Category Archives: Marty Deeks

Decidedly Deeks: Banter Season Two

Human Traffic 2×1
DEEKS: So… Cyrillic alphabet. Russian, yeah?
HETTY: You play?
DEEKS: In English. And badly. In Russian… It’s giving me a headache just thinking about it. What’s that word?
HETTY: “Opasnost”. It means “danger.”
DEEKS: Great. So a Russian Scrabble/Ouija board, then.

DEEKS: Think you got a triple word score there with the one with all the squiggly letters. What’s it mean?
HETTY: “Be careful.”
DEEKS: Okay. Pretty sure you just made that up, but I, uh… but I will. And, um… thank you.

[In the basement, all is quiet. Sam and Callen are looking for their men. (clattering) Both kill them. (groaning). Sam joins Callen (sighs); Deeks almost shoots Sam]
DEEKS(sighs): Couple more minutes, I think I could have taken ’em all.
SAM: Hey, Deeks. It’s good to see you.
DEEKS: Good to see you, too, Sam.

KENSI [hurrying in the stairs]: Callen. Sam.
SAM: Clear, Kensi.
DEEKS: [To Kensi] Told you I’d be back.
KENSI: Oh, shut up.

Black Widow 2×2
Callen: hazing the new guy or is he hazing you?
Deeks: haze me Kensi, please.

Borderline 2×3
[(sirens blaring). ♪ ♪ Kensi is driving in LA. ♪ ♪ Near a stop sign, there’s a homeless man. He holds a plastic glass, asking for some coins. He shows a sign: “God bless” but turns it over when he sees Kensi. She reads “morning Kensi”]. ♪ ♪
KENSI: Deeks. [She stops her car, removes her sun glasses, he throws his sign down]: What are you doing?
DEEKS: Coming off a little LAPD undercover field trip. How about a ride?
KENSI: (sniffs) Oh, my God. Is that you?
DEEKS: Well, I’m method when I go under.
KENSI: That’s disgusting. That’s really disgusting.
DEEKS: Listen, you can’t be a convincing homeless person if you smell like you just stepped out of a spa, all right? So I never wash these clothes. I just keep ’em in my fridge so they keep their authenticity.
KENSI: That’s great. I wouldn’t let you ride in my trunk smelling like that. [She starts closing her window].
DEEKS: No, no. No, no. Come on! Come on!
KENSI: Bye, Deeks. [her car moves off]
DEEKS: Kensi! [alone, looking at the car already gone]: Thanks, partner. [A car stops in front of him]
MAN: Here, buddy. [He throws a coin in the glass]
DEEKS: Oh, really? A quarter? A quarter?!

CALLEN: Kensi.
KENSI: I’m good.
SAM: We’re good!
DEEKS: I’m good, too, just in case anybody cares.

Special Delivery 2×4
DEEKS: Does Hetty cook?
KENSI [surprised, then she gets it]: If she does, it’s with a pot from Singapore, a spoon given to her by a shaman, and a cookbook written in Swahili.
DEEKS: I’m more of a frozen pizza pocket guy myself.
KENSI: Well, the ladies must love that.
DEEKS: (chuckles) it’s all about the wine pairing.

ANSHIRI: Good afternoon. [Nicely]: How can I help you?
DEEKS: We are looking for an engagement ring.
ANSHIRI: Of course.
KENSI: A big one.
DEEKS: (chuckles) she told me that size doesn’t matter. [Mr Anshiri already puts on the counter a box full of very big and beautiful rings].
KENSI: (gasps) Oh, my God. Look at that one. [She points one of the ring, looks at Deeks, smiling]
DEEKS: Oh, it’s so beautiful, my sweet. [He puts a hand on Kensi’s back]: An excellent choice. [She tramples down his foot with her stiletto heel, hurting him] (gasps, groans quietly)
ANSHIRI: A beautiful diamond for a beautiful woman. [He takes Kensi’s hand, wanting to try the ring on her finger; he sees the bracelet, smiles no more]: That’s an interesting bracelet. Do you mind if I ask you where you got it?
KENSI: Oh, it was a gift.
ANSHIRI [no more kind]: From who?
KENSI: A friend.
ANSHIRI: I can’t help you. You must leave.

