DIY Sam stirs up the morning convo…
![@bartelsand - "We need a full episode of Callen and Deeks drinking Mojitos. Webseries?" [AGREED !!!]](http://www.ncislamagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/508_02-600x336.jpg)
@bartelsand – “We need a full episode of Callen and Deeks drinking Mojitos. Webseries?” [AGREED !!!]
![Deeks: "What's next smoke signals?" [Argh, do not encourage him, Deeks !!]](http://www.ncislamagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/508_03-600x336.jpg)
Deeks: “What’s next smoke signals?” [Argh, do not encourage him, Deeks !!]

Wow, *I* would get tool envy down here…

A camera. Definitely something for “The Wonder Twins”…

Wow, have we ever seen the team so frustated about not knowing where to start ??

Oorah, for the license plate shot…

YAY, Granger is back… Threatening Hetty’s career ?? Uh oh… On another note: Who is this Griffin guy ??

Note to self: Send Eric Beale a fruit basket for next birthday.

Kudos to the prop department for this awesome map !!

Gotta love how Nell is the go-to girl for Hetty…

Another one of Hetty’s tea cups… anyone recognize the pattern?

Sweet picture made up for the pretty blunt product placement…

Hetty as back-up !! AWESOME !!
![GRANGER: I don't suppose it occured to you to take him down alive? [Hihi !! They never do, Owen...]](http://www.ncislamagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/508_17-600x336.jpg)
GRANGER: I don’t suppose it occur to you to take him down alive? [Hihi !! They never do, Owen…]

Very sweet scene between Eric & Hetty !!

ERIC: You sneaky son of a cipher.

This is definitely worth a bromance hug !!

GRANGER: In this game, someone always takes the blame.

FERN is back !!

Niiice Nell insert !!

Shuttle is there…

Wouldn’t it be “Yes, Ma’am.” according to the newest developments on NCIS ??

GRANGER: You all deserve each other.

HETTY: Anyone for a vodka?
Let us know YOUR thoughts about the episode in the comments…
I loved this episode. I’ve got to admit the cause of the hug between Callen and Sam was not what I was expecting but I guess it makes sense. And hey, Sam was nearly hit by a train last episode and now it’s Callen’s turn. There were just so many things to like about this episode. Thanks for the great picture recap.
I agree with ananova. IT was a good episode although the hug was not what I expected at all.
Hetty with the shotgun was priceless!!! The highlight of the episode.
Not a lot of Densi but the one line “if kensi goes I go,” was more than enough! Νot to mention that fern is back! Oh I get the giggles everytime!
This episode didn’t really live up to the promo and all the hype that was coming out for it, and I think that’s why I was disappointed the first time through. But I watched it a second time, and liked it a whole lot better (can I change my vote on the poll?).
The bad stuff: Not nearly enough Densi. Kensi and particularly Deeks seemed to be treated as the “other guy” for most of the episode. I get that Sam and Callen are the big names and ostensibly the leads in this show, but as much as I like the Bromance, I think of this more as an ensemble show. I’d like to see more balance among the Big Four.
Good stuff: The team rallying around Hetty. And surprisingly (cuz I’m not a big Eric fan), I liked Eric in this episode. The map room scene with Hetty was touching, and his humor was appropriate and not overplayed. Also, Granger is back. I know a lot of people don’t like his character, but he adds something to the show that no other character can do. Who else could say some of the lines he has to say (like pointing out how out of line the team was in breaking into the Russian Consulate)?
Overall, good episode.
Ah… it was ‘just’ a happy bromance hug. Had expected worse, glad all turned out right. I did love the episode, there was a lot of teamwork which I like so much! Well done & thank you.
By the way: I simply love those picture recaps. They’re great, good find of you 🙂
Poor Sam. You know he’s outnumbered when G and Deeks gang up on him about the cabinet thing.
I laughed at the face Eric made (and the tiny gasp) when Deeks put the smoke signal idea in his head. Good thing Nell was there to bring him back to reality.
The “tool envy” comment was cute. I bet Sam’s workroom is at least that impressive (probably has his tools lined up in alphabetical order and labeled.)
I liked the hospital scene. They could have just taken the license plate number and run. But they took the time to make the guy feel like his sacrifice had been worth something.
Granger, back after being shot in the shoulder, confused me a bit in this episode. I was beginning to think of him as being on their side. But that thing he has with Hetty popped up again and he was a grouch again. I want to like him. But they’ve got to get whatever this is worked out!
Hetty is so wise. She always knows just what to say when our Tech Operator is ready to throw in the towel. I just love her heart-to-heart talks. And Hetty with a weapon bigger than she is? I’d be very afraid if I were a bad guy.
And THE HUG that had a lot of us guessing turned out to be much less angsty at normal speed. But it was totally warranted. Sam almost lost his best buddy. That was a close one!
I loved the team working together: Kensi and Deeks undercover, Callen and Sam sneaking in and getting out with “the goods”, and the nice save at the end! Yes, Granger. They DO deserve each other. They’re great!
First things first:
The picture recap is a great idea and so well done. Thank you.
The episode was good in my opinion. A lot of team work, action, fun… All the things why we love NCIS LA.
Kensis laugh is hilarious, kind of dirty and infectious. I always have to laugh out loud to when she does.
What I really liked about this episode was that Callen shows his talent. He might not be the strongest fighter, the best shooter, the fastest runner of the team but the way he thinks to solve the case is just the best (as is his undercover work, though we haven’t seen it in a while, at least not the long time ones). We have seen this from time to time but never this clearly in one episode.
And the last part with the consulate was just a great team work that shows us they really deserve each other, all 6 of them.
Yes I admit it. I prefer the episodes where the whole team is involved with action, fun, bonding and I am not the romantic one (it does not belong is this kind of genre).
Lovely recap as always :)) You truly have an eye for the best moments.
One question about the episode: Sam said that Hetty practically bought Callen a house I don’t remember it like that….I remember that a friend of hers checked the contract and that G didn’t need a loan bc he had a cash.
Any ideas?
LasiaMsinred, I recently rewatched that episode. What happens is that Hetty decided that Callen needed to plant roots, needed something to tie him down and she arranged for him to buy a house. He tells her he doesn’t need a house and she hands him the contract, saying that she thinks he’ll like the area. That’s when he sees the address and realizes which house she’s talking about. Hetty arranged the whole thing, all Callen had to do was sign the paper. Does that help?
Thank you for answering 🙂 That’s how I remembered it. Hetty arranged it but she didn’t actually buy it. Callen paid for it with his own money.IMO,Sam didn’t have a point.
Well the way I always interpreted it was that Hetty bought it with Callen’s money. That scene always makes me think ‘Just how involved is she in her employees personal lives?’ because she can set up buying a house in his name and all he has to do is sign the paper to have the sale go through. That means that everything, including the transfer of funds was already set up. So in a way Sam did have a point. Because while it was Callen’s money that paid for it, it was really Hetty buying the house.