Category Archives: 4×02 – Recruit
Recruit – Review by Phillydi
Recruit (4X02)
Written by: R. Scott Gemmill
Directed by: James Whitmore, Jr.
After a successful opening premier episode, the team gets down to business doing what they do best…going undercover! This time it’s investigating the death of a retired Marine sergeant who was found dead in Afghanistan after an American drone hits a bomb making compound where he was living. Callen, Sam, Kensi and Deeks get to go undercover together but far from the streets of Los Angeles. After seeing Deeks perched on top of a camel in promotional pictures, I couldn’t wait to see what trouble the detective and his colleagues would get into. Written by R. Scott Gemmill (author of one of my fav episodes Tin Soldiers), the agents have to find out whether our rouge ex-marine was a traitor to his country or if he was mixed up in some form of espionage.
Sounds like pretty heavy stuff but Shane Brennan claimed this episode was the funniest episode they have made yet and that Densi fans were going to love it. They were definately throwing the barbs around furiously. It was like watching a tennis match! We got to find out what Deeks did on his summer vacation over and over again to the dismay of his co-workers. Except maybe for Sam who we found out loves Deeks pictures! Who would have thought? And I don’t think I ever heard Sam and Deeks laughing so loud together. Callen: I love it when our boys get along. Me too, Mr. Callen!
Of course we all love a heart to heart with Callen and Hetty. It was sad to hear them talk about all the people who have gone before, including Hunter. How could we even consider Hetty ever leaving this blessed coil? But you got to love her no business attitude about death. No tears for Hetty Lange….except from all her fans.
The search for the missing Marine made for an interesting backdrop which allowed the teams to creatively work together to find out why he may have turned traitor. We haven’t seen this much case work in awhile. I enjoyed watching the partners find the answers they needed to solve this case. Who knew their were groups out their kidnapping American service men to extort information from them. Another form of human traffic. Alarming and so very scary. The rescue was a satisfying end to the mission. All in all, I would have to say it was a fun show..maybe not the funniest but a lot of fun to watch.
Show Highlights
- Poor Sam, all the man wants is his chair back. Will someone give him his chair back, please, before someone gets hurt!
- Eric and Nell discussing their favorite elements was a riot. (Nell: Do you use this line at the genius bar?) Too much geek for me, but funny never-the less! I think I like Hetty’s favorite element better.
- If that wasn’t good enough, Eric and Nell doing their Men in Black imitation was terrific. Can never have enough Eric and Nell out in the field! And it’s good to know that Eric is safe with Nell. That scene was getting a bit hot towards the end, and the poll taken on the Ipad app agreed!
- Hetty’s talk with Sam and Callen about their trip to Dubai was classic. The last time we saw the whole team together overseas was Romania. And their activity in the airport was pure NCIS:LA! I love when they work together with such precision.
- Hetty laughing at Deeks falling asleep on Sam’s shoulder was wonderful! You had to giggle along with her.
Best Lines from the Show
Callen: From what I hear Granger is going to have you stuffed in a life like pose for his office. Hetty: Don’t be cheeky. Though I wouldn’t put it past him.
Deeks: So he’s an equal opportunity exploder? No? Alright, at least I’m trying.
Deeks: You have to admit I’m like rocking that turbin. That’s like Lawrence of Arabia.
Sam: Look at these posters. What is this… security by Abacrombie? These guys couldn’t protect a frat party.
Bromance Watch
- Sam is always watching out for Callen including his latest culinary habits: Sam: How can you eat someone without even knowing what it is? Callen: Carlos is the iron chef of the food trucks!
- Callen: I seldom shudder. Sam: That’s true I’ve never seen him shudder. Ha!
Densi Watch
- Deeks sharing his vacation pictures with Kensi was a riot. He seemed to really miss Kensi on his travels. He emailed her every day! Although Kensi did her best to make it seem she wasn’t interest. Not buying it, Kens.
