Author => ChrisDaisy

Callen’s Corner: 50 Shades of Blue


When I’m feeling blue, all I have to do
Is take a look at you, then I’m not so blue…

Lyrics from a well-known song and oh-so-true for many Callen fans out there (including the contributors to this post).

Tuxedo, uniform, checkered shirt, doctor’s outfit, polo shirt, swimming gear or plain shirt – Callen looks great in almost anything!
But there is one thing – or should we say one color – that suits him best.
It’s the one thing that highlights one of his most striking and beloved features – one that is mentioned in many fanfics, one that is reason for a lot of squeeing, one feature even G’s neighbor Elise blogged about: his striking blue eyes.
Surely there is no Callen fan who has not sighed, squeed and swooned over those eyes, especially in a certain lighting up in Ops…

…but before I start rambling about G’s gorgeous blue eyes let’s go back to what this post is supposed to be about – the one color that we love to see G Callen in most.

You all know what I am talking about: Callen wearing blue – light blue, dark blue, greyish blue, purplish blue, caribbean blue, midnight blue, blue check, blue under a jacket, blue under a doctor’s coat and many, many more…

So here we go – feast your eyes on “50 Shades of Blue”!

(We realize these are more than 50  but we thought you – as Callen fans – wouldn’t mind getting a little more G!)

Feel free to squee as much as you like!
(And yes, of course, you will find the Caribbean blue shirt in this collection as well, just keep watching!):


Thanks to Vicki, FanGCallen, Richtsje, justdreaming, Bee, Keviana and sindee for contributing to this post and squeeing with me! It has been a pleasure! I hope you enjoy it as much as we did!

[1/5/14: Original post; 11/2/15: Repost due to a “certain movie world premiere”… 🙂]

Callen’s Corner: Lowering The Walls (Stonewalling, Part 2)


We’ve contemplated about Callen’s stonewalling tactics recently. Now we think it’s high time to take a closer look at those moments when G lowers his wall and lets us see a little of his innermost thoughts and feelings – those scenes that add an intriguing vulnerability to the otherwise badass agent.


Despite his constant deflective behaviour when it comes to his private life, we‘ve managed to get some glimpses of Callen’s past. Just bits and pieces, often emotional ones, but they add to the mysterious puzzle that G Callen is and make us feel with him.
When questioning Alex Walder in S1x6, „Keepin’ it real“, he shared a story of his past as a foster kid – a rare moment.

Callen: There was this kid. Jason. He was a couple of years older than me, and I lived with him in a foster home. He looked out for me. Not for any other reason than it was just the right thing to do. He used to make up these, uh, “G” names for me: G-Money, G-Ride, G-Force… One night, our foster dad got drunk and he beat him to death. I felt bad ’cause I didn’t do anything to help him. I still do. Who killed Brandon, Alex?

Keepin it real
Agent Giordano thought he might have made that story up to get Walder talking – but when asking about it, Callen sidestepped her question and didn’t answer, the stonewalls were back up again.

Giordano: Wow. That was pretty damn cool, Callen. Any of it true?
Callen: Rick Pargo. You know him?

It is possible that this story is not real, that Callen only invented it, but I don’t think so. With a past like his I doubt that he would make a story like that up.

Callen’s stonewalling is a direct result of his trust issues and often leads to his going lone wolf again. On those rare occasions when Callen opens up it is mainly Sam who is on the receiving end – which is proof that Callen trusts Sam more than anyone else.

Search and Destroy, S1x4
Sam: You looking for someone?
Callen: One of my pit stops as a kid was a couple blocks from here. Wonder if I’m passing anyone I used to know. Not that it matters now.
Sam: If it didn’t matter, you wouldn’t have brought it up, G.

In S3x1, „Lange, H“, Callen revealed to Sam (and only Sam) what he remembered about his past in Romania – again, that scene is a huge sign of trust between the two partners. Despite his reluctance in the beginning, Callen shared his moving memories with Sam:

Sam: How do you know this place?
Callen: I was born here.
Sam: You got 30 minutes.
Callen: To do what?
Sam: To tell me what just happened on the beach.
[Callen glares at him]

 [Romania. Auto trade warehouse. Sam and Callen are checking their guns]
Sam: You gonna tell me what spooked you?
Callen: You said I had 30 minutes; it’s only been seven.
Sam: How long is it gonna take you to tell me?
Callen: About a minute.
Sam: Then you got 22 minutes.
Callen: Goooood. That’s the third time you’ve stripped that pistol. You’ll wear it out.
Sam: Yeah, just load your ammo, okay?

