NCISLA 150 Moments: Suggestion Thread #1 – Explosions

So, today is the first of 15 ‘NCISLA 150 Moments’ Threads and here is how it’ll work… 🙂

We’re posting a ‘Suggestion Thread’ with a certain topic (in this case: explosions) and YOU ALL can leave a (or many) comments with YOUR favorite moment regarding this topic.

After we have collected all your favorite moments to our topics we will start polls to find out the ’10 Favorite Moments’ of each topic.

And voilá we’ll have our ‘150 NCISLA Moments’ in no time…

OK, OK, we’ll drag this out a bit to extend the fun for everyone but this is the short version. 🙂

Explosions: The Bigger, The Better, The BOOM !!
Let us know YOUR favorite ‘Explosion Moment’ on NCIS Los Angeles so far.

33 thoughts on “NCISLA 150 Moments: Suggestion Thread #1 – Explosions

  1. Mogorva

    Hard to choose, but my vote goes for the exploding warehouse in one of the last episodes of the 3rd season. I’m not sure, but I think it was in Sans Voir. (In which Eric’s brother got burned in the ball of flames, if that rings a bell for someone.)

    1. Mary Kleinsmith

      Yep, that’s the one! Amazing how much they made David (I think that’s Eric’s brother’s name) look like Deeks.

  2. Mary Kleinsmith

    Definitely Sans Voir, where Deeks hurt his arm and his head and did not say he was OK when Kensi asked him. #2 would have to be the red car at the end of The Debt, where Kensi, Deeks, and Bates nearly got blown up with it.

  3. Charla

    Yes, the one in San Voir is at the top. Also, in the 100th ep. Where Callen rigs the car to blow when the guy checks the trunk.

  4. Caroline

    The explosion of Keelson’s warehouse in the first season Burned. Where Callen is running for his life, loosing all the information about his himself in the process.
    And the exploding car we always see in the intro of the show, the one on the side of the road. Kensi and Deeks have just driven by. I have to look up the episode. Shane Brennan talks about it in one of the special features.

  5. Gina Callen

    I agree with Caroline . Callen running through the warehouse in Burned was awesome I also liked the exploding car in Reznikov. N.

  6. Kristan

    Backstopped from season 3. I love that the bad guy, Winslow, sets the bomb off but accidentally trapped himself. Also love that the 4 get out and even though the partnerships had been shaken up by Hunter their first thoughts were of their regular partner.

  7. Lynne williams

    I agree with Mary K…..tho anything with Deeks is my fave. I think I may be “smitten”.

  8. Bee

    – 1×17 Full Throttle: during the race at the very beginning they flip a car (believe that one was in the opening credit sequence for the longest time)
    – Wasn’t there a sub that blew up in Deep Trouble Part II?
    – There’s another car that blew up in 6×09 Traitor THAT HAD GRANGER IN IT (emotions about that one dependent on your feelings towards the assistant director)
    – At some point a really nice sports car was blown up after a brief car chase right at the beginning but I can’t remember when. I know it was in the later seasons. Help?

  9. Dora_S_G

    There are a lot of Kensi and Deeks explosions that I like, but the Sans Voir explosion is at the top.

  10. Mary

    Oh, one more: The explosion that we never saw. That would be in Human Traffic when Deeks got out of the car just before it blew up. We never saw it, but we saw the repercussions, and that made it great!

  11. BH72

    Definitely the one where Sam, Deeks and Kensi almost get blown up by Marcel Janvier. Callen saves the day and gets a warning to them just in the nick of time. Sans Voir part 1. Watching Deeks and Kensi jump out of the building as it explodes behind them – I doubt they’ll ever get a more explosive moment that has all the fans gasping for breath in shock. There have been some other amazing blasts, like when Sam drives his car away from a vehicle just before it explodes, , as well as the one you’ve shown in the clip above. How they did that blast with people running past vehicles is incredible and makes you sit on the edge of your seat for sure.

  12. ChrisDaisy

    We’ve seen a lot of great explosion scenes in six seasons but my Top 3 have already been mentioned:
    The explosion of the Keelson’s warehouse in Burned, the car in Reznikov, N and the scene in Sans Voir 1 with Kensi, Deeks and Sam.

    Another great explosion scene was the one whith the two motorbikes at the end of that slow motion shootout between Callen, Sam (undercover as Highway Patrol) and the bad guys in Empty Quiver (2×16). The entire gun battle scene was pretty great and then… #BOOM!!!

    @Bee: I think you mean the one in Omni (5×03) where they blew up a Ferrari right at the beginning of the episode. Another good one!

    1. Bee

      Ah, that’s the one! Thanks! I think I was semi-blocking it out due to the car. I believe I yelled at the the TV for these shows to stop blowing up the classics and if they didn’t want them I’d give them a nice home.

  13. Linda W

    There is the truck that blows up in Empty Quiver and of course the car in Reznikov, N. So many great scenes to mention them all.

  14. Céline Floret

    My top 3 : when Sam and Callen are undercover as Highway Patrol, Keelson’s warehouse , “Sans voir”.


    When Sam blows up the car, the guy who killed Mo, Sans Voir both episodes, Warehouse explosion and the death of the female agent Lauren Hunter, Deep trouble sub explosion, Merry evasion 5×12 car explosion, when Sam and Callen are chased by couple of masked dudes, Spiral explosion 6×12, when a guy steps in Sam placed wire on upper floor, Callen running for his life in season 1 Burned, I dont remember the episode but in season 1 there was a terrorist laying on the ground and Sam Callen ran from the explosion. Max Gentry episode, when Deeks runs to get Ray and the bazooka eventually ends 1 car during the slowmo run. The explosion at 2×20 I think when Kensi goes undercover with this guy who stole paintings, values, mansion blows up in the process .

  16. ChrisDaisy

    Higher Power (3×11): When Callen and Sam are trying to deactivate that Flux Compression Generator (???) on top of the bank building to prevent an EMP attack with only seven minutes to go. When that thing blows up Callen and Sam have to save themselves by jumping from the side of the roof, only secured by ropes (Plan B…)

    1. Elizabeth

      The “Higher Power” explosion, and subsequent jump off the roof, is my 5 year old niece’s favorite explosion.

  17. PK

    A couple more:

    The Grey Man – Deeks and Kensi go for “Plan B!!” when it’s just the two of them saving the girlfriend and daughter being kept in the walk-in locker. They’ve filled the room with gasoline and Kensi shoots as Deeks runs out.

    One More Chance – Deeks turns over the rigged dummy with the silver mask in the trailer park

    Has anyone done a YouTube compilation of all D/K explosions? They’re getting to be specialists. And I love it.

  18. Claire

    Definitely Reznikov N. – Callen himself making the car explode and then the explosion of Keelson’s warehouse.

  19. skippy

    – 1_24 Callen G – The explosion in the warehouse right at the beginning
    – 5_04 Reznikov N. – The explosion with the Comescu clan. How Callen prepared the car with the gas and his gun. Excellent.

  20. Tom Pikalek

    For me the best car explosion will always be the one where Callen, Sam, and Kensi have been briefed in the boathouse by Jess Traynor on Deeks’ underground operation against Ortega [02 x 01 – Human Traffic] – They all go to their cars and the three agents think of one more question to ask Traynor. As they turn her car explodes with her in it – the explosion might not be as big as some, but a few minutes later, Detective Frank Scarli walks past the incinerated wreck – and there is this sort of human looking lump of charcoal sitting in the driver’s seat

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