Author => Diane

Winner of Decidedly Deeks Caption Contest Announced!


Congratulations go out to Carrie for winning our latest addition to the Make Us Laugh Caption Contest. You can see her winning entry below.  Carrie wins a Decidedly Deeks wrist band.  Please send your address to and we’ll get it out to you asap!  Stay tune for more contests coming your way!





Detective Quarterly is back on Decidedly Deeks!


Trying to find the top 10 sexiest pictures of Marty Deeks was a dirty job but somebody had to do it! Welcome back to Detective’s Quarterly!  Thanks to Sweet Lu for helping us find some great shots for you to choose! Sometimes it’s just a smoldering glance, other times it’s the twinkle in his eyes but what ever look makes you sigh, pick the picture that shows Deeks sexy side.  Vote for your favorite look and have fun!


DQ__2 (1)

The Look

The Look


Cool Shades

Cool Shades


O;' Blue Eyes

Ol’ Blue Eyes





Dirty Deeks @larytang

Dirty Deeks     @larryteng





Formal Tux

Formal Tux


Loving Eyes

Loving Eyes


Max Gentry

Max Gentry

Got your Back

Got your Back

What is your favorite *Sexy Deeks* look ??

  • The Look (8%, 36 Votes)
  • Cool Shaded (7%, 32 Votes)
  • Ol' Blue Eyes (5%, 24 Votes)
  • Intense (7%, 31 Votes)
  • Dirty Deeks (6%, 26 Votes)
  • Windblown (6%, 27 Votes)
  • Formal Tux (2%, 11 Votes)
  • Loving Eyes (45%, 212 Votes)
  • Max Gentry (9%, 43 Votes)
  • Got Your Back (6%, 30 Votes)

Total Voters: 471

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Season Four DVD Review of Extra Features by @phillydi & @ghartler

Every August we wait patiently for the latest DVD of the NCIS Los Angeles season compilation of episodes.  As much as we look forward to receiving our very own copy of each episode, we also can’t wait to watch the inserted features called Extras that come with the DVD package.  Different highlights from the season are presented with behind the scene activity that we aren’t always privy to and the insights during the episode commentaries are illuminating and usually a whole lot of fun to listen to especially if Olsen and Ruah are behind the mikes.  If you haven’t had a chance to pick up the latest season four edition, here are some of the highlights to enjoy:

Sound Off

sound off 2Finally! We get to watch some of the unsung heroes who work their magic behind the scenes and make this such a first class show.  It was nice to see the sound technicians we met on our set visit last year and hear them talk about their job on screen.  Dave Schneider was one of the first people we were introduced to and he was as warm and funny as he was portrayed in this feature and very passionate when talking about his job. Dave and his colleagues are creative geniuses when it comes to their craft.  It was interesting to hear about the mechanics behind their jobs in particular how important sound quality is to all shows.  It’s incredible to find out some of the tricks of the trade like where they can creatively hide the mics on the actors’ person!

We take for granted what these men do because they do it so well…but it can be an incredibly hard job. As Chris O’Donnell said, it’s a complicated process the way they mike us and boom the actors.   People don’t think about sound being that important because they are always concentrating on the visuals but when there is poor sound quality it can make all the difference in the quality of the show.  So here’s to the masters of sound!  Eric Christian Olson’s tribute to Dave at the end was actually hysterical and made the feature shine.  Hopefully they will highlight a different part of the crew in future season dvd extras.

Chris at the Helm

Chris 1Wanted was one of our favorite episodes of season four and to have Chris O’Donnell direct this episode was a treat.  Chris enthusiastically talks about what a learning experience it was for him. His team mates have nothing but praise for his directorial debut and how much they enjoyed working with him at the helm.  You can tell how proud they were of Chris’ efforts.  It’s not an easy job but Chris was a natural and there was a comfort level for Chris having worked with everybody on the set for so long… he trusted that they would trust him to do a good job.  There’s no surprise that Chris was confident and happy while directing…who wouldn’t be when you are directing the best show in the world?  Chris understands the NCISLA world and he didn’t let it intimidate him; instead his enthusiasm and experience was evident in all the scenes and it was great to watch him enjoy his time behind the camera.  We look forward to his next effort as director during season five.

