History (4×15)
Written by: Scott Sullivan
Directed by: James Whitmore, Jr.
I bet you never thought you would see terrorists, explosions and a Bigfoot sighting all in one episode? Veteran Director, James Whitmore joins forces this time with Scott Sullivan who has written his first episode for NCIS Los Angeles tonight. This episode focuses on a now defunct terrorist group who has returned to the spotlight after many years. The team is called upon to find out if they are also a viable threat again to national security. I have to say, most of the fun comes from watching Kensi and Deeks take their investigation into the woods for their own version of Once Upon a Time. After stepping in bear poo, you’ll know why Deeks hates leaving the city. It’s not pretty.
The terrorist group in question this week is The Gun Barrel Party and they resurface when one of their founding members (Albertson) is killed and the team has to find out if his death is connected to his former activities. Hetty is concerned if the GBP has returned, they may be returning to continue their former acts of terrorism on American soil which they started back in the 1970s. The only problem is most of them are dead, except for Jim Mullins and he’s in jail. After a visit from Callen and Sam, Mullens is defiant to the end and has no intention of talking…so the team is back to square one. Even Albertson’s girlfriend claims he had left his old life behind and didn’t know who would want to kill the man.
The team finds another lead at a university pep rally for Red Tide, an anarchist group in real life that uses a lot of the former tactics of the GBP. This takes Densi out of the woods and onto a campus to go undercover among the students. During the Red Tide disruption of the rally, Deeks is investigating the office of a prominent professor (Hale) who has been researching the GBP for a book. Only he instead finds a hidden bomb in the office which means someone wants the professor dead before his book about the GBP goes to print. After further investigation, it’s obvious Dr. Hale isn’t who he says he is…there’s no book and he’s been identified by Albertson’s girlfriend by another name. So, who is this guy?
This week’s episode spotlights terrorist groups that use violence to go up against government bureaucracy and Big Brother instead of respecting the laws that allowed this country to live in freedom and peace. I really enjoyed Sam’s use of the Kennedy quote to put a defiant student in his place. Unfortunately, there will always be those who will push the envelope and use force to get their point across and teach others to do the same. Like Callen in the end, I found Hale’s manifesto to be a sobering one making this a thought provoking episode. Nice piece written by Sullivan, I look forward to his next effort.
Show Highlights
- Hetty and Bigfoot. No match there….you know I’m talking about Hetty …right? If she can beat a Sherpa to Everest, she can take on Bigfoot with no problem!
- You have to enjoy Sam’s enthusiasm in getting to participate in his children’s living history book. But like Callen, I think it would have been more fun to go as Lando Calrissian!
- Despite the comics of Deeks and company, the episode’s ending left us with both a serious and hopeful message. Hetty’s history lesson regarding Dietrich Eckart and Kensi reaching out to David was definitely the highlight of the show for me. Hopefully in the end, history doesn’t have to repeat itself.
Best Lines from the Show
Eric: Is that a real space suit?
Sam: Yep.
Eric: Awesome.
Sam: See! Children think it’s cool. Told you!
Deeks: Nothing good happens this deep in the woods. Out here it’s nothing but banjo playing red necks and murderers in hockey masks.
Kensi: According to the coroner’s report that Eric sent…the cause of death was a heart attack.
Deeks: So the knife didn’t kill him? Maybe he heard banjo music and died of fright.
Kensi: People who are number one with nature…do not step in number two!
Deeks: Whatever tickles your pickle? (I have a new catch phrase…thank you Deeks!)
Deeks: Never judge a man until you walk a mile in his pumps… (Deeks is on fire this week!)
Sam: That’s a nice purse, Deeks.
Callen: Yeah, matches your shoes.
Sam: That kick must have been worse than we thought.
Deeks: Cute…. Hetty, can I please have a tool belt or something to wear with this, like a belt sander?
Bromance Moments
A lot of bromance moments between Sam and Deeks this week. But Sam gets to pull Deeks’ chain one too many times. It seems thought, it’s all part of Deeks’ master plan. But at least I’m glad to see Deeks finally won out in the end. I think….
Densi Moments
Deeks: I cannot wait to retire.
Sam: You know you actually got to do some work before you retire from something Deeks.
Deeks: I’m just going to sit on that beach with dog Monty jr, jr, checking out the lady birds and their bikinis.
Kensi: See, you are only young once but you can be immature forever.
I can just see Kensi becoming President one day….wouldn’t surprise me at all.
So let’s see….Deeks hates going to the dessert and now the woods…hmmm you have to wonder about his childhood, don’t you?
Kensi and Deeks talking about the Kama Sutra. Wouldn’t you like to be a member of that book club?
Another Kensi nickname: Pocahontas! Add that to the list!
Kensi: How you feeling buddy? Looks like she tickled your pickle.
Deeks: We’re at this stage in our relationship now?
Kensi: What stage might that be, Deeks?
Deeks: Stage where I stand around holding your purse.
Kensi: Does that treaten your manhood?
Deeks: No, not unless the purse matches my shoes. (Ah, will we ever get to see that stage, Densi lovers?)
Check out our interview this week with Jared Hillman who plays David Thompson. Jared gave a wonderful performance of the troubled student looking to find meaning in his life. Find out what his experience was like on set working with the team…. only in NCISLA Magazine.
We will return next week with a new episode review, an interview with Cas Anvar and a lot more. So join us right back here again on NCISLA Magazine!
I really enjoyed this episode for a lot of reasons. Seeing Sam getting so much fun out of participating in his daughters school activity was very nice, we need to see more of Sam the family man.
The chemistry between Deeks and Kensi was once again dead on in its fun quotient, I like their light heartedness, esp because it didn’t take over the show as it has in the past. It was used to highlight,not be the core of the show.
Sam and Deeks game was cute, the way it went several rounds with Deeks coming out the winner finally.(Though I think Sam let him win)
And of course there was Callen, from his Lando Calirrison comment to the humor at Deeks, the support of the Blye/Jones adminstration and the few moments at the end with Hetty. That tiny bit was touching, she letting him know that she would be retiring and letting him know he needed to find more in his life.
Having Kensi go back to see the troubled student was an excellent move, gives us hope for the future.