Category Archives: NCIS: Red


HETTY: Gentlemen. You’re going to Idaho.

It’s a case so big…

CALLEN: How many bodies ?
PARIS: Fifteen.

… one NCIS team – isn’t enough.

HETTY: RED Team is already on the ground.

John Corbett & Kim Raver guest star.

ROY: Nice welcome.

NCISLA the two-night event begins next Tuesday at 9/8c.

Are you looking forward to the NCIS:LA Spinoff ??

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Edwin Hodge talks NCIS: Red with TV Equals

Edwin Hodge was in last year’s Red Dawn and currently uses his comedic timing on Cougar Town, but now fans of his can see him guest starring in an upcoming episode of NCIS: LOS ANGELES as part of the NCIS: RED team, which is a planted spinoff pilot. TV Equals was on hand to ask Hodge about the new storyline, his character and what it’s like to be a part of an NCIS team. You will see him in the upcoming NCIS: Los Angeles episodes which will air March 19 and March 26 at 9/8c.

What can you tell me about this iteration of NCIS?

Edwin Hodge: Well, we are a mobile unit. We are a response team out of Atlanta…and we are basically a group of agents who go out and solve crimes throughout the country and internationally. We are basically called in on a case because a ballistics reading on a gun in NCIS: LA matches a ballistic reading from a murder weapon in NCIS: Red and then we do this crossover episode for two shows. So that’s how we’re a little different. We’re a mobile unit; we travel instead of being based in one location.

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