“Works like a charm…”
Don’t they all ?? 🙂

“I’m afraid we have to cooperate.”

Meet ‘Durian’ – the HOT fruit…

What ?? A CASE… ??

Aah… Shadow Mode… I like !!

“We have to think like the FBI.”
Deeks has a point there…

*hums Ghostbusters theme*

“You never gonna get my gun.”
Game on, I’d say… LOL

A xxx talk with Hetty… this should be interesting…

That’s a match !! Which usually is a good thing… This time ?? Not so much…

How do you like your pastrami sandwich ??

Who’s this bizarre guy ??

Is Sam his ‘OJ Case’ ??

Callen 1 : FBI Agent 0 🙂

Uh-oh Granger…

Well, *I* am impressed… LOL

Little mousey took the cheese…

Jealous of that hair, huh ??

Go, Granger !! Go, Granger !!

Sam is back !! Phew…


“Can he be trusted?” *snort*

Wow, he looks just like Sam.

Can you imagine Granger with a toupet ?? ROFL

Cougar on the hunt…

“This part of the VIP tour?”


Hard to find the right words for this *fight*…

Callen inviting Granger to join the guys for a drink ?? *checks if hell is still accessible*

They probably needed all summer to get *that smell* out of the sound stage… LOL
I’m really curious what you all think of the episode… 🙂
Remember it was filmed last season already so it was pretty clear that there would be no mention of this season mole storyline.
Thanks for the recap.
Now _that_ was a very good episode despite not being connected to this season’s storyline. I liked every moment of it. The “fight” scene at the end with the crying was maybe a little too much, but it was entertaining nontheless.
Btw, can anybody tell me, why some episodes get pushed into another season or switch places with another one? Just being curious, because I can’t see the logic in that.
They shot this episode in May (and deep trouble II) because they wanted to shift their holidays. Some of the cast and crew members have kids in school and the school holidays starts in June.
So with this shift the have June and July free (together with their kids) instead of May and June.
Simple. I hope this is the answer you are looking for.
Thank you, that is one very good answer for my question, the whole thing starts to make sense now.
Thanks, sindee for another great recap. What a great episode, Chris O’Donnell did a great job directing. That look of despair on Callen’s face when Sam is arrested was so touching. He needs a hug! Sam too. Great Densi moments which should please the Densi fans this week. That fight at the end, showed how cut up Sam was that this guy would plan setting him up so many years ago. but the reality was, that Lee Stevenson was no match for Sam, in the fight or for honour, which a real SEAL possesses. Loved it how Granger is showing the team whose side he’s really on now. He is one of them and he makes sure that they know it.
thank you for the recap. I liked this episode much better than the last two. My favorite part was when Callen took the agent’s gun and threw it in the lobster tank. I liked the fight at the end but could have done without the crying. Overall great job directing Mr. O’Donnell.
Wow, this show is deteriorating very fast. It’s becoming comedy central. This navy seal guy with the hairpiece is a joke, did anyone take this guy seriously (except the waitress). I mean, navy seals are selected from the finest in the military.
Only the last part was acceptable action wise, LL Cool J will never win a real award for being an actor but I think he is doing a good job. Deeks on the other hand was a clown for the most part.
LL knows how to play the media by saying “This is probably one of the most intense episodes we’ve filmed”, really LL?
Daniella Ruah is probably doing her part by complementing the writers in some interviews, she always does.
I think Chris O’Donnell did a awesome job directing. They all did great job like every other episode. It was great densi moments. I just wish they make them a couple already. They are made for each other on the show.
I liked this episode. Chris O’Donnell once again did an amazing job. He needs to step behind the camera more often.
Things that I enjoyed the most:
Callen and Sam banter, really just can’t get enough of that.
Eric apparently needs to have a ‘birds and bees” talk with Hetty. And Nell’s face was hilarious.
And even though I’m not a big fan of Densi, they were making me laugh last night. Deeks and that vacuum. Even though we all knew Sam was set up, it was fun to watch the team track down how and why. I also love how Granger is really starting to fit in and be part of the team.
Few things I didn’t like:
I thought the crying at the end was a little silly and much. I mean the guy didn’t even try to fight Sam. I was hoping for a little more, but that’s okay.