- The touche inappropriate discussion was so much fun to watch. Only Densi could have a discussion like that and make it hilarious! (Deeks: Let me just drop some knowledge on you.) The double-entendres were flying! Kensi: Touche, touche, you can’t touch my touche! Deeks: Ok, that’s a human resources violation that is going into my report to Hetty.
- Somehow I can’t believe that Deeks’ favorite numer is 4.0026. Even Sam can’t believe that his favorite number is the atomic weight of helium. Of course it’s because it makes you talk funny! Would there be a better reason for Deeks?
- Sharzies? And don’t say sharzies!
It was great to see Anthony Azizi guest star in this episode as Ahamadi. Check out Part One of our interview now with Anthony and on Thursday, Part Two where he shares his experiences on set and a funny story that happen while working with Daniela Ruha.
Don’t forget our interview with Felix Ryan too! He was a delight to speak to and really enjoyed his time on set as well. We’ll be back again next week at NCIS:LA Magazine to review The Fifth Man (4X03). Make sure you’re here!
All new episode “Recruit” TONIGHT !!
You’re excited about the new episode of NCIS Los Angeles tonight ?? Get into the mood… Check all our infos about episode “Recruit” on our episode page !!
Interview with Felix Ryan!
At 22 years of age, Felix Ryan is beginning to build an impressive on screen resume. From The Mentalist, to 90210 to Nip/Tuck, Ryan sets to display his talents on Recruit – Episode 2 of NCIS Los Angeles in 2012. We sat down to ask Felix a few questions about his start in the industry and his time spent on the set of NCIS Los Angeles.
We enjoyed your guest appearance on the Mentalist. You seem so natural behind the camera. How did you get your start in the industry?
I appreciate the compliment. I went to a talent showcase when I was around 16 or so and a manager by the name of Richard De Lancy had interest in me and saw potential. He later represented me and taught me the main aspects and knowledge of audition techniques, tongue twisters, levels of emotions, and most importantly being natural. I began doing extra work for about 2 years to prepare myself of camera work, on-set experience, and make connections. After I felt I was prepared to go out for principal/lead roles I spoke with Richard and we went from there.
It looks like you’ve done mainly TV work but what other areas would you like to explore?
The drama portion is what interests me most. Playing a more “badass” character and filming NCIS:LA was my first experience using weapons which was an extremely serious experience but a fun one. I’d like my career to go in the direction towards more action/drama work.
What was you experience like on the set of NCIS:LA?
I very much enjoyed my experience working with Chris O’Donnell and Todd Smith (aka LL Cool J). Also the experience with using weapons was a very intellectual and controlled process. Honestly, the table cast read was phenomenal. It helps when you have such a talented cast. I enjoyed speaking with Chris about life and family and I have a lot of respect for him.
You have a stream of loyal fans on Twitter! What would you like them to know about your future projects?
As the years went by I now prefer to call them supporters. Most have been supporting me for the past few years and I highly appreciate their thoughts, concerns, and support. And honestly… without our supporters we would be nowhere, and that’s a fact!
As far as future projects goes, I will be in a movie called “Broken” which is directed by Damian X. Fulton, written by Mark Cramer, and produced by Chad Hawkins. For more info visit www.brokenmovie.com.
Felix, thanks for taking the time to speak with NCIS:LA Magazine. We really appreciate your insights and look forward to seeing you on Episode 2 – Recruit! You can follow Felix on Facebook (http://facebook.com/felixryan) and Twitter (@felixryan) and his web site www.felixryan.com.
Interview with Anthony Azizi – Part One
Even as a child, Anthony Azizi knew he wanted to become an actor. Born in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, he was one of those kids who was drawn to the footlights and began writing and staging plays at the age of eight! Sometimes it’s a calling that cannot be ignored. Although he pursued the creative arts throughout high school, he was accepted at Muhlenberg College on a soccer scholarship but soon had to drop out due to an injury. Fortunately, his first love was still waiting for him and he soon returned to acting, starring in Muhlenberg College productions. Anthony was soon nominated for the Irene Ryan award for his portrayal as Sam in The Miss Firecracker Contest. After college, it was off to New York City where he hit the theatre circuit, working at the famed Ensemble Studio Theatre and the Thirteenth Street Reparatory Company. He got his first notice there in a play called Three of a Kind and his career was off and running.