Lange, H 2
[Callen sighs, drops his weapon, stares at Sam and hesitates. Sam looks at him, waiting. Callen sits down and starts his tale]
Callen: Those memories I told you about–the guy giving me the toy soldier. I always just assumed that’s where it took place–on a local beach, kids playing.
[Callen reminds the football players on the beach]
Callen: I was making sand castles.
[He’s back on the beach; he has put the tin soldier on his castle; the day is very sunny – Callen shakes his head; he’s touched – He looks at his buddy]
Callen: This is where I’m from, Sam.
Sam: How can you be so sure?
Callen: I remembered…
[Words are not easy; tears appear in his eyes]
Callen: …a woman.
[At the beach, the woman with a large hat is laughing]
Callen: My mother.
[Little boy Callen is busy with his castle. Two men come; one of them stops in front of him; gun shots. The boy gets up at the sound: the 2nd man is lowering his gun, the woman is slumped in his armchair]
Callen: [Angrily] They shot her.
[The agents exchange a long look… Callen lips quiver…]

However, in the course of the five seasons of the show we have seen him starting to open up a little more towards Kensi and Deeks as well:

S5x4, Reznikov, N.
[Bullpen. Reinhardt’s ID on screen. Deeks stands up and gives G a photo]
Deeks: 1980.
Callen: I was ten years old.
Deeks: Bakersfield.
Callen: Oh, yeah, the McPhersons. They had a trucking company. They were my…tenth foster house.
Kensi: How long did you live there for?
Callen: Just a few weeks…I actually liked her. I used to help her with her gardening.
[He chuckles]
Deeks: What about him?
Callen: Not so much. Used to beat me with a broom handle.
[Deeks and Kensi exchange a look. G doesn’t look at them]
Kensi: Is that why they moved you?
Callen: They moved me because one day I took the broom handle out of his hand and I broke it over his head.

Reznikov N 2
Whether Callen shared this piece of information with Kensi and Deeks on purpose or he just let it slip accidentally while being caught up in his memories – it is proof that Callen (consciously so or not) is finally starting to open up and let the team members in, at least to a certain extent.

And then there were those few times when Callen shared memories and thoughts with people he somehow identified with and thus allowed himself to lower his external as well as his internal walls. The following scene with the boy Alex from S4x20, „Purity“ might be perceived as an act of stonewalling because G evaded answering the questions properly but for those who know about Callen’s past it sheds a little light on his days in foster care:

[Alex is on a swing in a garden, looking gloomy. A woman accompanies G out of the house, and leaves them. Both have a baseball glove]
Callen: Morning, Alex.
Alex: Didn’t think you’d come.
Callen: I said I would. Got a ball?
[He takes it]
Callen: Let’s toss it. What did you have for breakfast?
Alex: Pancakes.
Callen: Lucky. Pancakes?! Sheesh.
[They exchange balls]
Callen: How’d you sleep last night?
Alex: Okay, I guess.
Callen: If you sleep well the first night, it means you’re in a good place.
Alex: How do you know?
[Callen half-smiles, half-sighs]
Callen: I just do.
[♫ They keep playing…♫]

 Callen also let us have a glimpse into his inner life during his conversation with Walton Flynn in S1x4, „Search and Destroy“. Coming face to face with someone who is so much like him and whose life bears so many similarities to his, we became witnesses of one of those rare moments when Callen talked about things that could be, a possible future, a turn he maybe would like his life to take… thoughts he probably doesn’t allow himself to think under usual circumstances. Just a few sentences – but carrying a huge meaning…

Callen: DOD will do your intake locally, then they’ll ship you off to D.C. for protective custody until the trial’s over.
Flynn: Yeah, right. And one day, we’ll both live in the burbs, barbecue with our neighbours and coach little league.
Callen: I don’t know. Teaching your son how to play baseball sounds petty idyllic.
Flynn: Yeah, it does. But that’s why we do what we do, so others can live those lives.

Search and Destroy
It may be just my impression, but Callen’s character seems to have become a little lighter over the course of the past seasons. Having confirmation now that he once was part of loving family, the growing level of trust and comfort he seems to have around his NCIS „family“ and even his relationship with Joelle (wether still intact or not) might account for that.

The latest and one of the most touching moments of Callen lowering his walls was seen just recently in episode 6×12, „ Spiral“, and again, it’s Sam with whom he shares his feelings. Not only did we see a very emotional Callen thanking Sam for being there when he woke up but he also acknowledged his thoughts and regrets in the face of death, one among them standing out:

 G: „I regret giving up on believing that I might meet my dad someday.“

However, as Sam stated, there is still time for Callen to make up for missed opportunities and lost time. Might this touching moment be a lead-in for some Callen-centric scenes and more revelations in the episodes to come? I sincerely hope so!

What about you other Callen fans out there? Have we mentioned your favorite scene? How do you think Callen’s behaviour has changed over the course of the seasons? And do you think Callen will meet his father someday? If so, what do you think will happen? Will his walls collapse entirely? Will he finally be able to trust and settle down? Looking forward to reading your thoughts on this topic!

As usual, thanks to Vicki,  justdreaming, Richtsje and B for their input and thoughts on the topic as well as for the transcripts and ncislosangelesfan for the screenshots! And last but not least thanks to sindee – for everything she does!

Callen’s Corner: Stonewalling

„Stonewalling“: The act of stalling, evading, or filibustering, especially to avoid revealing politically embarrassing information.

„The act of stalling, evading or filibustering…“–well, that description certainly fits G Callen pretty well.

We all know that G Callen isn’t one to open up easily. He has outstanding stalling skills, is an expert of evading and first class in filibustering.


Watching Callen avoiding questions about his private life and personal well-being is stonewalling in perfection. Throughout the last five seasons and the beginning of season 6 he’s made use of different ways and tactics to deflect anything he hasn’t wanted to share with others – which is almost everything that does not relate to his work (and sometimes not even that).

