Category Archives: Callen’s Corner

Callen’s Corner: Which Car Next?

The nearing of Season 5 is raising many questions among the fans.

Did Sam get free?
Will Deeks be alive?
Michelle–did she fall?

Yadda, yadda, yadda… Big stuff, I know. Yet, there’s something that hasn’t been mentioned, and it’s on my mind for this post.

I think it’s pretty important, too. See what you think…

Which car will Callen have next?

Sam's car

It really does seem like Callen’s been given the nicest, hottest, fastest, most-sparkly machines in the whole world. Outside of the car that his partner drives regularly, there aren’t too many gorgeous cars left, are there?

You tell me.

Callen has had a Mercedes Benz CL 63 AMG.



He’s had a Jaguar XK.



And, the most expen$$ive car G Callen has had; an Aston Martin Rapide. [Super-expensive spelling mine, since this car goes for $200,000+ in the U.S.A. Yikes.]

Aston Martin Rapide 2


Each sleek, and each of them fitting our hero pretty darn well. And, we all know that it is the most important feature of any car, that it match the personality of its driver. We can’t be having a wimpy car for Callen, no sir! That’s why I wonder.

What car will Callen have for Season 5?

Any guesses?

Maybe one day we will figure out what happens to these beautiful cars, too…


Callen’s Corner: Challenge Musings


Dear CC Readers,

The latest Challenge is in full-swing.

Full-swing like a California Hop. No waltzing, please.

Just like the last Challenge, it’s been totally fun and thoroughly exciting to see what has been coming forth from the incredible and highly-creative Callen fans. There’s never a dud from you people. Seriously. Not from the writers, and not from the reviewers. The writers put in the hard work, and the reviewers share their thoughts and pat the writers on the back.

I eat it up. So cool.

Since I was banned from participating in this one, by the somewhat-wise command of sindee (name not capitalized at her request forevermore), I thought it’d be okay for me to just muse my thoughts on this latest Callen’s Corner Challenge, and do some cheering of my own. I mean, we have one month to go before this Challenge ends on the final day of August. That’s a really long time. Four weeks. Let me do the math for you. A person can write about 1,000 words in 1 hour. That’s like 140,000 words in four weeks, only writing 5 hours a day. Oh, the sweet potential. All in the name of Callen.


Moving on.

So, when we issued this Challenge, my thoughts were that bringing Buddy the dog out of the past was dangerous. Going back into Callen’s past is dangerous, as is! But, adding in the dog that G was upset about losing to Tracy? Dun dun dunnnnnn… We are asking for trouble. I know you agree with me. After all, we tear up at sad puppy stories. We shed a tear at G Callen’s troubled past. And here we go. Diving right in!

But, boy, I’m SO GLAD we did!

Looking at how Callen may have interacted with said dog has been fascinating! There were cute moments, and gut-wrenching moments. Times of action, and times of sitting still. At least, that’s what the stories entered to date have shown us. And it’s been utterly terrific.

To those that have already entered, I need to give you a big hug. Or, at least a strong handshake. I am amazed at how quickly you put your thoughts together to let us see, feel, and experience. I like a good fiction that teaches me a new way to see G Callen. And, I LOVE a fiction that has a point. And, people, your entries have given us that! It’s like straight-up dessert! Amazingness dipped in chocolate from the country that makes the best chocolate in the world. Thank you. Thank you, big time.

And, to those who haven’t entered… Feel left out yet? Good! I want you entering a fic for us to collectively squee over, subsequently getting yourself into the running for the prize. I also want you reading and reviewing. That way you’re in the drawing for the second prize. I mean, how easy is that? Seriously, I’m just looking out for your best interests.

To see the entries to date, you can find them nestled here:,286.0.html

To brush up on the rules for the Callen’s Corner Challenge 2, transport yourself to this location:

Don’t miss out. You only live once.



Callen’s Corner: The Smirk

The devious moments are marked by it. So are the moments of bringing game. It’s used for the issuing of a challenge to a cocky adversary. It’s used to concede a point. It exudes confidence and calls out a dare with the greatest of all facial expressions.

Yes, Team Callen. We are talking about The Smirk.

The look that is such a famous expression it requires capitalization, and its own NCISLA Magazine post. I mean, all Callen fans know what it’s about. Even the brand-new fans understand this phenomena, even if they haven’t got it named yet. We see it happen, appreciate where it’s used, and how it’s applied. We get excited. And, I mean, why not?

The Smirk, belonging to none other than our own G Callen, is quirky, smooth, undeniably hott, and always justifiable. The effect can be like that of a small electric shock. A small electric shock that, once past, forces the mind to gather itself. It’s like a reset button. Not exactly like a heart attack, but definitely like a major static-electricity jolt. CBS should patent The Smirk. They could claim it resets a woman’s mind and sell it as an “attitude adjuster.” Husbands everywhere would be eternally grateful. Just a thought.



Part of the slick undertones that make The Smirk what it is includes the “G versus you” quality. How Callen uses it can be either light, funny, and pretty, or, dark, serious, and meant to radiate everything ugly. It can amuse those nearby as much as Callen, himself, or, make one take a giant step back.