Once he moved to Los Angeles, he didn’t waste any time starring in movies like McHale’s Navy, Three Kings, and For Richer or Poorer. He also has an impressive television resume with guest star spots on The Shield, the West Wing, Gilmore Girls and 24. He also had a recurring role on the hit TV series Lost playing Omar and now he has a guest spot in NCIS Los Angeles where he will play Adanam Al-Ahmadi in The Recruit (4X02).
We had a chance to sit down for a revealing chat with Anthony Azizi and we are excited to welcome him into the pages of NCIS:LA Magazine!
What drew you into acting as a career at such a young age?
Every kid has an imagination and is influenced heavily by the media so I loved entertaining people and making people laugh. I was a funny kid. I loved the arts and saw plays at a young age because I was so close to Philly and New York. I was also surrounded by people in theatre. Bill George and his wife were friends of mine for years that had a theatre troop in in Bethlehem (Touchstone Theater) and they always needed child actors so every so often I’d get a call and I’d be involved with them and performed at their theater. I was also involved in school plays even though I was very much an athlete…I played soccer. I never thought I’d do this professionally because I came from a family of physicians; my uncles and dad were physicians. See I thought I was going to be an athlete, but I got hurt at Muhlenberg College on a soccer scholarship but I wound up not playing because I got I injured and my knee couldn’t take it. So I ended up in the theatre program at Muhlenberg to do something with my time and that program was on the cusp of just blowing up because it’s now one of the best theater programs in the country. That era had a lot of actors that went off and did some great things (Daniel Dae Kim, Dwayne Johnson) and that program now attracts a lot of people to the school. So I got a good education there and when I graduated, a friend of mine called me up and said there might be a play I would be right for and I auditioned for the play and they gave it to me and I was stuck in New York for four months. I didn’t think I was going to be an actor, but here I am!
I’ve done a lot since then, I was the first Iranian to be on a network series and that was in 2003 on Threat Matrix. I was shocked because there are a lot of Iranian actors now but when I started there was like four of us at that level. I had no idea what the business was all about, I had no one really to consult with. If you were an Italian actor you had Al Pacino or Robert Di Niro and they have become film stars but for me there was nobody I had to look to. So I didn’t know if this was going to be a viable way for me to make a living. Even now I say “What were you thinking?” I’ve had a lot of success in this industry but I still struggle just like a lot of actors because it’s a tough game. It wasn’t until I started my own theatre group that I got the right attention. I was able to get an agent after that who saw my work through the theatre company. Two months later I came to LA and very quickly I started getting roles and I was very lucky at their open mindedness and in particular with Bryan Spicer who is one of the executive producers of Hawaii Five-O now. He believed in me and he gave me my first real break in a remake of McHale’s Navy. I said to Brian: “How did I wind up in this movie with all these actors…Ernest Borgnine, Tim Curry, and David Allen Greer??? He said you’re the best and I had the power to make it happen. That really got the ball rolling because that was a very big supporting role in a big film. Tim Curry was so helpful too. He literally guided me through my performance because I had no idea when I showed up on this $60 million dollar set what to do but everybody helped me through it. I was lucky to get so much help.
You bring with you a very impressive television resume as you get set to star on NCIS Los Angeles. What was one of the shows you enjoyed working on the most?
I have to talk about Lost. What a series that was! JJ (Abrams) is one of the foremost guys in the industry. He has vision and I think he’s a wonderful man and he cares about his actors and his writers. When you see people like that who are brilliant and humble and do their job… it’s just special. JJ has always been supportive of me and he gave me a part on his show Person of Interest and they had faith in me because it was a very complicated role and they took a risk without having me go in and read for it. They really respected and understood me as an actor and that’s special that they believed in what I do.
Join us on Thursday for Part Two where Anthony talks about his friends on the set of NCIS Los Angeles and why he enjoyed working with the cast and crew so much.