Category Archives: Misc

Paramount Tour via GLEE

Saw this on Glee and thought I’d share the glimpse we get from the Paramount Lot in the clip… you see “Stage 4” right at the beginning of this clip… down that same Avenue are Stages 8 + 9 – the ones were NCISLA has its home… when they drive into the “Al Capone”-like filming you might notice some building fronts from “the Sudan”…

Song is “Oh Hanukkah” from Glee in 2012.

Who was on the Paramount Lot for a tour already ?? Anything more you recognize ??

Improvements on NCISLA Magazine…

You might have noticed we rearranged our Menu a bit:

– “BLOG” was renamed into “NEWS”
– “**NEW**” was renamed into “LAST 24 HRS” and can now be found as a submenu of “NEWS”

Also we’ve added “PICTURES”… with “CBS PROMO PICS” as the first submenu… more galleries coming soon !!

Anything else you are missing on NCISLA Magazine ??
Please let us know in the comment section what we can improve to make your experience on our website better… Thanks !!

Special Thanks to Cast & Crew !!

This note was given out by the producers of the show… isn’t that awesome?? they know the show wouldn’t be the same without all the hard-working people…

CBS Summer 2013 Schedule

CBS Tuesday, Effective July 2
8:00-9:00 PM – NCIS
9:00-10:00 PM – BIG BROTHER (Premiere)
10:00-11:00 PM – NCIS: LOS ANGELES

Mh, let’s hope this is for the summer only…

Happy New Year !!!

Happy New Year to all our loyal readers !!! May 2013 be filled with love & joy for each and everyone of you !!!