Category Archives: 4×21 – Resurrection

Resurrection (4×21) Ratings


“NCIS” Leads the Night in Viewers

“NCIS: Los Angeles” Places First in Viewers and Demos

CBS won Tuesday in viewers, adults 18-49 and adults 25-54, led by NCIS and NCIS: LOS ANGELES, the night’s top two shows in viewers, according to Nielsen preliminary live plus same day ratings for April 23.

NCIS was first in households (10.7/17) and viewers (16.76m) and was second in both adults 25-54 (4.1/11) and adults 18-49 (2.7/08). Compared to the last first-run episode (on April 9), NCIS was even in adults 18-49.

NCIS: LOS ANGELES was first in households (8.8/13), viewers (13.95m), adults 25-54 (3.8/09) and adults 18-49 (2.6/07).

At 10:00 PM, GOLDEN BOY was second in households (5.3/09), viewers (8.01m), adults 25-54 (2.1/05) and adults 18-49 (1.4/04, -0.1 behind ABC).

For the night, CBS was first in households (8.3/13), viewers (12.91m), adults 25-54 (3.3/08) and adults 18-49 (2.2/06).


Resurrection (4×21) Review by Phillydi


Resurrection (4×21)

WRITTEN BY: Dave Kalstein and Gil Grant

We’ve been anticipating this episode ever since Dave Kalstein commented on Twitter (after our roundtable discussion) that there were “So many things I want to say!”  Oh Dave!  You had us at hello! Tonight he gets a chance to spill the beans and come clean along with his partner in crime, Gil Grant who co-wrote Resurrection.  This is also a special episode for Eric A. Pot who has been promoted from his first-assistant director role on NCISLA to become the captain of the ship, directing the show tonight through rough Densi seas.  Not an easy assignment for Eric who is sitting in the big chair for the first time but he pulls it off beautifully!

Tonight we have stolen bodies, DEA leaks and a little trip down to Mexico way for Kensi and Deeks.  We begin in Tijuana, Mexico… unarguably one of the armpits of North America unless you enjoy tequila….and even then I’m not too sure. (Don’t ask why I know that!)  Bodies are dropping left and right but conveniently it’s all happening in a morgue.  Unfortunately,  bodies are being stolen now too.  A cartel kingpin, Miguel Barbosa was gunned down in Tijuana by government authorities and now his corpse has been stolen upon arrival at the morgue.  Although Sam thinks it’s pretty normal operating procedure, the shooter knew the killing was going to happen ahead of time…so there has to be a leak in the system.

Sam and Callen go in search for John Ness, one straight and narrow DEA agent played by James MacDonald, who at one time chased and tried to capture Barbosa.  The boys aren’t sure he had anything to do with his death but he may be looking for closure after he was almost killed by a car bomb that Barbosa had planted which also killed Ness’ wife.

Further down Mexico way, Deeks and Kensi are looking for a cartel informant to arrive and trying to outdo each other with crappy childhood memories.  Kensi has a point about bringing children into this cold world…but I love that Deeks has the solution to her concerns and all he needs is a cape and some tequila to make it all better. (Gotta love the guy!) Before Kensi can react, the team is in the middle of a shootout of their own to protect the informant. Javier Ramos is a minstrel for Barbosa’s cartel, who turns out to be their very own jester who sings the praises of the cartel’s exploits.  Barbosa’s enemies want to prevent Barbosa from becoming a martyr so it could be in their best interest to take him down as well.  But Kensi and Deeks are pretty sure it’s for another reason.

Callen and Sam are back with Ness to gather more information but the DEA agent is next in a long line of people dropping like flies since Barbosa’s death.  Callen and Sam’s aversion to dairy and gluten may have helped prevented them from becoming their the next victims !  As Kensi suspects, someone’s tying up Barbosa’s loose ends and Javier is their best lead in finding out who that someone could be.  Javier is conflicted about his feelings for Barbosa and Kensi and Deeks have a sweet scene reliving life with their respective dads too.  Deeks admitting he missed his dad in a weird sort of way was revealing. One more thing for Deeks fans to tuck away for later.

