Redacted File 3,294: How do you think Callen will react to the capture and torture of Sam and Deeks by Sidorov, being the Team Leader who failed to protect his team?
Bee: With guilt. Firstly, because he wasn’t there to protect his partner, and, secondly, because his absence put Deeks into a bad situation. He’ll bottle up his emotions and they’ll burst out at a point no one will expect, maybe not even him.
Mary: I agree, Bee. He’s going to bottle up a lot of hurt and guilt. There’s another episode where Deeks apologizes for Kensi getting into a bad spot (captured) and G tells him something like, “My plan. My fault.” And, the possibility of something happening to Michelle will only add to the torment of feeling like he has failed them.
Vicki: Definitely guilt. They are his family, which he treasures more than a normal person, due to having no natural family. Sam is the closest thing he has to a brother, and I think he feels more for Deeks than we have seen so far on the show. But being because he brought Janvier back to broker the deal, he will feel even worse than plain guilt. He may even start questioning his abilities as being team leader. He does have lone wolf tendencies, and may build walls up to push his team away, rather than show how deep Sam and Deeks’ torture has really affected him.
AJ: Agent Callen is like the Dead Sea, he keeps everything inside. He probably won’t survive the “wave of guilt” unless he gets a good talking to from Hetty (who will be feeling the guilt, too)… or a Gibbs headslap…
ChrisDaisy: I agree with all of the above said. I thought of the same scene as Mary and also of Crimeleon where he blames himself for having let go of Janvier (or deGramont back then). Callen says, “This is on me.” He will take full responsibility for what happened. I fear that he might go even more lone wolf than usual and that he will withdraw himself from the rest of the team, especially from Sam. G will blame himself not only for having put Sam’s and Deek’s life in danger, but also Michelle’s, and created the possibility that Sam’s kids might have become orphans. The same fate he had to bear and he would have been the one to have inflicted it on them – or so he might think (is that too twisted a thought?) Also agree that he might be questioning his abilities as a team leader. Hetty does that, too, every time she loses an agent. It’s definitely a good thing that Nate will be back…
Mary: Agree with Vicki, I can also see him pulling away. Or even lashing out in anger, or something that is truly contrary to the feelings he is trying to hide. And, ChrisDaisy… not too twisted. Great point about the children potentially being left orphaned. Sad, but something I had not considered. I had just thought of the loss of Michelle, not how the loss of both parents would impact the little ones.
Richtsje: I think it might soften Callen towards to ones he loves, but, before that, it might make him do something very foolish. Kensi might be mad at Callen because his decisions hurt Deeks, and Sam and Michelle might resent him some. (To me, it was a shared decision, after all, even Hetty agreed, didn’t she?) But chasing Sidorov can be a good thing for teamwork again…
Keviana: Callen is Team Leader. He has near-veto authority. I’m sure he could’ve done something to change the outcome. Right?

Serena: He will be wrecked with guilt and angst, possibly turning it into self-blame, but he will express it via anger and as one spoiler mentioned, there’ll be a showdown between Callen and the Chameleon! #GoodRidanceToTheChameleon
Richtsje: Oh, Janvier might stay, just a little longer, i.m.o.
Merrie: I believe Callen was in on the partner changes, because he knew exactly where he and Kensi were going, and because it was his decision to bring Janvier into the op. I think he’s going to be very guilty and we’ll also find that he now has a vendetta against Janvier that will not be pacified until Janvier is dead. Callen isn’t one to lash out in anger. He is more sly in his anger, in my mind. He will string you along until you are eating out of his hand, and then BAM, you are caught with your leg in a trap waiting to be served up for dinner or bait for a bigger catch. It’s a very rare person who gets one over on G, and that is why I think this betrayal will definitely be a BIG issue for him.
Vicki: Looking back at when Hunter mixed up the team, Callen reacted very angrily. This is why, I believe, it was not Callen’s decision to have Deeks watch Sam’s back, and take Kensi with him to Iran. Especially when Callen knows too well what his partner thinks of Deeks. And it’s not just Sam’s life at risk here, it’s Michelle’s as well. It’s so true what you mentioned, ChrisDaisy, over Callen’s fear of Sam’s kids becoming orphans. He loves those kids, as if he really was their uncle.