Let’s take a closer look at the „master of stonewalling“ and his various tactics:

1) The use of humour and/or sarcasm:

We saw him use this means in the very first episode of NCIS Los Angeles, S1x1, „Identity“. Nate tried to get Callen to talk about the drive-by shooting and its consequences. This was the first (and by far not the last) time that we’ll see Nate, the otherwise very skilled psychologist, getting the short end of the stick during an encounter with G.

 Nate: Get a note from your doctor?
Callen: You’re my doctor, Nate.
Nate: Yeah, I just get to play around inside your head, though. How’s the rest of you? Aches? Pains? Insomnia?
Callen: Yeah, all of that. Before I was shot.


In S1x12, „Past Lives“, Sam followed Callen to the house of Kristen Donelly and the two had a conversation about his alias Jason Tedrow. As soon as the talk turned to the personal topic of Callen having been involved with Kristen and possibly being the father of her son, G did the „stonewalling thing“ and started joking to distract from the subject. Sam, however, knowing his partner better than anyone else, did not give in and finally managed to make him admit the truth and reveal his feelings in the end – which is rare for G Callen.

Callen: Okay… So I got close to her. She doesn’t know my real name. The man she fell in love with doesn’t even exist.
Sam: What about the kid?
Callen: He was never a suspect, either, but he did seem a little shifty.
Sam: Who’s the kid’s father?
Callen: I don’t know.

Past Lives

2) Sidestepping

Evading an answer, attempting to change the subject entirely or using an obviously flimsy excuse to end a personal conversation – all these are different variations G uses for sidestepping a topic.

We find a classic situation of Callen stonewalling by sidestepping in the following conversation from S1x16, „Chinatown“– and this time Sam didn’t manage to squeeze an answer out of him – Callen’s private life remains… private.

Sam and Callen are coming into the office together.
Sam: If you tell me you’re picking me up at 9:00, 8:50 I’m curbside.
Callen: I got caught up in something.
Sam: What? You don’t have a TV. You don’t read the newspaper. You clearly don’t spend
any time getting ready.
Callen: Well, maybe I was working out.
Sam: (laughs) You don’t work out.
Callen: I run.
Sam: Yeah, when people are shooting at us.
Callen: Mm-hmm. All right, you know what? I slept in.
Sam: With who? You barely sleep.
Callen: There’s nobody. Come on.
Sam: I think it would be great for you to be in a relationship.
Callen: Sam, how many times are we going to have this conversation? You are my partner, not my mother.
Sam: (with motherly tone): I just want you to be happy and find a good girl.

Chinatown 2

In S5x11, „Iron Curtain Rising“ it is again Sam who saw through Callen’s stonewalling manveuer when he caught him crashing in the gym – only this time Callen is spared an answer by the arrival of „Hetty-Bot“.

Sam: You know you have a house now. You can sleep there. That’s what normal people do.
Callen: I sleep there. I do.
Sam: You’re like a cat that keeps going back to its old place, even though the owners moved.
Callen: What do you want me to say? I’m a creature of habit.
[Sam scoffs]
Sam: Yeah, you’re a creature, all right. Of bad habits.
Callen: What is your deal this morning? Did the kids eat your Cocoa Puffs again?
Sam: Don’t go trying to change the sub…
[Hetty clearing her throat over speaker interrupts him. They stare at..]
Sam: What the…?
[Hetty’s face is on a monitor moving on its own…]


In S5x16, „Fish Out Of The Water“ we saw a mixture of different tactics – first Callen tried to deflect Sam’s questions by joking and sidestepping and when this didn’t work, he continued with another soon-to-be-discussed tactic – refusing to answer at all:

Sam: So you guys wanna come over for dinner on Saturday night?
Callen: Who? Me and Deeks? … What?
Sam: Don’t “what” me. This is how you’re gonna play it?
Callen: Don’t know what you’re talking about.
Sam: Hope you’re a better liar next time we get in trouble.
Callen: Seriously – your lips are moving, words are coming out, they don’t make any sense. It’s like you had a stroke or something.
Sam: Fine. You can tell me or Jo can tell my wife, then she’ll tell me.
Callen: Ohh – this is about that.
Sam: Yeah, this is about that.
Callen: Well, that has nothing to do with this.
Sam: Oh, so it’s serious.
Callen: It’s not serious, it’s just personal.
Sam ( laughs): So we don’t share anymore?
Callen: Since when are you interested in my love life, huh?
Sam: Since you started having one.
Callen: Excuse me for wanting to keep some things private, okay.
Sam: Some things? You make Howard Hughes looking like an extrovert. I’m talking long hair, germaphobic, save his own urine Hughes.

3) Open refusal to answer

As shown in the above quote („It’s not serious, it’s just personal.“ / „Excuse me for wanting to keep some things private.“) sometimes Callen doesn’t use any intricate maneuvers to deflect questions, instead he went for an open denial of answering.