Some Assembly Required

Shane Brennan takes us behind the scenes of the Red team’s home away from home: Lavern and Shirley.  The two-part pilot was at its best when they were inside the trailers, living and working together as a team.  It was a unique set, and not replicated anywhere else.  It was fascinating to watch these transformer-like trailers come alive and how everything was designed to fold up/down and go.  Creating the trailers and showing how they were designed was amazing…so much work went into making that set a reality.  It was a challenge for Brennan’s team but they pulled it off.  It was nice listening to members of the Red team again talking about their living quarters.  Wish we could have had more time watching them interact on that set. It’s a shame the actual concept of Red Team was not as interesting as the elaborate Lavern and Shirley trailers.  But who knows, maybe with a few tweaks, we may yet see the return of NCIS Red in the future.

Un4gettable Season 4 of NCIS Los Angeles

Unforget1There are a lot of great memories here as we look back at season four highlights with the cast and crew.  You realize how far the characters have come as you review the various storylines for the last year.  The memories from season four can help keep you warm now while waiting for season five to begin…there’s everything here from Callen’s continued quest for family history; the discovery of Hetty’s collection of orphans; the introduction of Sam’s CIA operative spouse; Kensi becoming a weapons expert; Deeks learning how to communicate with Kensi; and Nell and Eric getting to work out in the field.

Some of the other highlights were Brennan’s description of Hetty which were heartwarming and insightful.  It explains why we all love the grand dame of NCISLA.  The love/hate relationship the audience has with Granger has developed even strong and has made him a more integral character within the team.  You have to laugh when Barrett calls Eric the Don Knotts of NCISLA.  How appropriate!  The only thing that could make this feature complete would be a blooper reel.   But of course our favorite actors would never be less than perfect when delivering their lines would they? (wink!)

Brennan feels the crew accomplished everything they set out to do this past season. We have to agree with LL Cool J that the energy is definitely still there and the show feels as exciting and fresh as when it premiered four years ago.

Season 4 DVD Commentaries

“Recruit” (4×2) – DVD Commentary with Renee Felice Smith and Barrett Foa

For the season 4 DVDs viewers are treated to not one, but two commentaries, including the first-ever by Renee Felice “The Hair” Smith and Barrett “The Jawline” Foa! Our favorite digital duo immediately entertain us by singing the opening theme! (Admit it, you do it too!)


Renee and Barrett behind the scenes during the shooting of Recruit by @ericcolsen

Barrett noted how he enjoys the Eric/Sam scenes because the characters are so different – and how scared Eric is of Sam. During the “Wolfram/Ununoctium” conversation Renee takes pride in how “sassy” Nell is with Eric. As they discuss other cast members, the conversation focuses on the free-wheeling improvisation of Eric Christian Olsen. The pair notes the tablets they are constantly holding get a bit heavy to the point Barrett thinks he’s getting carpal tunnel syndrome.

During a well-known Densi scene, they ditto the thoughts of many:

Renee: They love the Touché.

Barrett: They like the Touché. There’s some Touché later too.

The Ops-based techies detail their love of the boatshed set, including Renee’s far-fetched desire for their own scuba scene with a notable entrance via the trap-door in the floor of interrogation! (Too bad Chris O’Donnell already had his own scene with this!)

As the scene featuring the techno-geeks in the field plays out we see the comedy brilliance of Barrett Foa, which soon turns to a nervous situation at the physical closeness of the ever-confident Nell. The two detail a depth in the scene too often overlooked in their regular quirky portrayal of these characters. To our great surprise, this scene wasn’t even originally scripted; it was added later when the episode was running short! Thank you, Fate!

