Thanks for suggesting all those great CHASES from NCIS Los Angeles Season One to Six… We’re curious what your favorites are…
#NCISLA Moments #2: Chases - What's your fave ??
- 1x08 - Ambush - Foot Chase: Callen and Sam chasing the cult leader (1%, 1 Votes)
- 1x23 - Burned - Foot Chase: Callen chasing the guy that was shadowing him (4%, 7 Votes)
- 1x24 - Callen G - Car Chase: Callen flipping the Mercedes (3%, 6 Votes)
- 1x24 - Callen G - Foot Chase: Callen being chased by the Iranians in the orphanage (2%, 3 Votes)
- 2x01 - Human Traffic - Foot Chase: Callen's Dream (17%, 31 Votes)
- 2x09 - Absolution - Foot Chase: Callen and Sam are chased by the dogs (3%, 5 Votes)
- 2x17 - Full Throttle - Car Chase: Callen and Sam with booster (1%, 2 Votes)
- 2x17 - Full Throttle - Car Chase: in industrial area (0%, 0 Votes)
- 2x19 - Enemy Within - Foot Chase: Kensi lands in pool (3%, 6 Votes)
- 2x22 - Plan B - Foot Chase: Deeks chasing Ray (10%, 19 Votes)
- 3x21 - Touch of Death - Foot Chase: Callen chasing Dracul Comescu (1%, 1 Votes)
- 3x22 - Neighborhood Watch - Foot Chase: Kensi and Deeks are chased by the Russian sleeper agents (17%, 32 Votes)
- 3x24 - Sans Voir - Car Chase: Ended up between the railroads (1%, 1 Votes)
- 4x01 - Endgame - Foot Chase: Kensi and Deeks with briefcase (9%, 16 Votes)
- 4x16 - Lokhay - Car Chase: Callen driving the challenger "Buckle Up and Take Notes!" (11%, 20 Votes)
- 5x03 - Omni - Car Chase: Callen and Sam chasing yellow Lamborghini on race track (0%, 0 Votes)
- 5x10 - Frozen Lake - Foot Chase: Kensi invades the meat room (10%, 19 Votes)
- 5x24 - Deep Trouble - Foot Chase: Callen "That's For Making Me Run" (3%, 5 Votes)
- 6x03 - Praesidium - Car Chase: Sam while being questioned by DOJ (6%, 12 Votes)
- 6x07 - Leipei - Car Chase: Team chasing suspect (0%, 0 Votes)
- 6x12 - Spiral - Foot Chase: Sam chases suspect to heli (1%, 1 Votes)
Total Voters: 187

All of The car scenes were good but one I picked was kind of funny
*sigh* so many good scenes, so hard to choose! XD btw, thanks for the gorgeous Callen pic to go with the poll!!
I can only agree with this comment Sandy 🙂
What about Deeks getting chased by the Romanians in Familia?