In some cases he has a pretty plain attitude when it comes to not giving away anything of his innermost thoughts as can be seen in the following two quotes from Season 4:

S4x22, „Ravens and Swans“
[Callen is sitting in the armory looking at a file on Grace that Eric found for him]
Sam: “You hiding in here?”
Callen: “No!  Just looking for some quiet to concentrate.  You guys find Vandenberg?”
Sam: “Not yet.” [Sam walks closer to Callen]  “You good?”
Callen: “Do I seem good?”
Sam: “Just a little off your game.”
Callen: “Would you have made a different call at the hotel?”
Sam: “Maybe. But that doesn’t mean it would of been the right one.”
[Callen nods his head]
Sam: ” What’s going on?”
Callen [shakes his head]: “Nothing.”
Sam: “Worried about getting dressed up for the birthday party?”
Callen [laughs a little]: “Yeah that’s what it is.”  [Walks out of the armoury]
Sam: “Okay!  But when you’re ready, you let me know what it really is.”
Callen [turns to face Sam]: “There’s nothing to tell you.”
Sam: “Right!”
[Callen leaves the armory]

 S4x1, „Endgame“
The meeting with Vaziri at the beach where he refuses to talk to him:
Callen: Naseem Vaziri. I know who you are. [he doesn’t take his hand]
Vaziri: Then you know we have a mutual acquaintance. Or we did. Until you killed him. I’m intrigued, Agent Callen. Why you would do such a thing? Janvier must have found your weakness.
Callen: Got nothing to say to you.
Vaziri: Just listen, then. Janvier and I were engaged in a business transaction. He was going to give me a file.
Callen: I’m not Atley.
Vaziri: Atley had a price. Janvier had a price. We all have a price. I just need to find out what’s yours.

Endgame 2

Also, right at the beginning of „Endgame“ there’s a scene where G was stonewalling Sam rather harshly. Later we discovered that this was only a staged situation but Callen’s deflecting behaviour towards Sam is somewhat aggressive:

Endgame 1

This almost aggressive behaviour can also be seen in his encounters with Hunter – only then it is not a staged situation but a real one, revealing that Callen clearly had severe trust issues when it came to Hunter – even more so than usual – which led to Callen closing up entirely.
In S2x24, „Familia“ Callen goes so far as to ditching Hunter during an ongoing conversation.

Hunter: Hetty’s gone, Agent Callen. She told me herself she’s not coming back.
Callen: Well, she hasn’t told me, and since she’s not answering her phone…
Hunter: Then she mustn’t want to talk with you.
Callen: You don’t know Hetty.
Hunter: On the contrary. [Callen leaves her, goes away]
Hunter: Agent Callen? [He doesn’t stop. She calls louder]: Agent Callen! A word with you? — Oh, crap.

A recent example for stonewalling by avoiding to answer at all could be seen in S6x04, Third Choir“: With Hetty being in danger Callen is in grave danger of going off the reservation again.

Sam: I hope you know what you’re doing.
Callen: I know exactly what I’m doing. I’m flushing him out.
Sam: Flushing him out. Even if it creates a mob of vigilantes? I want to get this guy, too. I just don’t want to set the city on fire to do it.

 When even Sam questions G’s methods of finding Mattias he simply decides to ignore him and gets in the car.

The most „physical“ example of Callen avoiding questions was also seen just recently in S6x03, „Praesidium“: Callen escaping the DOJ’s questioning by freeing himself from the handcuffs and leaving the boathouse through the trapdoor – choosing a rather wet way to escape.

I can easily say that this scene (swimming, wet Callen having freed himself from the handcuffs) and the reaction of the DOJ lady („Son of a bitch!“) might be one of my favorite Callen stonewalling scenes so far!

So here’s for all Callen fans to savour:



4) Turning the tables

My favorite stonewalling maneuver of Callen is „turning the tables“. He is so good at it that sometimes his counterpart doesn’t even realize that Callen has switched roles – much to the delight of the audience.

In S3x3, „Backstopped“ Hunter has switched the teams (much to Callen’s dismay) and Kensi is trying to get Callen to open up a little:

 [Kensi and G. are walking in a residence and run up external stairs]
Kensi: So what’s your favorite food?
Callen: Excuse me?
Kensi: Just breaking the ice.
Callen: Kensi, we’ve known each other for a long time.
Kensi: Yeah, but how much do we really know about each other? We’ve always had Sam and Deeks as these social buffers, and I know you don’t open up to anyone, but still…
Callen: You don’t exactly open up to anyone, either.
Kensi: Yeah, but I’m willing to try for the good of this partnership.
[G. stops and faces her]
Callen: Okay.
Kensi: Okay.
Callen: I’m listening.
Kensi: (chuckles)
[She hesitates, looks at him, smiles, hesitates again, and starts going up again]
Kensi: Just stick to the case.
Callen: Agreed.


I particularly enjoyed the following example of Callen turning the tables during his encounter with Nate in S4x12, „Paper Soldiers“ (sorry, Nate – but how could you EVER fall for Callen’s innocent „puppy dog eyes“? Really?):

Nate: Hey, Callen, wait up. You got a minute to check in? How are things?
Callen: Good. Good. How are…things with you, Nate?
Nate: Great. It’s really good being back. But, well, now that I’m not around so much anymore, I just wanted to make sure you had someone to… talk to.
Callen: You and me both.
Nate: So you do want someone to talk to.
Callen: You know what I really want? I want to meet somebody. How did you do it?
Nate: How…? Well, it’s not really my area of expertise, but, um…I like to lay a foundation first, you know? Get to know them as a friend.
Sam: That’s exactly what I told him.
Callen: But how long, you know, before you ask her out?
Nate: Oh, well, that depends.
Callen: Well, this time, for instance.
Nate: This one was tricky–it was, like…three years.
Sam: Mm-hmm.
Callen: Wow. I don’t think I’d really have the patience for that.
Sam: He really doesn’t. Three years?
Nate: When she’s the right one…you will.
Callen: That’s great. Nate, thanks for the talk.
Sam All right.
Nate: Thanks, guys.
[They leave him]
Sam: And the psychologist becomes the patient.
Callen: He never knew what hit him until it was already over.
[Sam laughs- Nate is grinning; his smile fades away]
Nate: I hate it when he does that.

