Category Archives: 4×04 – Dead Body Politic
Dead Body Politic (4×04) Clips
Dead Body Politic (4×04) Ratings
NCIS: LOS ANGELES won its time period in viewers, adults 18-49 and adults 25-54, topping the combined audience of ABC, NBC and FOX, according to Nielsen preliminary live plus same day ratings for Tuesday, Oct. 23.
At 9:00 PM, NCIS: LOS ANGELES was #1 in households (10.3/16), viewers (16.25m), adults 25-54 (4.0/09) and adults 18-49 (2.7/07). NCIS: LOS ANGELES beat NBC (5.45m), ABC (5.10m) and FOX (5.25m) combined in viewers (16.25m vs. 15.80m, +3%).

Dead Body Politic (4×04) Poll
Dead Body Politic (4X04) Review by Phillydi
Dead Body Politic (4X04)
Written by: Jordana Lewis Jaffe
Directed by: Tony Wharmby
Hi folks, and welcome back to another exciting episode of NCIS Los Angeles. This time we’re going with an election themed episode which is very appropriate considering we are in the middle of another Presidential campaign here in the States. Shane Brennan has told TV Line that the show hopes to “really touch a nerve with the audience in terms of what they think of politicians. We tried to make it very contemporary in that sense.”
The team gets involved when the aide of a senatorial candidate gets killed; possibly making it a matter of national security depending on whether or not it was an accident or murder. Rachel Ticotin plays the feisty politician who is being called the everyman’s candidate but has a lot of enemies out there. Unfortunately, she’s not doing well in the polls and now there are five targets…but only one dead staff member.
In goes Kensi as an undercover staff member for Tenez and Sam and Callen find a possible non-violent suspect who is a bit clueless. (Sam: The guy cares more about muffins than mayham.) Could it be the campaign manager making false promises? Or is Tenez playing both sides? After Tenez is targeted in an assassination attempt, the team is still left with a lot of questions and a candidate that has given up. Leave it to our brilliant tech ops who finally discover that the campaign funds are going everywhere but into the campaign. Hetty was right. This was an inside job!
I realy enjoy when Kensi uses her old fashion woman’s intuition to identify the target and connect the dots. With the rest of the team working solidly behind her, the real suspect is identified and killed. Not exactly a case of national security but yes, the old folks definately took care of business! Poor Mr. Deeks!
Show Highlights:
-Hetty practices a Tietan Yoga known as Tsa lung Trul Khor for her incredible heart rate. I enjoyed the boys trying to keep up with the little ninja!
-Is it any surprise that Hetty is a political junky despite her dislike of the word? But I would like to have front row seats to watch the show down! Hetty for President, indeed!
-I guess there is no love lost between Hetty and the CIA or that was a very unique way of answering the phone!
-Don’t you want to know what happen during the 72 hours Hetty ruled Nicaragua? I DO!
-Sam going eco in the Southland coffee shop was fun!
-Hetty’s running the Presidential debates! No surprise there….
Best Lines from the Show:
- Sam: The last person who got into a political debate with Hetty ended up retired and on disability.
- Callen: I hear he’s back on solids.
- Deeks: Easy wonder twins, you’re scaring the old folks.
- Sam: Who you calling old?
- Callen: I would choose your next words wisely.
- Deeks: I don’t mean old from a physical stand point…because obviously… I mean from a metaphysical standpoint because you have a more mature spirit….
- Sam: Ah!
- Callen: Are you thinking, what I think you’re thinking?
- Sam: Yeah…push-ups.
- Deeks: No… no… why push-ups? Oh God, really? Push-ups?
- Deeks: Ok, you just made your ‘I just found a Kit Kat in my seat cushion face’.
Bromance Moments:
So the boys are worried about getting old this time. Don’t you enjoy listening to them worry together:
- Sam: I don’t need to sit….old people need to sit.
- Callen: You’re not worried about those push-ups are you?
- Sam: Who does Deeks think he is calling us old?
- Callen: We’re not old, we’re wise.
- Sam: We’re sophisticated.
- Callen: We’re…
- Eric: Wearing mikes!
Densi Moments:
-Kensi can’t get a break on her driving…Deeks: No that’s ok, I can definitely walk to the curb from here.
-I enjoy how Deeks likes to taunt Kensi with his flirting. As much as she tries to ignore it, we all know it bothers her somewhere deep down.
-Yes, Kensi….Deeks derriere is not too shabby. But then you know that! LOL!
-Get a load of Deeks’ smile after Osborne calls Kensi a feisty stallion! Deeks can only assume what happens after the lights go down!
–Freaks, Geeks and Deeks! No more needs to be said! Except that Kensi is thinking about Deeks in the shower! HA!
Please leave me your comments about tonight’s show and tell me what you think! Hope to see you all back here next week with a new two part episod… Out of the Past and our review on NCIS:LA Magazine!