[They are going out of the store]
KENSI: What were you doing in there?
DEEKS: Just trying to make it look convincing.
KENSI: You suck at being convincing, Deeks. Who the hell says “my sweet”?
DEEKS: It’s a term of endearment.
KENSI: Like, in 1945. [She dials a number on her cell phone]. Callen, we need to watch this guy. He’s definitely sketchy.
CALLEN: We’re talking about Anshiri, right? [Kensi looks at him in the car, and goes. Deeks follows].
DEEKS: Princess? Princess…

Standoff 2×6
dd season 2 banter 6

Anonymous 2×7
Kensi: I hotwired a Cessna once.
Deeks: Why? Seriously, why would you need to hotwire a airplane?

Bounty 2×8
KENSI : Can I see your gun?
DEEKS :My gun? What for?
KENSI :It’s a Beretta 92FS, right? LAPD issue?
DEEKS : Actually, yeah.
KENSI : NCIS agents carry Sigs. I just want to see how yours fires.
DEEKS : I’m sorry, you want to fire my gun?
KENSI : You’re acting weird.
DEEKS : I just don’t like people firing my gun.
KENSI : Okay. Let me just hold it, then.
DEEKS : I don’t like people holding my gun.
KENSI :You can fire mine.
DEEKS : I don’t want to fire your gun, all right? I don’t want anything to do with your gun, and it’s not personal.
KENSI : Feels personal.
DEEKS : It’s just…it’s just a guy thing.
KENSI : A guy thing?
DEEKS : A gu… a gun thing. I said it’s a gun thing.
[Kensi puts her paper target under Deeks ‘s nose].
KENSI : Funny. You said “a guy thing.” [she flies away].
DEEKS [watching Kensi’s paper target, 2 bullets in the heart] : Oh, buddy. Hell hath no fury like Kensi Marie Blye. [Realizing there’s a hole lower…] : The groin? Really? Why does one practice shooting someone in the groin?

Absolution 2×9
Marty Deeks: [Quietly] Don’t stop. Keep telling me. Get mad, act like we’re breaking up. Get angry. Ready to go?
Special Agent Kensi Blye: Are you for real?
Marty Deeks: Partner.
[Kensi walks away. Loudly]
Marty Deeks: Oh come on, Sunshine. Wait!
Special Agent Kensi Blye: Stay away from me. It’s over! I can’t do this any more!
Marty Deeks: Listen. I – I’m sorry, all right? I know that it’s tough when I’m on the road all the time – with the band.
Special Agent Kensi Blye: I don’t care about that! You – you cheated on me – with my brother!

Marty Deeks: A hunch? You don’t kick a guy in his junk on a hunch. Geez! Sometimes I don’t even know you. Who does that?

Marty Deeks: Just uh, don’t let Kensi interrogate them.
Special Agent G. Callen: Why’s that?
Marty Deeks: Cause the guy on the right, she kicked him right in the Nom de plumes.
Special Agent Sam Hanna: No.
Marty Deeks: Guy didn’t have his weapon out.
Special Agent G. Callen: Really?
Special Agent Kensi Blye: I…
Marty Deeks: Right in the cul de sac. Kicked him so hard gave me a stomach ache.
Special Agent Kensi Blye: So what? It would have been better if I pistol whpped him in his face?
Marty Deeks, Special Agent G. Callen, Special Agent Sam Hanna: Yes!

Deliverance 2×10
pee season 2

Disorder 2×11
DEEKS: All right, two windows. Clear view of the parking lot. Not a single tree, bush or blade of grass to conceal the foot approach. May be functional and dreary on the outside. Wait for it. [He opens a front door]: Once the key has been turned, a little slice of heaven.
DEEKS: So, uh, kitchenette there. Bathroom right around the corner. They change these sheets like clockwork once a week, and free cable. Except for porn.
KENSI: It’s nice. Classy.
DEEKS: You would know.
TALBOT: So what do we do now?
KENSI: Well, uh, we do what most families do on Christmas Eve.
DEEKS: Watch Uncle Bob get drunk and pee in the toaster?
KENSI [Sitting down the couch, the remote command in one hand, looking at Talbot]: How about eat and watch TV?
DEEKS: That’s a great idea. The game just started. [He hurries to sit down].
KENSI: I was thinking more along the lines of Miracle on 34th Street.

