Deeks Appreciation Week – The Ultimate Deeks Quiz Answers



1. B) Lady MacGyver & evil stepmother: He calls Kensi ‘Lady MacGyver’ when she bypasses the alarm system and Hetty ‘evil stepmother’ when she doesn’t let Callen, Sam, and Deeks go out wearing her tuxes.

2. B) 2: Dale John Sully in 2×01 ‘Human Traffic’ and Marty Finch 5×10 ‘The Frozen Lake’ are both lawyers.

3. C) 4×09 ‘The Gold Standard’: She made it clear to Granger that she considers Deeks one of her own.

4. A) Bran muffin: because NCIS agents work hard and play safe, and after jumping on a speeding train, Deeks needed some safe breakfast food.

5. C) Flipping burgers: He mentions his stint as a lifeguard during high school in 3×07 ‘Honor’ and in 4×16 ‘Lokhay’ he admits to a brief career as an exotic dancer.

6. B) Trains: his love for model trains appeared in 5×07 ‘The Livelong Day’.

7. C) Motorcycle: in 5×05 ‘Unwritten Rule’ Hetty takes the keys to Deeks’ new Triumph.

8. One point per correct match:
A) MMA fighter: Jason Wyler (1×19 ‘Hand to Hand’)
B) Not one of Deeks’ aliases: Gary Clay (This was Eric’s FAA alias in 2×21 ‘Rocket Man’)
C) Data entry systems analyst: Colter (4×10 ‘Free Ride’)
D) Business owner: Christopher Stone (3×13 ‘Exit Strategy’)
E) Interior decorator: Sven (5×13 ‘Allegiance’)

9. A) Because it has a manual safety: it saved him once when his gun was snatched by a junkie, as he tells Kensi in 2×08 ‘Bounty’.

10. A) Meerkat: Deeks shot at a snake that was about to ‘pounce’ in 2×03 ‘Borderline’ and came face-to-snout with a dangerous feral pig in 3×08 ‘Greed’.

11. B) Norway: He mentions this specifically in 4×02 ‘Recruit’.

12. C) Janitor: He keeps his vagrant clothes in his fridge and thanks to his off-duty surfing, he has enough gear to use.

13. A) Blue

14. B) Slam his laptop closed: In 3×02 ‘Cyber Threat’ after Hetty appears on Deeks’ screen.

15. A) Yes: in 5×24 ‘Deep Trouble: Part I’ Deeks got in the driver’s seat and Kensi climbed in the passenger seat

16. One point per correct match:
A) “It’s not about your hair. It’s about what it says about you as a person.”: Sam (4×24 ‘Descent)
B) “You got a haircut like my neighbor’s Schnauzer.” Det. Danny Williams (3×21 ‘Touch of Death’)
C) “Get a shave and a haircut.”: Lt. Bates (3×10 ‘The Debt’)

17. B) 4×18 ‘Red’: Everyone (but Hetty) forgets Deeks’ birthday in 4×11 ‘Drive’, Kensi gives him the box in 4×18 ‘Red’ and it reappears in 5×21 ‘Three Hearts’.

18. C) Gordon John Brandel: His name is revealed in 2×17 ‘Personal’. Charlie Mitchell is the name given to his friend Ray by the Witness Protection Program and Max Gentry is an alias of Deeks loosely based on his father.

19: C) Eric Christian Olsen

You now have a score out of 25. How did you do? Post your results in the comments!

18 – 25 points: You are clearly Deeks fan with a great memory! Congratulations on getting so many correct. (Either that or you have genius google skills and looked up the answers.)

9 – 17 points:  You’re a NCIS:LA fan, but maybe not Deeks fan because perhaps a different character is your favourite. You may stay regardless.

1 – 8 points: Detective Marty Deeks is the one with the shaggy blond hair on NCIS:LA.

The “Ultimate Deeks Quiz” can be found here ==>

5 thoughts on “Deeks Appreciation Week – The Ultimate Deeks Quiz Answers

  1. tati

    I disagree with the answere in question #17. The box was first appeared in Kill House. By the way, I scored 22.

  2. justdreaming-83

    Scored a 20. Pretty good considering my “heart” belongs to another character… and I’m old and can’t remember things.

    1. Susan

      22 – probably helps that I only fell in love with the show in Season 5 and have been binge watching the early seasons 🙂

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