Renee admits, “My favorite episodes are always the episodes that show more of our personal interactions with one another, rather than so focused on the crimes.” (We agree!)

As included in nearly every commentary for NCISLA, the inevitable discussion of Chris O’Donnell’s beautiful blue eyes are also a topic of conversation.  Further, Renee makes note of a 2.5 minute music video (the amazing “Yo Mommy”) that took 16 hours to film.

Overall they provided the viewers with insights to the show and characters in a highly entertaining fashion. Let’s hope for future commentaries from Renee and Barrett!

“Wanted” (4×17) – DVD Commentary with Daniela Ruah and Eric Christian Olsen

In this third commentary by the (on- and off-screen) bantering duo, the amusement kicks off immediately as ECO introduces himself as “Aaron Christmas Elvis.” Connoisseurs of previous DR/ECO commentaries can easily predict and now expect the following: they will 1) forget or erroneously name a guest actor (even with a cheat sheet), 2) make reference to Portugal, and 3) mercilessly mock each other.

Daniela outs ECO for always working to get the last line of a scene, even if it’s not scripted. Defending his effort, ECO replies it’s his effort to make the scene funny (implying she can’t do the same?) Note this is not the first time she has called him on this or that he has questioned her comedic ability!

The issue of ECO and his accents is again noted. Even though Daniela doesn’t speak German, her efforts were better than ECO’s (even with a dialect coach). Thus, she had to keep prompting him on the pronunciation of the words. Daniela compounds the issue by reminding everyone of ECO’s (terrible) British accent from “Lone Wolf” (3×6) – the cross between Mary Poppins and Jack Sparrow. Again, ECO upholds his effort by explaining his accent was “too good”, so he had to botch it a little to make it realistic.

During the scenes with the CIA agents, DR & ECO admit they were “unleashed, like wild monkeys”. (One can only wonder how the original script compares to the televised version.) Soon Sam is tackling Sabatino to the ground and ECO makes an obvious statement, “Boom. God, I would not want to be that stunt guy.” (No kidding!)

They explain the extent of their improvisations and that it initially unsettled COD. Speaking of COD, just like in the Renee/Barrett commentary, the issue of COD’s eyes is again admired. Daniela confesses she had a poster of COD hanging on her wall in her youth!

As they engage in personal banter, Daniela tosses out a popular Densi term: “Touché”; ECO back-handedly compliments her knowing the appropriate use of the word. Daniela counters with, “Of course I do; I’m not an idiot.” ECO then questions if Kensi is an idiot; Daniela timidly admits, “Sometimes”.

The mocking progresses to a deeper, more personal level with Daniela stating ECO has “no emotions… . I am convinced that Eric is a sociopath, because he mimics emotion; he doesn’t actually have it.” (What?!) Next they offer up a pile of their patented “Really”s.

Then we arrive at the Turkish bathhouse. Daniela asks if he’s sporting a “muffin top”. (Wow. Seriously?!) This naturally takes them to the references of ECO doing push-ups before certain scenes; this was a hot topic on the “Neighborhood Watch” (3×22) commentary as well. ECO’s explanation of this scene and COD’s direction is remarkable, such that it must be viewed/heard to be fully appreciated. A golden moment of the commentary is when Daniela reveals ECO’s dog-like, wet headshake was indeed improvised, which only resulted in a genuine reaction from Daniela! Genius!

As disclosed in previous interviews, ECO declares his favorite Densi scene of the year is at the end of this episode. (So true – Sunshine & Gunpowder….) ECO easily outlines, it’s “heartbreaking and jealous and funny and it’s everything.” Daniela creatively wants to coin their famous phrase to create a perfume/cologne combination!



In wrapping the commentary they reiterate who they are, but using each other’s names, including Daniela uttering, “I’m Aaron Christmas Elvis”. (Hmm. An inside joke we need to get to the bottom of!) As we are accustomed, their natural interactions make their commentary a DVD favorite!


Pick up your copy of the NCISLA Season four DVD and have fun watching the Extras….you won’t be disappointed.