Deeks: Turkey sandwiches for everybody?
Kensi: Actually tradition in my house was ice cream and beer.
Deeks: Really?
Kensi: Don’t knock it til you’ve tried it.
Deeks: Oh, I’ve tried it. Although it was 7th grade and didn’t end pretty for anyone. Unless of course, you like Jackson Pollock.

picstitch (11)

Overwatch 2×12
DEEKS: Okay, so that is there. [He shows a screen with the footages of different cameras]: We also have him on camera here, here and here. It’s a closed circuit DVR deck, but it’s low resolution. They’re wearing caps, and they are turned away from the camera. Wow. Bad guys, one; cops, zero. Downloading. [He shows his phone, looks at the bodies in their plactic covers on shelters]: Funny, isn’t it? A thousand ways to die.
KENSI: Only two ways to go, though: cremated or buried.
DEEKS: Not me. I don’t want to be buried, and I certainly don’t want to be burned.
KENSI: Oh, you will have to choose: casket or urn?
DEEKS: No. I’m going for cryogenic suspension.
DEEKS: Mm-hmm. Frozen in a suspended state of animation, and then thawed out when they have the medical technology to bring me back.
KENSI: Can we keep you in the office? Ooh, with a little viewing window, like an aquarium. That’d be so cool.
DEEKS: You mock me now. 20 years from now, I’m going to come back. You know what I’m gonna do? I’m gonna marry your daughter.
KENSI: Oh! [Downloads ends, they go through the hall to join the others]
DEEKS: Oh! That is awkward.
KENSI: That is creepy!
DEEKS: You know what I would love, though, is for you to be my mother-in-law. Think about that. “Oh, Mrs. Blye, it’s so good to see you. What a wonderful one-piece jumpsuit you’re wearing.”
KENSI: Just stop it. You’re giving me nightmares.
DEEKS: It’s just me helping you with your walker to the early-bird special.
KENSI: Shut up.

Archangel 2×13
DEEKS: (sighs)This is awesome. [He opens the glove compartement, searches inside]
KENSI: What are you looking for?
DEEKS: I’m looking for something to eat.
KENSI: Well, that’s a glove compartment, not a refrigerator.
DEEKS:(chuckles) Yeah, like you don’t stash your Ho Hos in here? All right, come on, lady.(slams drawer) Don’t hold out on me, ’cause I am starving.
KENSI: I don’t have anything.
DEEKS: Yes, you do.
KENSI: I don’t have anything.
DEEKS: How come I smell… (sniffs) [He sniffes Kensi] (four little sniffs) (long sniff) Peanut butter at?
KENSI: What ?
DEEKS: Yeah. Peanut butter, chocolate– I smell it. Where is it?
KENSI: No. [He stares at her, increduleous]
KENSI: No. You know why you smell them? Because…
DEEKS: Because…
KENSI: I left one on the seat, and it… melted. Many, many, many months ago.
DEEKS: Hmm, So why do we smell it now? Hmm?

Lockup 2×14
DEEKS: You want to talk about it?
DEEKS: W-We’re here to listen.
KENSI: No, I’m fine.
SAM: Let her eat her feelings in peace.
KENSI: All right. I decided to go on a second date with the graphic artist.
SAM [getting up and coming closer]: Okay, and let me guess, mommy issues? He talk to you in a baby voice? [Deeks joins them]
KENSI: No, we had a great night. Even took me to Medieval Times.
DEEKS: As a joke?KENSI: It was cute. I told him on our first date that I wanted to go there ever since I was a kid.
DEEKS: And you got a second date? [Kensi, fullmouth and hurtful]
SAM: So where did it go wrong? He challenge you to a joust?
DEEKS: You do get super grumpy when you lose.
SAM: He steal your giant turkey leg?
KENSI:You guys are really funny. Forget about it. [She’s still eating]
SAM: Go ahead, Kensi.
KENSI: I realized I forgot my wallet in his car, so I went over this morning, and I saw him standing in his driveway, kissing this blonde wench.
DEEKS: Ooh, language.
KENSI: No, no, an actual wench. Our beer wench from Medieval Times.
DEEKS: That hurts. (phone ringing) [Sam picks up his call]

Tin Soldiers 2×15
this club sucks (1)