The dark side of The Smirk may be a defensive mechanism against unjust authority. Or, perhaps as a power play over the game participants. Can anyone say ‘Chameleon’? ‘Dracul Comescu’? You can bet the smirks that have been utilized against these individuals (and a handful of others) have been rough, and pointedly chock-full of the “holding back because I’m better than you” form of The Smirk. My spine still tingles thinking about it. Scary. No one ever said G Callen was tame…

Half-wild? Yes. Why do you think bad guys cry man-tears when they see him coming after them?

But tame? Domesticated? Heck no!

My thoughts are that the “unimpressed” form of The Smirk was developed while Callen was a child. That’s the version employed against Hunter, Granger, and Tracy on more than one occasion. How many times was G told something he didn’t want to hear as a youngster? He probably decided The Smirk was a safer way to deal with that stuff than any verbal response that was going through his head at the time. Smart boy.

I’m not going to lie: I get tickled every time The Smirk makes an appearance when Granger is wrong. Every single, stinkin’ time. (Did anyone notice that G-anger and Granger were synonymous there for awhile?) And, yes, I’m siding with Callen on the first handful of Granger encounters. Back then, Granger deserved The Smirk big time.

As for Hetty, Sam, Deeks, and the rest of the Team? They usually get the “amused” or “bemused” version of The Smirk. Like the time Hetty thought Sam had damaged the Challenger, and Callen, himself, had been driving. And, when Kensi denied she was “smitten”… How ’bout when the Team did karaoke and Callen won? And there was that time Sam’s car was still inside the estate, with the dogs. Then that class reaction when Nell corrected Callen on refugees usually being from war-torn countries… And, what about that time Deeks pulled the fast one on overprotective Sam (the cell-phone-in-bag-for-$20 slip)? There are so many examples, it would take several posts to cover them all… Or, several dozen comments from Callen-crazy fans.

This post sums up in one way and one way only: The Smirk is awesome.




Callen’s Corner: Trouble With Hetty


Never fails.

Just when our boys are making progress and we’re all cheering for them, we realize…


And we stare, wide-eyed and mouth gaping.

In the moments of silence, when Callen is surveying the shot-up vintage car, we all realize: there’s going to be trouble with Hetty…

And that trouble?

May last weeks.


This is the part where we all tremble.


And, GOOD! The boys survived another one.

Yes, Callen may have been on the receiving end of Sam’s pulled punches, but they survived a bad situation, again. No one was shot. No trips to the hospital. No creepy bad guy got away. Just resolution and sighs of relief.

Five years to the day.

Time to celebrate?

Then, there’s the argument… In surround sound: Let’s drink your present. What? Heck no.

How the scotch seemed like a good idea, we’ll never know.

All we know is, Hetty is smarter than that.

“Gentlemen, keep your grubby hands off my scotch!” – Hetty (penned by Gil Grant, Dave Kalstein, Shane Brennan)

I like to add Hetty’s undertone in writing: “Under penalty of the severest kind… Think about that.”

My conclusions?

Sometimes trouble with Hetty happens.
Other times? G and Sam walk right into it.

Name your thoughts on past trouble with Hetty below.


#CallensCorner #HettyTrouble

Callen’s Corner: Distractionist


G Callen is a distractionist.*

You see it in the way he goes about his life.
How he interacts with his team.
How he deals with Hetty.


Dis-trac-tion-ist (adjective) – [meanings] One’s ability to create either a false or true front meant to distract from the issue or situation that really matters; akin to throwing a rock to make a person look in a direction, away from what’s actually happening; similar to playing hard-to-get, yet without letting on what true motives are; in extreme cases, fronting a front in front of a façade in front of a façade.

We see it every time Callen is working the case with his Team, yet is secretly concerned with what is going on behind the scenes, say, with Hetty, or Hunter, rest her soul, or Granger.

The point of these distractionist moments is to keep everyone snowed. Unknowing. Until he get the answers he wants.


Considering who G Callen’s boss is, and the feisty legend that she is, maybe he learned this practice from her. Perhaps? We all know he didn’t learn distractionistism^ from Sam Hanna. Or, Kensi Blye. Ooooooor, maybe it was something he was taught by Gibbs.


There may not be a better distractionist in the world than Leroy Jethro Gibbs. I’m sure he could’ve been responsible for teaching Callen and thing or two…

Seeing Gibbs mentor Callen in any way doesn’t seem so bad to me. In fact… I’d love to go back to that time in Moscow. To that op. In the winter snow. Bad guys. Danger. Guns. Gibbs and Callen, speaking Russian… Mmmhmm. That’s the stuff good daydreams are made of.



My favorite Callen distractionist moment?

The time that Callen was deciding what he thought of Walton Flynn, using his own facts, while everyone else was telling him what to think. (See Season 1, Episode 4, “Search and Destroy.”)

In the end, Callen and Flynn had a moment, and Callen made a judgment call he could live with. It was amazing. None of his team saw it coming, either.


Your turn.

What are your favorite Callen distractionist moments?


#CallensCorner #Distractionist


*This term was first tweeted by @TeamCallen.
^This term was first introduced by me, Keviana Elliot, and I dare you to say it three times, fast, without laughing.