It wasn’t my fave, but better than last week. I actually thought the guy with the bad toupee was the best part about this episode.
I thought this was one of the better episodes this season. Its a great “stand alone” episode as these are called. Chris O’Donnell has a real feel for the character interactions on this show. They should have him direct more often.
Sindee, thanks for recap, perfect like always.
Episode was much better, than last few (boring political, without serious end).
Final fight was little bit out.
SEAL with toupee too much clown (I think real SEAL can’t be that “simple”).
But other scenes, not so bad.
Thank you for the recap sindee. I like it much better than this episode.
Do they try to make a parody of NCIS LA? This was a joke, a bad one IMO.
No wonder COD has to direct this one since he mentioned that he has no saying in what episode he is directing. I guess no other director wanted this episode. Just a guess.
Before I really start to rant just a few issues that makes this episode a bad one.
The seal imposter who was able to hide his face after the murder and break the neck of the woman (both were really difficult and professional moves), the same guy who was about to shoot the woman at the public place and shot Sam ends up crying like a child at the theater stage? Really, this is ridiculous.
The old seal with the wig wasn’t able to deal with Deeks in the room because Deeks turned his back to him? Of course!
The same old seal goes public due to his hunt of the imposters though seals don’t go public? Yeah, right.
And Deeks knowing everything about the Durian, but doesn’t know about the smell of it? (It’s ike you know everything about red wine but don’t know it is red). These fruits are not allowed to eat in hotel rooms, airplanes, trains… They are only cut in open air. Deeks is funny but don’t make him stupid!
There was a lot more which I could mention but I better stop here.
In this episode they had the chance to get great ratings because Castel was not airing. They lost it. The rating were bad and it was because of the poor writing of this episode. (I had to start twice to watch it to the end because it was boring at best). How could producers let these script be an episode, a sweeps episode even?
Callen and Granger working together to get Sam out was the best part.
Thank you Skippy. Once again I agree with everything you’ve said. Many aspects of the episode were not well thought out. I much prefer dark Frank Military to trying to be light Frank Military.
I don’t think that FM was all responsible for this episode. He was only mentioned in second place. First was the other writer who I guess did come up with this story. But still he could have told her that this is not working, but he didn’t and that is what I blame him for.
Sometimes I think new writers might be good for this show but not this one. I hope they will notice what they have done. All of them.
Good to know that I am not alone with my opinion. Thank you.
Thank you for another great recap.
I found this episode mediocre. It was a highly anticipated episode, especially after being highlighted as one of the most intense of the series, and I was disappointed. In my opinion it was more funny than intense.
Ι think that the writers have done a poor job regarding Deeks post Afghanistan. Being a fan of him, I find it disturbing that every time he is in a scene he tells a joke or something. It’s one thing to be pictured as funny and another to be as joker or as skippy said stupid.
On a different note, COD was very good in this episode.
Awesome recap, Sindee!!
I’d love to read your personal comment about the episode. I know,that you’re very busy so I’m not pushing.
I’ll focus on the aspects that I liked about the episode:
– Everything about Callen ;))) I love how he defended Sam and did everything to protect him. Playing the DOJ agents, the under cover waiter, throwing her gun in the lobster tank…..
– GRANGER! His scenes made me so happy. “Already on it, Agent Callen.” I liked that they both had the same idea/spying on the agents, he made jokes, he smiled and the most important he protected his asset/Sam.
I had to rewatch Callen’s invitation for about 3 times to believe it. GO, GRANGER 😉
There have been a couple of episodes of this show that I found highly offensive and this is one of them. To portray a retired navy seal as the writers did in this episode is unacceptable. The ratings are declining because people are not going to stay up to 11:00 on a “school night” to watch crap. Assume we are leading up to the poor me Deeks episodes — which will be like watching the class clown play Hamlet. I’m sticking to watching reruns of season 2 & 3.
I liked this episode very much, (every Callen scene, the banter, Densi).