Empty Quiver 2×16
DEEKS: Is that an actual red alert? I mean, are there battle stations now that need to be manned?
KENSI: It’s a text message.
DEEKS: (chuckles) It’s a text message.
KENSI: What was that look for?
DEEKS: You’re– you’re just, you’re very, um…
KENSI: Very what?
DEEKS: You’re very tightly wound.
KENSI: That’s not true.
DEEKS: It’s true, all right? Your personal electronics are filled with intensity.
KENSI: Is there something on your mind, Deeks?
KENSI: Is there?
KENSI: Didn’t think so.
DEEKS: You always need to drive. You set your clocks 15 minutes fast. You set my clocks 15 minutes fast. Everything is a competition. You have to have separate checks at Starbucks, You make fun of guys that order nonfat lattes. Do you have any idea how exhausting it is being your partner?
KENSI: Do you have any idea how exhausting it is to hear you ramble on about the 2012 apocalypse earlier this morning?
DEEKS: Not– not the apocalypse, okay? It’s the galactic realignment. Geomagnetic reversal. Time wave zero, all right? It’s the Niburu collision. You may know it as b’ak’tun 13.
KENSI [sarcastic]: I think you mean “bake” tun 13.
DEEKS: “Bake-tun?” Really? “Bake-tun?” Your Mayan accent is terrible. Yeah, that’s right, and you know why I know that? Because astronomers were talking about it last night at the bar.
KENSI: Astronomers were at the bar that you go to?
DEEKS: Mm-hmm.
KENSI: The one that sells flavored condoms at the vending machine?
DEEKS: Why is that so hard for you to believe? [Kensi sighs] Okay, yeah, the bartender changed it to the Discovery Channel after the Lakers game, but it felt very real to me.
HETTY: Good morning. [She comes in happily]
KENSI: Okay, Hetty, glad you showed up. It’s very difficult to take anything that guy says seriously.
DEEKS: Says the most serious person I’ve ever met in my entire life.
KENSI: Okay, Deeks is a nice guy.
DEEKS: And Kensi is a nice girl, all right? It’s not her.
KENSI: It’s not him.
DEEKS: It’s…It’s us.
HETTY: Well, I don’t believe it’s a problem. I’m hearing two people who are beginning to sound like partners. [Both Kensi and Deeks look doubtful]
[Nell hurries into the armory]
NELL: Hi. Callen and Sam are waiting for you guys in the ops center.
HETTY: And it’s pronounced “ba-aak” tun 13.
DEEKS: Of course it is.

Personal 2×17
Deeks: Okay, so then why’s he carrying a .22? It’s a girl’s gun.
Kensi: I’m a girl.
Deeks: Well, you’re not a real girl. You’re like – you’re like Wonder Woman. And Wonder Woman wouldn’t carry a .22.
Kensi: Compliment accepted.

Harm’s Way 2×18
picstitch (2)

Enemy Within 2×19
dd banter 22

The Job 2×20
DEEKS: What? Was that, uh, that aimed at me? Are you saying that I talk too much? Is that what you’re implying, here? Because, uh, I’ve never got that complaint before. Actually, people say that I don’t talk enough. They say, “You’re really charming. You should talk more. You should double down with that talking, ’cause…” [They stare at him, he lowers his head] I’m gonna shut up.

Rocket Man 2×21
Callen: Anything useful on Drewett’s cellphone?
Nell: Uh, it froze then melted.
Deeks: So it… frelted?
Callen: Spell that.

Plan B 2×22
RAY: Oh, I feel like I’m having an allergic reaction to those squibs– you know, I have allergies, Marty.
DEEKS: Well, maybe we should’ve set up your relocation in Nebraska.
RAY: Oh, that’s not funny. I’m the best informant you ever had.
DEEKS: A claim you can only make due to the fact that you’re a criminal.
RAY: Retired! You’re looking at the new man–upstanding citizen.
DEEKS: That must’ve been difficult to say with a straight face.
RAY: Yeah.
DEEKS: You sure you’re going to be able to handle all those women down in Miami?
RAY: The women, yes. But I feel like I’m going to get whacked by an alligator; like they’re just waiting for my pasty ass.
KENSI: Okay, you guys do know that alligators don’t actually prey on human beings; crocodiles do. Both live in the Miami vicinity, but mainly in swamps.
RAY: She just go all Wikipedia on me?
DEEKS: Yeah, she just went all Wikipedia on you, dude.