Roundtable Discussion Returns with Season Five Predictions


Roundtable Discussion Returns with Season Five Predictions

Decent RT3

DIANE:  Welcome back to our third Roundtable Discussion.  I’d like to welcome Mel (Imahistorian) and Lindy(Sweet Lu) back to our panel again.  We have season five coming up and I know we are all excited and have a lot of things to look forward to.  I was hoping we can make some predictions and try and look into the future to what may happen during season five for Deeks and the rest of the team.  Shane Brennan has said that this will be a watershed season for Deeks and Callen.  We’ll let Team Callen speculate what will happen to our fearless leader but what about Deeks?  What will the beginning of season five look like for him?

LINDY:  I think they have to repair Sam and Deeks’ relationship.  I’d like to see them repair that and whether they do that in the opening episode or if they let that simmer for a few episodes I don’t know…but I think if the team is going to continue to be a strong team they need to have that trust level.  As far as where they go with Kensi and Deeks, it depends on what comes out of that torture scene.  How much is he going to suffer, is he going to have anger issues?  Is he going to have his head so full of what happen that he is not going to relate to Kensi?  Will he pull back from her?  I don’t see them rushing them into a deep relationship at this stage.  I think they will make us wait, maybe a long time for that.  I think there will be a closer relationship upcoming instead of the frivolous banter that they have had so far.  I’m really excited that they are going to explore some of Deeks’ background.  Maybe they bring in his mother and see what that relationship is like.  If we do get into his childhood, maybe it relates back to the torture; maybe he suffered through an abusive childhood and they explore that and maybe it ties into what he has gone through in the season finale where he is tortured and subjected to pain.  I think there is so many possibilities that they have left open for this opener.  I just hope the writers take the bit in their mouth and run with it.  I think there are so many great opportunities for great drama and great interaction between these characters.  I don’t want them to brush past it and brighten things up and rush past it after what’s just happen.  I don’t think people want that.  The fans I have spoken to, everybody wants them to keep that drama going and not just fall back to where they have been in the past.  People want to step forward and really get into these characters.

MEL:  And I’m really curious with it being a watershed season because watersheds are famous for being big historical changes which gets to the heart of things and rattles preconceived notions…so I’m almost curious if this will be Callen and Deeks’ watershed experience that they have together…will it somehow connect them or is it something that is two separate story lines and I’m interested in either scenario. But the ideas that it could be between Callen and Deeks could be interesting because these are characters that haven’t interacted a whole lot previously.   There are a million ways the writers could go with that and that’s what is so fascinating.  I am interested in the emotional fallout of both Deeks and the torture.  I think there is a potential for it to go many different ways.  And even Callen too… because in some ways he is going to feel responsible for what happen to Sam and Deeks and how he trusted Janvier and how he gave up the team to Sidorov.  I think there is a lot of great material there and what they end of doing with it will be very fascinating.  In terms of Deeks, I’m curious to see what they do with him.  I have lots of thoughts and no idea but I think the fallout from Deeks’ experience will certainly affect his relationship with Kensi.  Maybe he will want to seize the day or maybe he will pull back just as Kensi will want to be more than just partners or friends.  I think either scenario is possible.  They are more likely to drag things on and extend the actually bringing of Kensi and Deeks together which wouldn’t surprise me.  On the one hand I would like to see them together and actually navigate a relationship; also the ability to extend it takes an awful lot of writing skills too.

Decent RTLINDY:  I think having Callen and Deeks connect is something we haven’t explored before.  That would be fascinating because they are both tortured characters.  They have both gone through awful tortured childhoods and it seems like they should connect.  You think they would have something in common because of that.  Maybe it all comes from this tortured thing they have all gone through.  It may throw Deeks back into his childhood.  And he can go through PTS and it may make him completely angry and push everybody away to try and protect himself.  It will be so interesting to see what they come up with because they have such talented writers on this show.