I believe they could have easily of had a SEAL or marine unit do what Callen and Kensi did, to retrieve Janvier out of Iran. Someone higher up is making the decisions, forcing Callen to realize he has no other choice. And when we look back at the last time Janvier appeared on the scene, it was Granger who forced Callen to stay in the boathouse with Janvier, leaving Sam, Kensi, and Deeks to go to that abandoned warehouse where they were nearly blown up. Granger is keeping Callen close, in all matters. To keep him safe. Why is Callen more important than the rest of the team? It leads to my theory that Granger has the answers to Callen’s quest for finding more about himself. Perhaps Callen gets fired up with Granger over all that has happened to Sam, Deeks, and Michelle, forcing Granger to come clean. Anyway, they are my thoughts and theories, but we all know Shane Brennan will bring a twist into the mix and shock us all. So looking forward to Season 5.
Merrie: But, Vicki, like you said, when Hunter did it, he was angry, because he wasn’t part of the decision. But he knew Kensi was going with him, and knew exactly where they were going. He chose the target they were going in to extract. His reaction to the news and his lack of argument about it tells us that if he did not help make the decision then he was at least read in on it before the team and OK’d it. I truly believe that if he didn’t trust Deeks with Sam’s life then he would have protested the change of partners. Perhaps he also know that Sam need to get over himself and accept Deeks as part of the team, and also acknowledge the fact that he is good at what he does.
Now, that being said, I also agree with you, that Granger has information into G’s past. As far as G being more important than the rest of the team, I think that simply stems from the show being mainly about him, and his quest to find out who he is.
Vicki: I know Callen didn’t argue, and you raised some really valid points in your comments. My memory just has Hetty giving the instructions, with Callen suddenly realizing who he has to get. His worst nightmare, out of Iran. I really felt bad for him. You are right, it was time Sam realized how important Deeks is on the team. A huge hurdle for these two characters. Let’s hope they resolve it all and become closer for it.
———- END REDACTED FILE 3,294 ———-
Redacted File 3,298: How will G deal with the betrayal of “The Chameleon”, knowing that he was the one who brought him into the operation?
Mary: My first thought was that he would kill him. Not that I want him to do that, or do I think he will (not in cold blood, anyway.) But, that look on Callen’s face when he finds out he has been betrayed, that Sam has been shoved into harm’s way? I could see him at least beating the living pooooh out of him. He needs the mean Chameleon alive until this is over. He needs to know how his devious mind operates. Oh, and I think that the guilt I commented on in Redacted File 3,294 is multiplied by a “bazillion” by the fact he helped come up with this plan.
Vicki: It’s a tricky situation for Callen. He would rather Janvier dead, knowing how he threatened to destroy everyone who means something to him, and then kill him. This is not the first time Janvier has threatened the lives or killed ones Callen has cared for. He knows that while Janvier lives, none of them are safe. It was a dangerous game, but much bigger than all of them. Getting the stolen nukes was the first priority. It shows the team’s dedication to their jobs. Safety of the innocent first. But as a team they are tight. Anyone who threatens them, Callen will want dead. But he hasn’t gone rogue yet (even if we were lead to believe it a year ago).
Janvier is the first evil he has not been able to overcome. Janvier is a highly intelligent man, who has played Callen. He knows Janvier wants Callen to kill him (quote from the plane). Callen told him he wouldn’t kill him. Janvier replied: “I will seduce you to.” Shivers run down my spine at the thought of the man. Callen will have to play Janvier at his own game. Let him suffer at the hands of some other evil man. Like they did when they made it out that Janvier provided incorrect intel to the Iranians, hence him losing his lower arm/hand.
Mary: Good points, Vicki. I certainly feel the same “shivers” at the thought of Janvier. And I also think Callen will have to (someday, if not now,) figure out a way to beat the evil guy at his own game. I had commented earlier that I didn’t think Callen would kill him in cold blood. And I still don’t think he will. But IF he suffered enough loss (Sam, Deeks, Michelle, and now Kensi is in the mix)… Well… the look on his face, when the team went overseas to save Hetty, just popped in my head. The look just after his flashback of his mother being shot, when he says to kill them all. Not something we had ever seen from our Callen. You just don’t mess with a guy’s family.
Richtsje: Am I right that Janvier told that he had a daughter? Maybe Callen will find a way to get to Janvier through her… Though it’s not the Callen-ish way to do so.
Serena: See my answer to Redacted File 3,294. The spoiler said only one will survive (in the showdown) and I think we all know who that is! #CallenOfCourse
ChrisDaisy: I don’t think that Callen will kill Janvier in cold blood or out of an outburst of rage – he is way too rational for that. Also, he would be doing exactly what Janvier wants, and I am sure G will not give Janvier the satisfaction of letting him win this ultimate battle – however enraged he might be. Of course, there is no doubt that Callen will be the one who walks away alive from the final duel, but he will make sure that he is the one to dictate the rules. Whatever happens next, Callen will chase Janvier with the same deadly determination we have seen with the Comescus (exactly, Mary 🙂 – “Do we have a plan?” “Yeah, kill `em all.”)