Imposters 2×23
Kensi: Feel free to dazzle me with your detective skills anytime.
Deeks: Heh. You couldn’t handle my skills.
Kensi: Oh? I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.
Deeks: That’s classy.

Nell: Oh, actually, Detective, Hetty asked if she could speak with you… alone. Kensi: Ooo. Someone’s in trouble Deeks: Yeah, right. Sam: Just remember the distress word.
Callen: Yeah. If that doesn’t work, just feint a seizure.
[Callen and Sam leave]
Deeks: I’m not in trouble. I’m not in trouble.
[Quietly to Kensi]
Deeks: Hey, am I in trouble?

Familia 2×24
yes you would season 2a
picstitch (4)

What’s was your favorite Banter Moment with Deeks in Season Two ?? Reminisce away in the comment section…

Special Thanks to: Bee and ChrisDaisy

Decidedly Deeks: Deeks and the Desert


Yeah. My idea of roughing it is being at a pool without a cabana.
[2×03 ‘Borderline’]

If Deeks was given the choice between ‘desert’ and ‘dessert’, he’d probably pick the one with the extra ‘s’. We learned this not long after he joined the team when a crime scene happened to be in a more rugged setting than usual.

city mouseDeeks: Uh, listen, uh, can we…? Hold on a second here, guys. Here’s the thing. I’m more of a city mouse, yeah? So maybe we should send the former Navy SEAL out into the desert with Kensi, yeah?
Sam: It’ll be good experience for you, Deeks.
Deeks: Right, yeah. No. And I’m all for good experiences. If you’ve noticed this or not, but I’ve kind of got this ivory complexion? Kind of fair-skinned, tend to…tend to burn kind of easily. Whereas, you know, Sam here… well, Sam…well, I’m just saying that, you know, Sam is clearly better suited for a tropical climate.
Sam: Do tell.
Deeks: Well, I mean, for starters, you got the whole bald head thing going on, which is… which is awesome. And it’s got to be better for… for, you know, heat exchange. Um, and I don’t want to have to overstate the obvious here, but you are African-American. Yeah? And Africa is hot.
Sam: I’m from Brooklyn, Huckleberry.
Callen: Brooklyn.
Deeks: Right.
Kensi: And we’re good. We will call you guys if we find anything.
Deeks: I just meant ’cause I’m…
Kensi: No, you are done.
Deeks: Norwegian-American.
[2×03 ‘Borderline’; picture from @Richtsje]

He did survive that trip, with a healthy dose of whining. Even though Kensi might have thought (possibly more than once) about leaving him out there, she did remember his…sensitivity…when she made earthquake survival kits.

SlanketDeeks: Uh, SPF 70 sunblock, ChapStick and a sea-foam green Slanket? Really? What’re – what’re…What are you trying to say here?
Kensi: Come on. Everyone knows you’re a little… delicate.
Deeks: Not delicate. I’m sensitive. And my lips get chapped because we live in a desert.
[2×20 ‘The Job’]

Then there was the time when Deeks and Kensi were sent to follow the tracks of a fleeing murder suspect in the Mexican desert accompanied by local officers. Deeks was not enthused by the idea of tramping through yet another desolate stretch of sand that was not running beside an ocean or sprinkled with food trucks.

greed 1

Deeks: Okay, you know I don’t do well over a hundred degrees. I get xerosis.
Callen: Deeks, that sounds like an STD.
Deeks: No, no, not an STD. It’s dry and scaly skin.
Kensi: Like a lizard.
Sam: Lizards love the desert.
Deeks: [to Mexican officer] You don’t have any sunscreen, do you? Preferably something with like, a moisturizer, hypoallergenic?

But the partners headed out despite Deeks’ protests, but his inclination to distrust the desert kicked in when their escort was no longer escorting them.

greed 2Deeks: Well my cop instincts are definitely kicking in.
Kensi: Yeah! What are they telling you?
Deeks: Something isn’t right. Wait a second. Why have they stopped following us? Is it because of the wolves? Yeah! Are there wolves our here? Awesome! Heard of the Chupacabra?
Kensi: Yes.
Deeks: Body of a bear. Spine of a stegosaurus, claws of an eagle. Lives in the desert and eats tourists.
Kensi: You are Shaggy from Scooby Doo.
Deeks: No. No. They call this the Devil’s Pass. This area is so dangerous, the Mexican Police don’t even come here.

