Notorious, Callen’s drive to find his family. Searching hard, as after the treasure of a lifetime, he goes from clue to clue, whenever he can, grasping at anything that will give him a hint to who he is, where he came from, and the family he never had. Or, rather, the family he remembered having.
Then, there was the case that led them to Keelson. A man who had all the answers that Callen ever wanted. And Callen was forced to shoot him. We were so glad that Keelson wasn’t able to play Callen anymore, but we mourned for the loss that occurred when G pulled that trigger. So sad.
But then, a spark of hope.
Keelson’s secret lair led us to her.

Even the words on a giant screen were enough to give us all chills.
Who was she? And what was she to Callen? Were they even related? Was this a cruel trick of coincidence? Callen didn’t think so. At least, that was my guess. Disobeying direct orders from Hetty was the true hint of how curious he was. He just had to know.
And he found her. Amy Callen.
But, it wasn’t her.
It was Hannah Lawson. The woman who had switched names with Amy Callen when they were teenagers. Amy had died with her name, and she lived with Amy’s. A tragedy of momentous proportions. And, this was when Callen had finally remembered.
He’d had a sister.
And she had died when he was about eight years old.
Break out the tissues.
A few weeks back, NCISLAMagazine had a poll asking who in G Callen’s family you fans wanted to be alive. The number one answer was “his father.” Seems a lot of you think that it would make a great twist to things if the man is alive and able to interact with Callen. The answer that surprised us, was the one garnering the second-highest amount of votes: “his sister Amy, not really dead.”
So, wait… Let’s explore what would have changed if she had actually been alive. Imagine that Callen goes looking for “Amy Callen”, and he finds her. What would his response be?
Besides questioning the poor woman for days straight, I think there would be certain answers that would come out of it.
He would find out what Amy remembered about their parents. Why they were in Romania. Why they were left in orphanages and foster homes following their mother’s death. Why they were split up. He’d discover what Amy was like, and about her dislikes and favorites. He’d learn how much she loved him, and discover how much love he could direct at someone with his own blood. And, finally, he would have someone to connect years of “alone” with, changing things to “not alone.” Finally.
He would also learn about their heritage. Maybe even about what type of parents they’d had.
Especially concerning Clara…

Amy was three years older, at least. That’s at least three more years to learn their mother. What kind of habits did Clara have? What would happen when they’d get praised as children? What would happen when they were in trouble? What did Clara practice when it was bedtime? Were there rituals? Lullabies? I love you’s whispered?
Amy would remember.
And, if Amy had lived, her hugs would have been a soothing extension of Clara’s embrace.
Callen could have experienced so much healing in a single hug from Amy.
If Amy had lived.
If only.