Welcome to this week’s picture recap for NCIS Los Angeles “Zero Days” written by Andrew Bartels and directed by Tony Wharmby.
Since there was SO MUCH going on in this episode that I wanted to get in this review I decided to split it up between the LA storyline and the Afghanistan storyline.
So this is the first part with the pictures and my notions about the LA storyline:

Niiice view, my friend !!

“I’ve been shot at.“
“It’s not a game.“
Good that he cleared that up…

Uh-oh… so it was OUR Eric on the other end…

Oh, *THAT* picture…

But the new Deeks & Sam (is it ‘Seeks’ or ‘Dam’ ??) banter is too gorgeous !!

Note to EVERYONE: Hetty doesn’t do SMALL !!

“Last time you said that somebody ended up in a different timezone.“

“Earth to Nell.”
And start of some great Nell & Sam banter in this ep…

OMG, this is happening to Eric…

Awesome Deeks scene here !!

Eric clearly doesn’t know Gibbs or he’d know the “coffee thing”… 😉

“How mad is she?“
“Scale of one to ten? 13.“
Aww… poor, Eric !!

Mh, clearly Callen does appreciate “the setup”… maybe I should ease up about it as well ??
NOPE, still OC in my opinion !!
!["Please don't shoot me." "Relax, Ira, we're Federal Agents. [edit: sindee - We don't shoot until you run. But then - you're most likely dead !!]"](http://www.ncislamagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/518_14-600x336.jpg)
“Please don’t shoot me.”
“Relax, Ira, we’re Federal Agents. [edit: sindee – We don’t shoot until you run. But then – you’re most likely dead !!]”

Not sure if I would want Sam to help me get a scar… 😉

Uh-oh, silent treatment from Hetty… at least Nell could make him smile again…

Nell, as the DOD lady, shoving Sam around ?? HI-LA-RI-OUS !!

“She’s scary good!“

Someone else is trying to gain access to Russia’s missile guidance system ?? Not good – so NOT good !!

Ira trying to drag Eric over to ‘the dark (aka well-paid, fun and matter-ing ) side’… very deep convo… LOVED IT !!

Not only blue shirt but blue SUIT ?? Thank You, Wardrobe Department !!

Deeks & Sam paired up again… I’m SO beginning to like this/them !!

Not really sure what this angle was about but I’m pretty sure Deeks Fans didn’t mind… 😉

Uuh… scary !!

“I bet you got somebody outside tampering with the power box.“
Uh-oh… busted…

“Lasers, man. I hate freaking lasers.”
Nice reference to 2×10 ‘Deliverance’.

And the Zero Day USB is gone. What now ??

Aww… poor Eric seeing Ira hitting on Nell… again…

Test ? What test ??

Russian missile on it’s way to San Francisco…

“Try not to get arrested this time.“
Hetty’s sweet way of saying – GO !!!
!["Nell's eyes? They're hazel!" [Insert Neric Fans squee here.]](http://www.ncislamagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/518_32-600x336.jpg)
“Nell’s eyes? They’re hazel!“
[Insert Neric Fans squee here.]

Holding my breath for Eric !!

“I’m good. But I’m definitely changing my middle name.“

Oh my… 0_0

Phew… breathe in, breathe out !!

“I think I’m good where I am.”

Hetty knows *everything* !!

Just gotta smile with him !!
As you can see from the amount of pics I took I really really liked this episode. 🙂
What did you like (or even dislike – we’re open to everyone’s opinion!) in this week’s NCIS Los Angeles ?? Leave a comment with your thoughts…
And come back later for the second part of my picture recap about the Afghanistan storyline which leads us ultimately to the exciting episode next week.
EDIT: >> The second part of the picture recap is up here. <<