ScoobyAs a side note, Shaggy agrees, the desert IS a dangerous place. Chupacabra? Devil’s Pass?
Best to head home. Quickly.

Kensi: Okay! This area, Deeks, is the United States of America.
Deeks: What? We’re in America?
Kensi: Yes. That’s why they stopped following us. The border is right back there.

greed 3Deeks: Well that’s fantastic news. Whoa! It’s a wild boar.
Kensi: I think it’s a feral pig.
Deeks: No. Don’t look at it directly. Show submission. Just walk away very cool. What the hell? Whoa!
Kensi: It’s following you.
Deeks: What does it want?
Kensi: I think she’s in love with you.
Deeks: Oh well of course she is. Because she has fantastic tastes.
Deeks: Here pretty girl. What’s your name? Do you come to the desert often? Oh you do.
[3×08 ‘Greed’; pictures from @Vicki]

The city mouse lived to return to his home once again, and as an added bonus on that trip, he got to make a new friend.

Later we learned that Deeks’ disdain of nature is not limited to the sandy desert. He has a dislike of nature in general.

Sam: What’s the problem, Deeks?
Deeks: Crime scene’s out in the middle of the woods. You know how I feel about the woods.

Deeks: Nothing good happens this deep in the woods. Out here, it’s nothing but banjo-playing rednecks and mass murderers in hockey masks.

City[4×15 ‘History’; picture from @Bee]

But, on the other hand, we know he’s used to the sand because he grew up next to the beach.

Deeks: I’m from L.A… I grew up in sandals.
[3×02 ‘Cyber Threat’]

And unlike his partner, earthquakes really don’t bother him.

Deeks: You forget I’m from Californ-I-A. We don’t get out of bed for anything less than a 6.
[2×20 ‘The Job’]

On top of that, he chooses to take a vacation in…wait for it…the desert of all places.

arabiaDeeks: This – oh, this is my favorite. Look at that. This is me riding through the sand dunes. You can’t tell that’s me, but I’m the driver. Look how much air I’m getting in this photo.
Sam: That you on a camel, Deeks?
Deeks: Yeah.
Sam: Ha! Look like Lawrence of Arabia.
Deeks: Right?! That’s what I said!
[4×02 ‘Recruit’; picture from @Richtsje]

So, the question is, does Deeks really not like the desert? Or does he prefer it on his own terms, such as on top of a camel or hanging out on a towel with civilization a short walk away?

Nevertheless, he’s definitely not Granger’s first choice to send into rural territory.

Granger NLV[5×14 ‘War Cries’; picture from @Bee]

Not long after that, Granger, unfortunately for him, kind of had to eat his words considering Deeks literally flew in to save him and the rest of the team in the back country of Afghanistan.

Maybe Deeks in the desert isn’t so bad.

Thanks to Richtsje, ChrisDaisy, Mary, and Vicki for their input!

Decidedly Deeks: DeeksMadness Final



After a month of voting, a winner has been crowned. But before we get who it is, let’s take a look at how we got to this point.

In the first round the losers included two crooked lawyers, a hobo, Deeks pretending to be a former agent who was pretending to be the owner of show dog, and a janitor.

First LosersRound 1 Losers: We said goodbye to (clockwise from top left) Fake Robert Turner, Dale John Sully, Custodial Engineer, Vagrant, and Marty Finch.

In the quarter finals three aliases that were given a pass in the first round joined the competition. Two were promptly taken down. The third made some moves and stayed alive. The surfer, club hopper, MMA fighter, and good-looking suit-wearing business owner ended their run in this round.

Quarters Losers
Quarter Final Losers: The last game for (clockwise from top left) Surfer, Tim, Christopher Stone, and Jason Wyler.

The two aliases that were outvoted in the semi finals both had short appearances in their respective episodes but had long lives in this game (as evidenced by the lack of variety in the pictures).

Semis Losers
Semi Final Losers: Matthew Dunkler (top) and Sven (bottom) put up a fight, but it wasn’t enough.