DIANE:  I would like to see a darker Deeks and see where the torture takes him because for the past four seasons we have seen this happy-go-lucky sort of guy who tends to roll with the punches.  I would like to see what happens after this near death experience he goes through. He may feel very different about Kensi too.  He may turn away from the people he loves and maybe go into a dark hole.  That would be interesting to watch.

MEL:  It wouldn’t really surprise me if he comes out of this being in a darker place and perhaps having some of the anger that Lindy mentioned and pulling back from the people who can help him and navigate through that.  And that could happen at the same time Kensi decides she wants to explore something more with Deeks and that would be enough to potentially turn her away in terms of having her fears of loving  someone and seeing that turned on its head.  Those of us who would like to see Kensi and Deeks coming together…. that would be really frustrating but you know what?  If it is played really well, it could also be really fascinating and I’m sure the actors would do a great job with bring that to screen.

Decent RT4DIANE:  Being an incredible Deeks fan, it will break my heart to see him so dark  but think of all the wonderful angst you can get out of all of that!

MEL:  Exactly!

LINDY:  Those actors have given such emotional depths to those characters in a few short scenes and there is so much there they have to offer and I can’t see the writers not using that.  The emotional thing is what we all crave and they got the actors that can carry it all off.  I think as they do write these darker scenes and places for these characters they have the actors to do it.

DIANE:   We have also read in an interview by Eric Christian Olsen that he does not see Deeks becoming an agent anytime soon because he thinks it’s much more interesting for Deeks to stay a cop, which I tend to agree with.

MEL:  I think him not being an agent allows for more conflict in terms of how he deals with members of the team who are agents.  It also perhaps creates opportunity for different crime stories where the LAPD is involved.  I’m ok with him remaining where he is.  I think Deeks needs to come to a place where he says he wants to be an agent or still sees himself as a cop.  As long as he sees himself as a cop, he should stay a cop.  He maybe needs to go through some kind of experience that allows him to make the decision to become an agent and that could be a fascinating story where being a cop is now not enough anymore  to get the job done.

LINDY:  I think it makes his character unique.  It makes him different from the others.  I think that was the whole thing about Deeks anyway.  Here’s this laid back, funny guy.  Dark childhood, nobody knows too much about him.  It separates him dramatically from the others and that’s the thing we like about him.  He’s different. He’s not exactly one of them yet and I think that adds just a little bit of spice to that team that makes it fascinating to watch.

DIANE:  There have been a number of spoilers by Eric Christian Olsen and Shane Brennan about Deeks and what is going to happen in the first couple of episodes including that there will be a four month gap for the characters between the first and second episode.  How do you think that will affect the story line?

MEL:  I think from what I saw it sounded like the four months will have passed and Nate comes back because it is evident that the team isn’t doing well, particularly Sam and Deeks.  I’m not sure I like the idea of four months having passed, but the one saving grace may be that since they ARE bringing Nate back they aren’t totally sweeping everything under the rug.  He’s clearly going to be coming back to address what is going on.  We may not see the play-by-play of what immediately happens after the first episode back, but we’ll see something.  I hope.  I don’t think it’s reasonable for everyone to just return to normal, like nothing has happened.

I have to admit, all this speculation and the spoilers are starting to tie my stomach in knots.  I really hope they do it justice. And although it makes complete sense for Deeks to be affected by what happened to him, I don’t want him to lose too much of who he is.

Decent RT6 LINDY:  I am adjusting to the jump in time, not that I have any other choice, and I understand it from a production standpoint. They have a whole season to get through and I don’t think they would have the time to show us months of aftermath and slow recovery.

I am quite excited about the scenes between Nate and Deeks. I don’t recall any scenes between them before, so this is new ground. Nate is an empathetic man, with such good and such kind instincts and I think Deeks will respond to that. I think it can be such a touching and emotional scene, with two great actors letting everything out. I have a feeling they will be discussing not only the torture he endured, but quite possibly his childhood abuse. Being tied to a chair and subjected to such pain had to have recalled what it was like for him as a child, being unable to defend himself against his father. I also hope they get into his response to Sam’s comments about his character. Even if that is dealt with briefly in the first episode, I have to think it still weighs on Deeks mind three or four months later. That lack of acceptance and trust may be the reason he leaves…if it is him that leaves.