Paper Soldiers1

But even Callen can’t beat the true master of stonewalling as this scene from S1x24, „Callen, G“ describes pretty well:

Callen had pressured Eric into giving him the address of a person of interest in a case that Hetty had taken him off of. He found that the CIA, specifically his old associate Trent Kort, was already on the scene. After Sam and Kensi arrived, Kort gave them a name of another suspect in the case, Karim Akbari. Callen had Sam call the name into Ops, explaining that Hetty had taken him off the case.

Hetty walks up next to the bullpen to find Callen casually looking through a file, as if he’d been there all along.
Hetty: I’d send you home, but I know that’d only move you from that chair, to that sofa.
Callen: I’m still looking for a place.
Hetty: I just got a rather officious phone call from a mid-level, timecard puncher at the CIA. He wanted to know why we had requested access to a classified file of an ongoing operation. Have you ever heard of, um, Karim Akbari?
Callen confidently looks her right in the eyes and declares: I don’t know anything about him.
Hetty, now looking a bit perturbed: That’s not what I asked you, Mr. Callen.
Sam walked in just in the nick of time, taking responsibility for the call to the CIA, taking the heat off his partner (for only a moment.)
And in that moment, Callen, stepped off into dangerous grounds, a bit too much smugness on his face and in his voice.
Callen: Sounds like the CIA is stonewalling us.
Hetty: I know a lot about stonewalling. (The smugness quickly vanished.) After I finished with the timecard puncher, I called the Director of the CIA who offered to brief us on Karim Akbari. The agent’s name is Trent Kort.

No longer able to withstand Hetty’s knowing stare, Callen looked down at his desk, trying his best to look nonchalant, and failing miserably. After all this time, it seems like G would have learned – Hetty knows. She ALWAYS knows. You can’t stonewall the master.

Callen G

Now, we’ve found numerous examples of Callen’s stonewalling tactics and this list is far from being complete.

However, there are also those moments where Callen lowers his walls and opens up (a little). We would like to shed some light on Callen opening up in a second part of this post which is to come soon.

In the meantime, feel free to share your favorite Callen stonewalling moments with us!


Thanks to Vicki,  justdreaming, Richtsje and B for their input and thoughts on the topic as well as for the transcripts and ncislosangelesfan for the screenshots! And last but not least thanks to sindee for taking over the tough job of looking for pictures of Callen coming out of the water – I’ll never put such a burden on you again 😉

Eric Beale: The Wizard of Ops

He’s been with the team right from the start, since „Legend 1 & 2“, the crossover with NCIS, and even though he is not the one who physically chases the bad guys, his skills often make a difference when it comes to finding a lead or solving a case. Therefore we think it’s high time we take a closer look at our favorite geek: Tech Operator Eric Beale.

The Chosen One
Eric is not a trained field agent and therefore not the one to take on dangerous situations (well, normally) but his (respectively as off Season 2, his and Nell’s) skills and quick thinking often prove to be as important as the qualities of the other team members. Their means are not always legal, but definitely effective.

With the introduction of Nell in S2 Eric’s role gained another dynamic. Everybody in the team works with a partner, therefore it was only a logical move to team Eric up as well. Their teamwork is impressive – after a slightly „bumpy“ start, Eric and Nell work perfect together, and thus Eric’s significance for the team and his character became more prominent. Working alongside a „similar“ character gave Eric more „room to grow“, on a professional basis as well as a personal one.

The Watchers

Over the five seasons, we learned some private things about Eric, too:

  • he is a surfer
  • he loves polar bear pajamas
  • he helped design and build a wind- and solar-powered clinic in Guatemala during his vacation time
  • he collects action figures
  • he has an Albert Einstein tattoo on his right upper arm
  • he is a member of the Audobon Society
  • he has been banned from Las Vegas
  • he once went on a date with Abby from NCIS in Washington

– to mention just a few.

Eric Collage Personal Kopie
The focus, however, is of course laid on the work and the team.


Eric (and Nell) are as much a part of the team as the four field agents are. In the course of the seasons they all have grown closer, they spend more quality time together and Eric enjoys being such a vital part of the team. He loves his work and he is proud of what he does.

When Eric talks to Ira in the boathouse in „Zero Days“, S5x18, Ira suggests Eric quit his job with the government and work freelance with him:

Ira: You know we would be a great team.
Eric: Yeah, we would. But I make a big difference here at NCIS.

