Category Archives: Marty Deeks

Deeks Appreciation Week – We Appreciate Deeks

We appreciate Deeks because of…

His Past

We know he had a rough childhood, but there were still some good times that gave him at least one great friend. We know he resisted the path to a life of crime and became a lawyer. He then swapped that career for a different sort, becoming a cop. We know he isn’t the most well-liked in his division and that he excels at the detective work that doesn’t happen behind a desk. We know Hetty had been keeping her eye on him before he came to NCIS. We know he has some musical skills and likes to surf. What we don’t know is the little details that drove him to law school, and then to becoming a cop, and how he landed on Hetty’s radar. His back-story is like a leaking pipe begging to be plugged with knowledge!

His Undercover-ness

When we first met Deeks he wasn’t Deeks – he was Jason Wyler. In the next episode Tim showed up. And in the next there was Dale John Sully. In his first three episodes there were three different aliases in play. As time went on more and more covers appeared. There were those that were fully fleshed out with back stories and all the proper documents then there are those that involved a quick story and some fast talking. Some reappear more often and others that we’d really like to see again.

His Humour

Always quick with a joke and a smile, he’s able to break the tension after a difficult situation as well as put a victim or witness at ease. With the dangerous situations the team gets into, it’s a good way to release the stress of the job. He’s shown that he’s also willing to be the butt of the joke. Although not everyone always appreciated his lighter outlook on life, they’ve come to accept him as he is. Whether it’s a quick joke, a pun, a mumbled or loudly proclaimed comment, you can count on him for some cheekiness and sass.

His Acts of Kindness

Underneath that skirt-chasing exterior, there’s a sweet heart. He’s acted as an unofficial sponsor for a recovering addict, harassing him into staying sober. There was the Christmas he brought Kensi along to help at a soup kitchen where the staff knew him well. He has a genuine concern for the well-being of his co-workers. He also doesn’t want fellow law enforcement officers to make decisions that could ruin not only their careers, but also break their own moral code. This was obvious when he talked a Mexican cop out of taking revenge and instead to let the law get her justice.

We also appreciate Hetty for adding Deeks to the team, the team for deciding to keep him around, and the LAPD for not wanting him back. Why do you appreciate Deeks? Add your reasons in the comments!

Thanks to Vicki for input!

Deeks Appreciation Week — FanFic Call[(058204)18-58-05]
This week’s FanFic Call is about Deeks and his old buddy Ray…

FanFic Writers:
– Write a one shot about ‘Deeks sneaking away for a weekend to meet with his buddy Ray.’ Other team members can occur but remember it’s #DeeksAppreciationWeek so the focus should lie on him
– Post the story on
– Put #DeeksAppreciationWeek in the summary
– Allow guests to comment
– Publish your ‘Deeks Story’ until September 1st