I loved Peter Cambor’s tweet about the name of the episode that everyone was trying to guess because all we saw was the first letter…”I”. He tweeted it stood for “Indigestion” which is what I’m getting each time a new spoiler comes out. He is a smart man.

DIANE:  I’m happy to hear I’m not the only one who has butterflies about all the spoilers!  I want to see all the angst but I’m afraid for Deeks. I want him to grow and expand as a character and I think the emotional storyline will do that. But I don’t want the writers and producers to miss their chance to make this the watershed season for Deeks that Brennan promised.  There’s got to be a balance that’s real. Like Mel, I want to see some change in Deeks but yet, I don’t want to see the twinkle in his eyes totally gone either.  It’s a tough line to walk.  I hope they can pull it off.  But if anyone can do it, I know ECO has that ability so I’m not too worried!

Being an optimist, I think there is so much to look forward to for Season Five.  I would like to thank you both for stopping by and helping us make some predictions, and giving your insight into our favorite Detective’s world!  It was a pleasure to talk with you both….and I hope we get a chance to do it all again soon!

What are your Deeks predictions for Season Five….tell us in the comment section below!!

Decent RT2

Decidedly Deeks New Caption Contest!


New Caption Contest!  

Come on and Make us Laugh!  

Tell us what Deeks and Kensi are saying in this picture!

Submit your entry in the comments below and the winner will win a Decidedly Deeks wrist band!  Good luck!





Detective Quarterly He’s Got the Look Winning Picture


Ok, so the man looks good in jeans….and a gun…and an attitude!  No argument there!  The winner of our Detective Quarterly poll was Casual Cop Deeks (above) receiving 21% of the vote and Max Gentry Deeks coming up a close second.  Our next poll on Detective Quarterly will let you pick your favorite sexy looks for Deeks.  Coming up soon on Decidedly Deeks!  Stay tuned!



New Mini FanFic


By @cuttestnik

Everybody knows that Marty Deeks loves surprises!

When he was a child, it used to surprise him how after a night of abuse and beating, everything used to go back to normal the next morning.

It uses to surprise him how he could easily lie to people about his beating. Later he found out that nobody cared.

He was surprised when he found one person in his life, Ray who cared about him when no one else did.

When he shot his father, he was scared because he thought that as soon as his father was out of jail, he would beat the hell out of him. But he was surprised when all that beatings and abusive talks stopped and he never saw his father again.

It surprised him how he easily flipped from being a lawyer to LAPD cop and undercover specialist.  He was surprised at how much he loved helping other people.

One of the biggest surprises of his life was when Hetty offered him the liaison position at NCIS. It also surprised him that he found his home in NCIS and how much he enjoyed it. He never thought he would ever gain their trust but he did.


It surprised him how much he hated playing a jerk like Max Gentry and how it came so easily to him.  It also scared him.

But the best surprise of his life was how a person he thought was a drug dealer at first, turned out to be
a federal agent. Then the federal agent became his partner. But what surprised him the most was, how his partner became his friend and then his best friend and then one day the love of his life.  Kensi Blye became Marty Deeks’ everything.

It surprised him when Kensi told him that he was the only person she trusts.

It surprised him how easy it was to work with Kensi and how much he loved going undercover with her as husband and wife.

He was surprised to find out that the person he loves the most is afraid to lose him. It touched him to see the tears in her eyes.

It surprised him at how much he loved the smell of sunshine and gunpowder.  He loved it a lot!

But he was surprised at how easy it was to love Kensi and how hard it was to communicate with her.

He knows his life ahead will always be full of surprises, good and bad.  But one thing is for sure…

Marty Deeks loves surprises!