I tried to keep my personal picks from skewing the voting, but after some thought I decided the final match was an interesting pairing. As one half of a couple, this was an alias that required another person at Deeks’ side. In fact, it won’t work without Kensi. On the other end of the spectrum, there’s Max Gentry. The first time Deeks goes under as him with NCIS, he refuses Kensi’s offer to go with him. The second time the rest of the team doesn’t even know Max is back. Part of that is due to Granger’s directive, but then he misses his check-in. It was Max, the most solitary of Deeks’ aliases, against the couple which is the most un-solitary.

It was put up to a vote and you did not pick (well, the majority of you didn’t pick):

MG FinalIt was a good run, Max, but the semis was the end of the line for you.

Behold, the winner(s) of DeeksMadness 2014:

Married Final

Kensi’s boyfriend/fiancé/husband laid waste to his competitors, bulldozing a path for him and his girlfriend/fiancée/wife to land in the finals. Their first victim was Dale John Sully in the first round which they left behind with 88% of the vote. Their next conquest was Jason Wyler with 81% of the vote. They faced Matthew Dunkler in the semis and beat him with 63% of the vote. And finally, Max Gentry fell to their 71%.

How do you feel about this outcome? Did you wish an alias had made it further *cough*vagrant*cough*? Is there a modification that we simply must make if DeeksMadness comes back for another round in 2015? Air your thoughts in the comments.

Thanks for playing!

Decidedly Deeks: DeeksMadness Final Game

The last look at the standings:

DM 4

Here it is, the last match-up. Before we get to it, this week’s episode was rough for Deeks and Kensi, but let’s sits up straight, try to remove the Densi drama from the equation, and vote based on the aliases and not the mayhem from Tuesday. Now stop throwing virtual shoes at me and go vote.


Engaged/Married Man vs. Max Gentry

Instead of summarizing the aliases for the final game, we’ll let them speak for themselves on a various important parts of creating and maintaining a cover.

Firstly, about the traits of the alias:MG 4EMM 3

At times the cover needs a little time off: EMM 1 MG 3

 Sometimes the line between alias and real-life blurs: MG 1 EMM 2

However, in all situations, a little humour and wooing can go a long way:EMM 4 MG 2

Final choice, who’s going to win it all?

  • Engaged/Married Man (71%, 221 Votes)
  • Max Gentry (29%, 90 Votes)

Total Voters: 311

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The quotes are from 2×04 ‘Special Delivery’, 2×22 ‘Plan B’, 3×22 ‘Neighborhood Watch’, 4×22 ‘Raven & the Swans’, and 4×23 ‘Parley’; the screencaps come from

Come back next week for the results!

Decidedly Deeks: DeeksMadness Semi-Finals


Let’s take a look at the standings:

DM 3

Did you predict correctly? Are you surprised by the results? Do you have your choices for the final game picked already? Well, hold on because we have to get through the semis first and they’re waiting below.


Max Gentry vs. Sven
MG Sven
They both wouldn’t be caught dead in the other’s clothes

Max Gentry kicked sand at the Surfer and carried his attitude into this round. His appearances in 2×22 ‘Plan B’ and 4×23 ‘Parley’ showed that Deeks doesn’t like this alias, even if it is effective.

Sven pulled the rug out from under Christopher Stone’s wingtips. His short existence in 5×13 ‘Allegiance’ made an impression that has propelled his embellishing self into the semi-finals.

A or B?

  • Max Gentry (65%, 175 Votes)
  • Sven (35%, 93 Votes)

Total Voters: 268

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Matthew Dunkler vs. Engaged/Married Man
MD couple
The one puts up with Kensi’s ‘housekeeping’ and the other would NOT

Matthew Dunkler of 5×07 ‘The Livelong Day’ has proven himself to be a formidable foe as he sent Tim to the back of the line. He has many reasons why he should win this round, which he has organized into a detailed memo.

The happy couple knocked out Jason Wyler (again, that guy just can’t win a fight). They’re pausing here in this round on their way to go buy rings/on to their honeymoon/be blissfully domestic.

1 or 2?

  • Matthew Dunkler (37%, 101 Votes)
  • Engaged/Married Man (63%, 175 Votes)

Total Voters: 276

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Thanks to for being the picture source.

Come back next week for the final match-up!