A few weeks ago we asked you to join our surprise for the Cast & Crew we were going to send to the 100th episode celebration / filming… and WOW did #NCISLAFamilia respond to that !!
We were able to send a huge amount of customized M&Ms !!
Here some reactions:

So cool. Office loves these! But major dilemma: eat or admire? Thanks @NCISLAMagazine #NCISLA #celebrating100 – ©bartelsand

Thank you to our amazing fans at @NCISLAMagazine for the sweet treats. #NCISLA #100episodes #candywithwordsonit – ©ebroad

Thanks to @NCISLAMagazine for the 100th M & M’s for cast and crew. Much love – ©KBarkerTweets

damn #ncisla – ©charlesmansion
This card was sent with the candy…

THANKS again to everyone who participated !!!
If you wanna join the 100th episode celebration leave a comment below… 🙂
[ADDED August 24th]
Thanks go out to Saori for creating this awesome fanart…

From @JPKouz Twitter:
@NCISLAMagazine Many thanks for the M&Ms. They were just what we needed as a lunch time chaser. Cheers from your friends from #NCISLA