Personally, I can’t wait for Deeks episodes. I’m sure he’ll be not a clown at all, when writers will finally decide to tell us about his difficult past and violent father. Deeks can be funny, smart, sweet, but also very serious, (in episodes like Descent, Spoils of war).
I must say: I like this season so far!
I respectfully disagree with you Sol. Eric Christian Olsen is a comedic actor (per his bio) and I think some of the reviewers on this site and others mistake — funny, smart, engaging and lovable for what others see as condescending sarcasm–which is really kind of misplaced in a procedural crime drama. There haven’t really been many Deeks centric episodes ( and the couple that were Deeks centric were ratings nightmares) so while I stick with my original comments on watching ECO play a drama scene will be like watching the class clown play Hamlet — I am looking forward to how the writers play out the storyline. Hopefully it will help the ratings a bit, However I think the ratings are commensurate with the timeslot and quality of the show– and are actually pretty damn good with the other two network shows NCIS LA is currently up against. My last comment is about the Deeks and Kensi love story — My opinion on this is that you would have to be oblivious to not read between the lines of all the interviews about how flawed the two characters are, instagrams, tweets, blogs, etc. that It has become clear that regardless of the level of professionalism– which they have certainly exhibited over the last 4 years, but by the way they have never really had to to test ( a couple of chaste kisses and a darkened headshot only bedroom (maybe) scene that they are no longer comfortable with being “lovers” for real on the show — and I suspect it kind of creeps out the writers and producers –not to mention their families. So if my theory is right and the Densi thing is over –I am very interested in how the writers will play that out over the rest of the season and what the end of Densi does to the ratings as the target 18-49 demographics are already very low this season –so I suspect a good majority of the audience is under 18 and primarily watching and waiting for Deeks and Kensi love scenes.
I understand your point of view, we simply have very different opinions. 🙂
I began to watch LA every week just when Deeks character joined the team, and I especially like all the episodes about him, funny or darker, (Personal, Plan B, The debt, Descent and so on).
Well, I don’t envy the writers of these shows. It’s really difficult make all people happy!
I respectfully disagree with you. Deeks and by that ECO has given us some of the most dramatic scenes (Ascension, Spoils of War) of the show, so I think it would be a nice change to see serious Deeks for more than a scene. I am also looking forward to see his story unfold.
As for the ratings, they are good in overall viewership but I think that they lack in demo, especially for a network like CBS.
Regarding your last comment I have to admit it’s an interesting point of view that hadn’t cross my mind but I think it would be a suicide for the ratings to end Densi so I like to think that it’s unlikely to happen (yes, I am a Densi fan). At least the show would be less appealing to me.
I understand your point of view, but in my opinion – agreeing with GG – completely throwing out the Kensi/Deeks relationship struggle (sorry, I don’t have any better phrase for that, “you know, what I mean” 😀 ) would be devastating. Without this, the show is just one of a dozen police procedural. There would be nothing distinctive about it. And that is the death sentence for a show.
At least for me it was obvious, what will be the endgame for these two characters at some point. Already in the 2nd and 3rd season you could see their bond getting stronger and more and more personal. In the 4th season their feelings towards each other became obvouis for everyone, whoch gave ground for the 5th season. They could use the characters’ feelings for each other and their actions after “Recovery” to help create the whole Afghanistan storyline and when they were done with it, they could bring them back to the not-quite-a-couple status quo with “Three Hearts”. That does not mean, their love story is abandoned, it’s just put on hold for a little while, but the catfight in “Deep Trouble II” and the couch sleeping scene in “Praesidium” strongly suggests, they are very close, even if they are not a couple. Which is killing the diehard shippers, but gives some more gunpowder to the show with the will they or won’t they game. Well, according to the creators, they will in this season, albeit it’s not clear, when, and if their relationship as a couple will be long (my money is on no).