Finally, Javier remembers that Barbosa once told him about his strange obsession  to rise from the dead and come back to smite his enemies with his resurrection.  The agents have their first insight….Barbosa has got to be alive and has staged his own death.  The ruse could give Barbosa the upper hand in a cartel power struggle.  Javier realizes that Barbosa will come after him next to keep his little secret hidden.  According to Deeks and Kensi, he only has two choices:  Witness protection or help the team capture Barbosa and put him away for good.  Neither one is a great choice and Hetty is not a fan of either.  Or in Deeks speak…. they both kind of suck.  After the plan to have Javier intentionally abducted by Barbosa succeeds, the team must now make good on their word to keep him safe from Barbosa’s grasp.

Some great twists and turns at the end with an exciting finish.  A good solid story line all the way which is what we expect from Kalstein and Grant.  Bravo Zulu goes out to Eric Pot as well who did an incredible job behind the camera.  I’m looking forward to his return! But the coup d’état at the end was the wonderful scene with Kensi, who we watch with pride as her maternal instincts finally kick in while comforting the young boy.  We knew you could do it Kensi and so did Deeks.  The look on her partner’s face…… priceless.  You want to play house?  Yes, Hetty, they do grow up so fast, don’t they?

Show Highlights

-How come we just found out that Kensi and kids don’t mix?  And why is Deeks and the rest of the gang (except for Eric) just finding this out?  Poor Deeks, I would have thought he would have been the first person Sam would have gone to for childcare! An adult kid is the perfect babysitter.  This changes everything!

-Poor Hetty.  But I kind of agree with Sam and Callen here.  Not sure Aunt Hetty is the babysitter type!

-Speaking of Hetty…great to see her working the scene of the crime for a change….we got to get that seasoned agent back in the field again!

Best Lines from the Show

Deeks:  If Sam clears his throat any harder, he’s going to break a hip.


Kensi:  I’ll do it.

Sam: You will?

Kensi:  I’ll do it.

Callen:  What changed your mind?

Deeks: Yeah, what changed your mind besides the fantasy of little Martys running to and fro?


Bromance Moments

Callen:  You first Sam.

Sam:  You’re crazy.  There is no way I’m putting this garbage in my body.

Callen:  I’m actually allergic to dairy.

Sam:  Oh since when?

Callen:  Since that thing…

Sam:  What thing?

Callen:  That thing…allergic.

Sam:  I have to pass..I’m gluten free.

Callen:  I’m pretty sure there’s nothing gluten in there…

(I think Sam and Callen are just about ready for the old folks home right about now!)

Densi Moments

Deeks:  Well Kensi should be fine unless the informant is a child.

Kensi: And yet I’ve managed to get along with you the entire time.

Deeks:  Touché.


Deeks:  God I love Mexico.  Seriously this place has got four of my favorite things.  It’s got cheap beer, it’s got great surf, it’s got obviously beautiful woman and it’s got sombreros.  (Oh, that definitely makes it ok then Deeks!).


Javier:  Why can’t I have a lawyer?

Kensi:  Because I said so.

Deeks:  Did you just drop the ‘because I said so’ bomb on him?

Kensi:  So what if I did?

Deeks:  What do you mean, what if I did? What are you going to do, send him to his room next?

Kensi:  Excuse me?

Deeks:  Take away his milk money?

Javier:  Why are you guys arguing?

Densi:  We’re not arguing!

Kensi: We’re not arguing, we’re having a discussion.

Deeks:  Why don’t you work on that 10 and 2!

(OMG Deeks and Kensi already have the parent thing down pat!  They are a natural together!)


Check out our interview with James MacDonald who did a great job as DEA Special Agent John Ness.  James shares a great story on working with Chris O’Donnell and LL Cool J and talks about his career and upcoming projects.  Thanks go out to James for stopping by and talking to us about his time spent on set!

One final thought….I found it kind of interesting that Eric Christian Olsen announced the upcoming addition to his family on the same day the extended trailer was released for Resurrection.  “Will Kensi not being able to handle kids be a deal breaker for Deeks?!”  I’m sure that ECO’s missus, Sarah is looking forward to her new role of motherhood with great anticipation….whereas Kensi may never be able to embrace the concept.  Not exactly art imitating life but it works for ratings purposes, I guess.   What kind of mom do you think Kensi will make?  Looking forward to your comments! Also check out our next roundtable discussion coming soon with SweetLu and Imahistorian when we review the latest Densi developments and what we think may be up next season for the troubled duo.

We’re getting down to the last three episodes… so join me next week for our review of the Raven and the Swans only here on NCISLA Magazine!


Follow me on Twitter @phillydi.

Exclusive Review