As much as I hate Janvier for what he does to Callen and has done to the team, it adds a lot to the storyline to have a “worthy opponent” for Callen who shows up unexpectedly from time to time…
———- END REDACTED FILE 3,298 ———-

Redacted File 3,301: Who do you think the ‘nemesis’ is that @jpkouz has hinted about that will be helping Callen in Season 5?
Vicki: Well, I think it’s Granger, as G has never liked the man. But I believe there is a reason for Granger moving from CIA to NCIS. When Callen and Hetty confronted him as to why he was there, he stared at Callen. But then he turned and looked at Kensi in the firing range. The following episode was about Kensi’s Father. But it was that look Granger gave Callen that made me think he knows something. Whether who his Father is, or maybe is his Father. Sorry I’ve touched a nerve there. I know it’s not a popular thought. But I’ve always had a gut feeling about Granger.
Richtsje: I’d agree with you, Vicky. There’s more about Granger than we think there might be. Like Hetty, he’s kept an eye on Callen for a long time already. And talking about a nemesis, Callen is not the biggest fan of Granger it seems…
Mary: I had mentioned Trent Kort because he seems to get under Callen’s skin. But I think he’s more of an irritant than anything. And don’t see him having a soft spot for Callen. And I agree with Vicki and Richtsje. There IS something about Granger. I don’t want to like him, because G doesn’t like him. But he seems to know more about our Callen than he’s letting on. But, my real choice is still Arkady. I just like their relationship, I guess. Sort of a love/hate and father/son thing going on. Callen doesn’t trust him 100%, but seems to look up to him. And Arkady is the closest thing to a father figure we’ve seen for G. So how’s that for being wishy-washy on the record?
Vicki: True, Mary, Callen from the beginning, has shown little trust of the former KGB operative. He knows Arkady has lied to him in the past, so he could be a possibility as well.
ChrisDaisy: My initial thought was Granger. But, after some thinking, I think it could also be the guy from the graveyard, after all – or the one who’s behind all this. He definitely is a nemesis of Callen, a faceless one, yes, but a nemesis, indeed. Callen still dreams about him (I think it’s safe to assume he still does). And, as we don’t know the person who is behind it, he (or she) might as well have a soft spot for Callen. Also, there is the likely connection to his past. However, I, too, believe that Granger knows more about G than he’s telling… I also like the relationship between G and Arkady. That’s a good description you gave there, Mary. But this is the reason for me not to go for Arkady. I don’t really see him as being Callen’s nemesis. A nemesis for me has a more negative connotation. The Arkady/G relationship is a little too casual for me in this respect. Will have to give that some more thought, though…
Richtsje: Definitely Granger…
Keviana: I just WANT it to be Arkady. Want like a little kid wants candy. Arkady is an awesome, good, bad guy. Arkady is the bad guy I always WANT to see.
Richtsje: He’s not that bad, is he, Keviana? I like him, though I never completely trust him. As for Callen, I think he trusts Arkady more than he trusts Trent.
Keviana: Exactly. Callen is weary of Arkady, but can’t stand Trent. I glare at Trent whenever he surfaces. Arkady makes me laugh. “Next time I send note, eh?” “I do not like him.”
Merrie: I’m going to just go out there and say it’s going to be Tracy. And that being said, while I enjoyed seeing that bit of Callen’s past, I do not want her to become a reoccurring character. That ship has sailed and I don’t want to see him go backwards in his life. Would I like to see him find someone… actually I’m not sure. I think Callen’s appeal is the whole Lone Wolf thing he’s got going on.
Serena: @jpkouz has said it’s a Comescu of sorts… Not really sure what to make of that…unless it literally means a member of the Comescu family that I’m not aware of… or it could just be referencing Comescu as a nemesis figure similar to this nemesis which @jpkouz hinted at… I’m tempted to say Granger, also, but I think “nemesis” here would mean an enemy in the field… it’s anybody’s guess who that is, at this point!
Merrie: As much as I also think Granger, I really don’t think he was brought onto the show to be a regular. I believe he was introduced to have a stable NCIS character to transition to “RED” when they were trying to sell that. However, I do think Granger knows more about certain members of the team than he has let on, and he is a character who keeps his cards close to the vest. I expect to see a lot of manipulation from him in the coming season.
———- END REDACTED FILE 3,301 ———-