would be returning to work before 4 months unless they were seriously injured and that talking to someone would be a normal part of that.

  4. Evi

    I have to agree that Deeks is probably too consumed by his own self doubt and pain right now, but ultimately he has to think about the impact the case had on Kensi as well.

    As Beth said 4 months is TOO long. They showed us in the premier that both Sam and Deeks didn’t have any physical injury that would require a 4 month recuperation. So, I can only asume Deeks has chosen to isolate himself from the rest of the team.

    I hope we are all wrong and Deeks has kept some kind of contact with them, but just isn’t ready to return to active duty yet.

  5. vaso hara

    this is really very bad 4 months deeks is alone to deal with this ?well i need said something for 3seasons we see this love game between deeks and kensi!!!give a solution or put them together or give them a new lover for each of them or for one of them i dont care .but i cant see this game for 2 or 3 seasons more it is not realistic !!

  6. Savvi

    Studies have actually shown that being a witness to bullying, to brutality, and to torture – trigger similar biological (physiological and psychological) responses as being the actual target or victim. It’s why people use the “pick one to make an example of” method of terrorism. Sam had to sit in that chair and *listen* to what they were doing…. which was happening (maybe, in his mind) because of him. Yeah, he’s a SEAL and all that, but he’s also been shown to have an overgrown sense of responsibility for what happens to others. I think he may have a harder time than we’re expecting in dealing with what happened to them.

  7. lou

    ok a questo punto non è venuto in mente a nesuno che magari in questi quattro mesi Deeks e Kensi si siano visti, abbiano parlato e abbiano avviato una relazione di cui nessuno è al corrente? e ovviamente gli autori si guardano bene dal dirlo a noi, ce lo faranno scoprire un poco per volta durante la stagione, motivo 1 Deeks è veramente scosso ovvio che al momento vuole allontanarsi da tutti, insomma gli hanno trapanato i denti a mente serena, voi non rimarreste scioccati? Sam prima di chiedergli come sta gli chiede per l’ennesima volta se ha dato Michelle, sfiducia totale….. ma poi Kensi lo aiuta e alla fine decide di parlare con Nate.
    Motivo 2 Kensi sarebbe veramente orrida se non lo aiutasse, proprio a fronte del fatto che è già passata attraverso questo con Jack non potrebbe mai lasciarlo solo, almeno spero anche perchè altrimenti farebbero un miliardo di passi indietro nel loro rapporto.
    Detto ciò, alla squadra farebbe bene se Deeks li mandasse un po a quel paese, lo hanno sempre sottovalutato e deriso e lui li perdona, io li avrei già sgozzati, Tutti….

  8. Elizabeth Turner

    -I think all the team members are struggling with the fallout in their own way.

    -I’d like to think Hetty will fight for Deeks, but she won’t risk the lives of her team to get him back.

    -I think Sam will be Deeks’ biggest ally; convincing Hetty to allow him to stay and getting him through his PTSD.

    – I took Deeks’ last words to Kensi to mean that the promise of a relationship was over. He thought of only her during his torture, one would think now that every time he sees her she would remind him of the torture.

    – He needs to step away from everyone and everything. That’s how he wants to handle this. Kensi, respecting his wishes, will move away for now. Life still goes on, she needs to give the appearance of strength to her male team members even though she may be falling apart inside.

    -Just because the end of S5/E1 says four months doesn’t mean that Nate hasn’t been around. We’ll have to wait and see on Tuesday.

  9. Laura

    I am confused, but maybe the show tonight will clear it up. I watched the previews and am sure I heard that Sam just got cleared by the doctor to come back and this is his first case since the torture. So why is Hetty putting a guilt trip on Deeks about all the weeks Kensi has worked alone and making him come back before he is ready?

    Why haven’t Hetty and Callen as Deeks’ bosses forced him into therapy before now? Is he not a valuable member of the team? Don’t get me started on Kensi, going out on group dates while Deeks suffers at home in depression, nerves frayed, unable to sleep, etc. None of this rings consistent and true treatment and reactions on their behalf for a teammate who has shared edge of the knife situations with them all for the past three years. [Do the show’s writers keep up with the canon?]

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