Putting Kensi and Deeks into a longterm relationship is a risky move. It could satisfy the shippers and a lot of other people but it has a chance to kill off one very significant element of the whole show. Just think on Bones. When the two main characters got together, it somehow lost it’s magic. (For me, at least, but looking at the ratings, I wasn’t the only one.) I continued to watch for a little while, but then gave up.
That’s the reason I think they will get them together for a short time, have them make some small or huge mistakes, thus channeling the show into the Deeks originstory, than back to the current status quo: almost-but-not-quite-a-couple. This way everyone will be satisfied, the romance struggle is back in the game, the show has another batch of fresh gunpowder.
Just my opinion, but something like that would make sense I think.
wasn’t online for a few hours… not sure why it got caught in space in the first place… deleted your other comment now – hope that’s OK… CU sindee
Thank you sindee!
Maybe it was too long 🙂 Wonders of the internet 🙂
An other thing about Densi! This kind of show doesn’t need sex scenes. A little kiss in an episode, a hug in an other, (we already saw some very sweet hugs so far), a smile between the two partners and, of course, a lot of banter. Maybe, like in Castle, scenes of Kensi and Deeks joking in bed, but always after or before sex, and then… the phone rings.
Two pro can do these things, in law or not. Shippers would be happy, and fans who prefer the case of the week will be not forced to watch too many romance.
I don’t think that your suggestion will satisfy the shippers. If anything it will cause bigger turmoil among the fans.
I think they will get together and then the relationship will go to the background, as it should be in a crime procedural (like Sol described above, small gestures nothing extravagant). But that’s just my opinion!
Great recap, sindee, as always 🙂
I liked this episode, in fact, I am pretty happy with the entire season so far.
It was not the most intense episode of the season but it was a good one, in my opinion.
Overall, I found this episode to be an entertaining mixture of humour, action and suspense and I didn’t mind that some scenes may not have been realistic – that’s the case for many shows.
Ray’s character (and his hairpiece) may have been a bit exaggerated but when he offered Granger help with his missing hair, that was absolutely hilarious.
And what can I say – Ray realized that Callen „has potential“ – lol
The crying at the end was a bit too much for me, though.
For a Callen fan like me, this episode had some great scenes. Callen’s repeated encounters with the lawyer and the FBI agent, unverving them again and again with that typical attitude of his – I simply loved it. From the moment she told him he was never gonna get her gun, it was obvious what was going to happen, I was just curious about the „how“ – and the lobster tank was a classic.
And Granger being in on it with Callen – awesome! I highly enjoyed watching the two teaming up to save Sam. They really make a good team and I hope we get to see more of that!
The episode also had some great Densi and Deeks moments.
When Deeks started bringing up all those questions about Sam’s connection to the victim, his alibi, etc., Callen got all defensive but Deeks had a point there. They had to think like the FBI to help Sam, meaning they also had to address some unpleasant topics. Great Deeks scene, in my opinion!
And lastly, I think that COD did a great job directing again! He has a good feel for the characters and a great sense for timing. And despite COD working behind the camera there was still enough Callen for me in this episode to make me happy!
So, congrats to Chris O’Donnell for a great job behind and in front of the camera.
I hope we see him directing again some time soon!
Thanks Sindee for another great picture recap. I for one appreciated a lighter episode this time. I enjoyed it because I think it was just what we all needed. It wasn’t as intense as I expected but it was tense because of Sam’s arrest. Some of the scenes made me laugh out loud especially the guest actor’s hair and the scenes with Kensi and Deeks. They were spot on. We could really see that special bond between Callen and Sam. They really are the best partners and friends. Even Granger seems to be one of the team this time. I hope he stays that way. I know people get upset when a storyline just ends but I am sure that what happens with Hetty and the mole will reappear somewhere down the line. This was a good episode made even better by the directing talent of Chris O’Donnell. May he please do more!