Eric cares for the team and has a big heart – which is shown when he does stuff for the other team members , sailing close to the wind (and despite being afraid of Hetty!) – such as in „Callen, G“ S1x24 when Callen has been taken off the case and Eric updates him even though he is not supposed to do so. Or in „Higher Power“, S3x11 when he gives Sam his own Parker Pony. He also uses Kaleidoscope to look for Sam’s car, Charlene, in „Sacrifice“, S3x5. He is even willing to risk his job for the team in „Found“, S1x21 when they go to any length to save Dom, and for Hetty in „Fallout“, S5x08 („I hear the Gulag’s are lovely this time of year.“).

And while it may sometimes seem as if the team does not appreciate Eric’s work, such as in „Anonymous“, S2x07:
Sam: Unit number?
Eric: Not yet but – Oh come on! There’s like ten people in the country who could have done this.
Callen: Ten huh?
Sam: Can you get us their names? Maybe one of them could get us the unit number.
Eric: You know, that hurts.

 – they make it clear on other occasions that they do acknowledge him and his work, e.g. when Callen encouraged him on his first field trip in „Rocket Man“, S2x21 (not without giving Sam a hard time, of course):
Eric: Yeah. Well, after Callen told me about how he found you puking your guts out in the bathroom before you went on your first undercover assignment, I figured, I could do this, no sweat. [He leaves them]
Deeks: (chuckles)
Sam: [to Callen] I had food poisoning.
Kensi  (laughing)
Callen: Think of it as truth, re-imagined for the higher good.

Callen (a little reluctant) and Sam also appreciated Eric’s work in „Big Brother“, S5x06:
Cindy: How did you find it?
Callen: Because we’re smarter than you. At least one of us is. Do not tell Eric I said that.
Cindy: Who are you talking to anyway? Who figured it out?
Callen: No one.
Cindy: Oh, is it that guy you said is smarter than you?
Eric: What was that? Could you, could you repeat that last part?

Smart one
And of course he got the well-deserved praise at the end of „Zero Days“, S5x18:

 Hetty: Good work, Mr. Beale.

 …plus a „well-done“ slap on the back by Sam.


Though Eric did great on all his field trips so far, he does not leave ops very often, especially not due to going on an undercover assignment.

His first undercover assignment was in „Rocket Man“, S2 x21, when a rocket scientist (or someone pretending to be one) was required at the site.

Rocket Man
Eric is the only one of the team who does not carry a gun and who does not want to carry one. This was, in fact, the one thing that worried him most before going operational:

 Hetty: A case of nerves is understandable. You’re going into the field for the first time.
Eric: It’s not that, it’s, it’s just…
Hetty: Out with it. What? [She gives him a wallet]
Eric: (sighs) Black Ops… Call of Duty…I’ve wiped out entire platoons in an afternoon. World of Warcraft…God knows how many…
Hetty: Mr. Beale…
Eric: (sighs) I don’t have to bring a gun, do I? I don’t think I could actually really kill someone.
Hetty: Heaven forbid! I have no intention of making you carry a weapon.
Eric: (sighs) [He’s very very relieved. Hetty smiles and claps his hand]

He almost got killed (or „frelted“) during this field trip, nevertheless he stayed to finish the job – which shows his determination and dedication for what he does.

We’ve seen Eric outside of ops a few times since then, for example in

„Honor“, S3x7, as an airport security officer holding up Maeko’s father, Akio Tanaka and his men from boarding the plane – a real classic!


Or in „Out of the Past“, S4x05, where his Spider Man pajama makes an appearance – nice change from the polar bears!

In „Unwritten Rule“, S5x05 we learned that Eric has pretty good agent skills when it comes to using everyday objects:

S5E5_0823 Kopie

In „Fallout“, S5x08, Eric could count on a rather „prominent“ (and unexpected) backup in the form of an armed-to-the-teeth Hetty!

Eric’s latest excursion to the field just recently was, once again, a dangerous one – „Zero Days“, S5x18. Not only did it land him in jail (with some interesting company) but he also had to face a life threatening situation by coming under severe fire. Yet he managed to save Los Angeles just in time – due to his outstanding skills.


Eric’s exceptional skills saved the team – often last minute – on more than one occasion. One of the most remarkable achievements was Eric breaking the internet (and even Twitter!) in „Empty Quiver“, S2x16:

Hetty: What did you just do?
Eric: I used the VNC controller to piggyback the upload with a trojan and corrupt the streaming data packets by initiating stack overflow.
Hetty: In English, Mr. Beal.
Eric: I broke the Internet.

He managed to retrieve important data from that „drowned“ computer in „Found“, S1x21. He is able to build up very deep and layered cover stories and aliases– quickly and under pressure, if necessary, e.g. for Callen as the Canadian paper company compliance officer Gordon Taymis in „Keepin’ it real“, S1x06 or backstopping for Sam in the bank in „Deliverance“, S2x10.

Sam: Eric, I need backstopping. Now.
Eric: I’m gonna need at least five minutes.
Sam: You got two.

How they managed to extract and use the thumb print in „Zero Days“, S5x18 – that was excellent team work.
However, it was Eric’s idea and his skills that led the team to succeed in the end. In my opinion, „Zero Days“ was Eric’s most outstanding episode as off yet in terms of being centered around his character and his skills. This was his case, his time to shine!

