Category Archives: Marty Deeks

Hetty’s Closet – File 41-9

41-9 ‘Vagrant’

HC Vagrant

Description: Homeless person, deployed throughout the city, commonly found begging for money

Garments/Accessories: Clothes provided by Det. Deeks, They are stored in a bag in his fridge. Requires additional cosmetics for decaying teeth, dirtied fingernails, and general rattiness of appearance

Advantage: Able to move throughout the city without notice. Alias has been cultivated by Det. Deeks for years and it has built his knowledge of the city.

Disadvantage: See note.

Suitable for: Surveillance, gaining entry to previously unattainable targets, able to scout locations

Note: There have been numerous requests for the shower limit to be lifted for Det. Deeks following an outing. A decision is pending.

Would you approve the request for the shower limit to be raised?

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#NCISLA150 Moments Poll #13 – Marty Deeks

Curious what you all vote as “Your Favorite Deeks Moment”… you can choose up to 5 !!

#NCISLA150 Moments Poll #13 – Deeks Moments

  • 1x19 - Hand to Hand - Introduction of Deeks/Fight with Sam (3%, 5 Votes)
  • 1x20 - Fame - "I'm gonna call you Fern" (7%, 13 Votes)
  • 2x01 - Human Traffic - Heart-to-heart with Hetty (7%, 12 Votes)
  • 2x07 - Anonymous - Trying to go out with Sam & Callen in suits (7%, 13 Votes)
  • 2x09 - Absolution - "M-O-U-S-E!" (11%, 19 Votes)
  • 2x09 - Absolution - "Gesundheit" x3 (4%, 7 Votes)
  • 2x10 - Deliverance - Rescuing Kensi from lasers (31%, 55 Votes)
  • 2x10 - Deliverance - Introduction of Monty (2%, 4 Votes)
  • 2x16 - Empty Quiver - "They stole a nuke?" quote (2%, 3 Votes)
  • 2x17 - Personal - Leaving hospital to save Kensi (32%, 56 Votes)
  • 2x17 - Personal - Being shot (6%, 10 Votes)
  • 2x19 - Enemy Within - On the trampoline with little girl (3%, 6 Votes)
  • 2x20 - The Job - Punching the bad guy for punching Kensi (4%, 7 Votes)
  • 2x22 - Plan B - Undercover as Max Gentry (13%, 22 Votes)
  • 2x22 - Plan B - Interactions with Ray (3%, 6 Votes)
  • 2x24 - Familia - Symbolically hands in a badge to leave with team (6%, 10 Votes)
  • 3x02 - Cyber Threat - Slamming Hetty's face shut (8%, 14 Votes)
  • 3x05 - Sacrifice - Working with/Stopping Eva from killing Molina (1%, 2 Votes)
  • 3x08 - Greed - "If you harm her…last day on earth" (9%, 15 Votes)
  • 3x19 - Vengeance - Singing (1%, 1 Votes)
  • 3x21 - Touch of Death - Fear of needles (3%, 5 Votes)
  • 3x22 - Neighborhood Watch - Undercover as Justin (13%, 22 Votes)
  • 4x02 - Recruit - One word: Touche (4%, 7 Votes)
  • 4x05 - Out of the Past - Dog whispering (2%, 3 Votes)
  • 4x06 - Rude Awakenings - Tap dancing to find hidden basement (7%, 12 Votes)
  • 4x17 - Wanted - "Sunshine & Gunpowder" (26%, 46 Votes)
  • 4x17 - Wanted - Spa experience (6%, 10 Votes)
  • 4x24 - Descent - "Communicating" with Kensi (16%, 28 Votes)
  • 4x24 - Descent - Trying to save Sam (4%, 7 Votes)
  • 4x24/5x01 - Descent/Ascension - Torture (17%, 30 Votes)
  • 5x01 - Ascension - Conversation with Sam (3%, 5 Votes)
  • 5x01 - Ascension - Conversation with Kensi (13%, 22 Votes)
  • S5 - Impact/Omni/Unwritten Rule - PTSD arc (14%, 24 Votes)
  • 5x06 - Big Brother - Walking Workstation (3%, 5 Votes)
  • 5x07 - The Livelong Day - Deeks the train geek (3%, 6 Votes)
  • 5x09 - Fallout - Dinner with Kensi (14%, 25 Votes)
  • 5x10 - The Frozen Lake - Conversation with Thapa (9%, 15 Votes)
  • 5x13 - Allegiance - Working with Navid (3%, 5 Votes)
  • 5x13 - Allegiance - Sven (7%, 13 Votes)
  • 5x19 - Spoils of War - Interogating the cleric (19%, 33 Votes)
  • 6x02 - Inelegant Heart - Workout MMA fight (0%, 0 Votes)
  • 6x02 - Inelegant Heart - Dead guy juice (2%, 4 Votes)
  • 6x03 - Praesidium - Partners don't keep secrets (15%, 27 Votes)
  • 6x05 - Black Budget - "You're eating the crime scene?" (7%, 12 Votes)
  • 6x11 - Humbug - All in scene (36%, 63 Votes)
  • 6x21 - Beacon - #Scruffy (5%, 8 Votes)

Total Voters: 176

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NCISLA 150 Moments: Suggestion Thread #12 – Deeks Moment

Being a great addition to the team Deeks is certainly game for some great moments.

Name your favorite(s) !!
And if we please may ask to NOT only mention Densi Moments but real DEEKS MOMENTS… THANKS !!

We’re posting a ‘Suggestion Thread’ with a certain topic (in this case: Deeks Moment) and YOU ALL can leave a (or many) comments with YOUR favorite moments regarding this topic.
After we have collected all your favorite moments to our topics we will start polls to find out the ’10 Favorite Moments’ of each topic.
And voilá we’ll have our ‘150 NCISLA Moments’ in no time…

To catch every #NCISLA150 post on the site click here >>#NCISLA150<<

NCIS Los Angeles’ Marty Deeks Background Spoiler



Great casting for Deeks’ mom on NCIS: LA. Any scoop on their relationship? — Mikey
The dynamic between Deeks and his mother is really going to shed light on why Deeks is the way he is. “It’s a really interesting reflection on why Deeks chose to work for Hetty and why he fell in love with Kensi,” Eric Christian Olsen tells me. “His mom represents a really strong female role model in his life. His mom has a blue collar job and worked her ass off to give her son the opportunities that she obviously didn’t have. He loves her. He knows what strength is because of her. That dynamic is going to be explored through her and now we see why he fell for the people he did in his life.”