Zero Days


A typical trait of Eric’s character is his unparalled ability of putting his foot in his mouth (more often than not at untimely moments) – thus often creating akward situations,  a laugh for the audience and a light moment in a tense situation. NCIS LA magazine’s fearless leader sindee refered to this habit quite accurately as “to beale”. And there is more than enough proof that Eric needs his own dedicated word:

„Search and Destroy“, S1x4
Eric: A few months ago he friended her. Now for you older guys that’s the lingo for when someone asks you into their friend list.
Sam: What’s the lingo for when someone smacks you with a flip flop?

 „Impact“, S5x02:
Hetty: You put a surveillance camera inside a garden gnome?
Eric: Yeah, we call it the Hetty cam.

Fotor0709220952 Kopie
„Hunted“, S1x22
Eric: I’m not comfortable with authority figures. That’s why I do what I do. Computers don’t talk back… Well technically, they can. But even then I can manipulate the voice to make it soothing if I want – sexy even.
Callen: Too much information.
Eric: Yeah.

„War Cries“, S5x14:Season 5 Eric

„The Bank Job“, S1x15
Eric: Because banks have unique security protocols for funds frozen by the FBI. You have to have physical access to the actual terminal to move the money.
Callen: But that’s never stopped *you* before.
Eric: Well, most hackers don’t have access to the toys that I do. I could make us all very wealthy in about 2 minutes.
[Sam and G glare at him]
Eric: I mean if you wanted me to… Not that you would want me to. Not that I would want to… I’m just saying, you know.
Sam: What *exactly* are you saying, Eric?

Another typical Eric habit are his various ways of calling the team up to ops.
I, for one, find myself anticipating Eric’s call every episode – it’s a nice regular feature to the show and a fun moment. And if Eric does not call, chances are high that something’s wrong…
However, since we (the magazine team) believe that this topic is worth its own dedicated post, you will read about Eric and his whistling techniques at a later date!


As a conclusion to this post we’ve come up with just a few of the NCIS LA Magazine team’s favorite Eric moments through the years (aside from the already mentioned breaking the internet :). This list is far from being complete and with five seasons to cover, there is of course, much, much more to say about Eric but we had to stop somewhere (for the time being…). So there:

Eric „driving“ the Segway in „Full Throttle“, S1x17Segway

Eric taking a flower from Hetty’s desk to „compete“ with Nell sending herself flowers in „Greed“, S3x08:
Nell: You took a flower from Hetty’s desk?
Eric: She cuts them herself. It’s a big bunch. She’ll never miss it.
Nell: Hmmm.
Eric: I’m doomed, aren’t I?
Nell: You sacrificed yourself to compete with me.

„Elfie McBeal“ , „Free Ride“, S4x10:
Hetty: Mr. Beal. You have, um, elf head.

 [OPS center. Nell puts a gift on the table]
Eric: It’s a little early for Secret Santa, isn’t it?
Nell: Open it.
Eric: Okay.
Nell: Uh-huh.
[Eric’s smile vanishes: he stares at flashing green leggings; Nell sighs, pleased]
Eric: No.
[Nell frowns]Eric: No, no. This was not part of our deal. You never said anything about…panty hose.
Nell: Okay, they’re leggings, not panty hose, and it’s part of your costume.
Eric: What it is, is a death sentence if Callen, Sam or Deeks ever saw me wearing them.
Nell: It’s gonna be fun.
Eric: Wha…No. I am all for helping children, but…I’m sorry, I cannot do this. I can’t do it. I’m sorry.
[He starts typing again]
Nell: You wear polar bear and Spiderman pajamas.
Eric: Spiderman is cool, and polar bear… It’s different, okay? I-I wear those in the privacy of my own home. People are going to see me in this. There will be kids and the taking of pictures, and next thing I know it’ll be on Facebook, and then…and then…and then a video on YouTube, then it goes viral, then they start playing it on a loop on the big screen, and, oh, my God, Sam is calling me Elfie McBeal…

Free Ride

Eric trying to behave inconspicious, „Ravens and Swans“, S4x22:
Callen: Can you find me some more information on Grace?
Eric: Sure, yeah. What do you need?
Callen: Everything you can find on her prior to joining NCIS.
Eric: Am I going to get in trouble for this?
Callen: Course not.–Just don’t get caught!
Eric: What? Oh, man. Oh, my God, she’s watching me.
[Hetty is indeed looking at them]
Callen: Just smile.
[Eric sighs]
Eric: But then she’ll know I’m up to something.
Callen: Then don’t smile.
[Eric doesn’t notice that Callen is already walking away]
Eric: Okay, but then she’ll think I’m hiding something. Oh, man, look at her looking at me. Granger was right, she’s got that Gorgon stare. What should I say if s he asks me what I’m doing? Callen? Ca…
Eric: Hey.
He waves at Hetty, and speaks quietly]
Eric: Just…
[He runs towards the OPS- She shakes her head…


We want to close this retrospective on Eric with one last sentence, a quote from „the man himself“ at the end of „Zero Days“, S5x18:

Eric End
Yes, you are, Eric!


What are your favorite moments when it comes to „techie“ Eric Beale? Would you like to see him out in the field more? Maybe even undergoing some field training? Do you think he will ever risk it again to place his surfboard near Hetty’s jaguar? Feel free to share your thoughts on Eric with us!

Thanks to Mary, Vicki, Bee, sindee and Richtsje for their support and for sharing their „Eric moments“ with me. Also, thanks to ncislosangelesfan for the screenshots. Gotta love #ncislafamilia!

Callen’s Corner: Redacted Files, IV

Redacted File 4,470: What are your thoughts concerning Callen’s mood over the past five seasons? Did it change? How so? How do you think this will influence Callen’s character in Season 6?

Vicki: Callen appears more open and content since Reznikov, N episode. He has proof that he was loved and bad situations arose to separate him from his family at such a young age. So he’s been able to accept it and move on. Like his words to the team at the end of S5E23.

ChrisDaisy: I agree, Vicki – I think especially this sentence in S5x23 shows that he has opened up and learned to gain trust at least to a certain extent. I believe that knowing he was once part of a loving family helped him get over some of his trust issues. Still, there are so many open questions left and he also got caught by Sam crashing in the gym various times instead of in his house (which is supposed to be his home) which means that a large part of him is still unsettled, in my opinion.
I also think that besides that sentence in S5x23 his reaction to the “love note” was quite light and not typical closed-up Callen. A sweet scene which I enjoyed watching a lot.

Richtsje: He seems more open nowadays and I like it… But I do confess that at the same time, I loved the darker side of Callen we saw in the first two seasons. Back in those days he was more mysterious to us, the viewers, than he is nowadays. I like both sides of him.
The opening up is okay, as long as, in the show, G. Callen will be a person that will not really settle down in a relationship like they tried in Season 5. That part may just as well be left out if you’d ask me when it comes to S6.

Richtsje: Now what I would love is to see a badass from the past who comes back, because so far it is from the past that we learned the most about Callen. Season 5 focused more on Deeks, on Kensi and even on Sam than it did on Callen and yes, I confess: there is so much more to find out about the complex character of Callen. Sometimes he seems to be unbeatable, which of course is not true…
To keep it short: it is okay to see Callen soften up a little, see more of those great smiles, as long as it goes with some vulnerability and a tiny bit of hurting as well. [Did I really say that?]]

ChrisDaisy: Yes, you did, Richtsje… *huge grin*… and right you are 🙂

ChrisDaisy: I totally agree, Richtsje – it was Callen’s mysterious, dark side that made me watch the show in the first place. I loved the episodes where he went lone wolf and I would love to see more of that. A little softening up is fine as long as it does not seem out of character. I always liked the little moments where his emotional side showed, but I love me some badass Callen as well.

Richtsje: Right you are ChrisDaisy, we might need some badass Callen every now & then, lone wolf Callen, too!

Justdreaming83: I couldn’t agree more with the previous comments. We watched Callen go through some intense stuff in the first few seasons. He’d been gunned down in broad daylight and didn’t know who, or why for a while. Then there was the Keelson case – someone who knew more about him than he knew himself. The whole Comesu blood-feud thing was pretty emotional. And then G had to deal with the evil Crimeleon on more than one ocassion. Now that he has filled in some missing pieces about his past, and with the Comescus wiped out and Janvier behind bars, Callen seemed to be in a much lighter mood in Season 5.

Fan GCallen: Callen does seem to be in a lighter mood, especially after the first few episodes of S5. But then again, most of S5 was about Densi. There wasn’t really much focus on Callen or his story, apart from the 100th episode, and his romance with Joelle, and that little mention about his admirer, Elise. So I suppose we weren’t really given a chance to see much of badass/angst/emotional-filled Callen, which Chris O’Donnell plays perfectly.

Richtsje: Well said! Those are exactly my thoughts and you are so right. Never mind what Shane Brennan said in the interview, Chris O’Donnell is so good at showing Callen’s emotions!


Redacted File 4,471: Will Joelle be around for Season 6 and what do you think of that idea?

Vicki: She will be, but how much, I have no idea. They’re keeping her at a low profile just the same, which is nice seeing we like to see G focused on work.

Richtsje: Please no more Jo. I do agree with Sam [“I just want you to be happy and find a good girl.”] but in fact, I don’t see Callen with a woman he would have to lie to every day. She knows his name is Callen and he told her he works ‘in security’, but he’d never be able to tell her all about his job. Which – sadly – makes the agents‘ private lives very difficult!

Callen would never have to lie about his personal life if he had dated Paris (whoa), but no, I prefer Jo over Paris. Best match so far was Grace. So…
IF there has to be a love life, keep it out of the show unless it is essential for the storyline.

ChrisDaisy: Richtsje – you did it – you said the P… word…
I am guessing Joelle will be back but I wouldn’t mind if she wasn’t. I still don’t see G in a steady relationship, especially not one that is based on lies. In fact, I was surprised he told her his real name…
Of course he must have a love life somehow, I just don’t think a “happily-ever-after” relationship fits his character, more like a date here and there but nothing serious and nothing steady – no commitment.
So I’d rather see the focus on good cases, his unrivaled bromance with Sam and, of course, his past. If they have to bring a female character up again (not a long term love interest) I would like to see Elise resurface.

Justdreaming83: I think Joelle will be in and out of the picture. She’s pretty, and really sweet. Even though I’d rather see him stay the way he’s always been, I really didn’t mind Jo so much, until it felt like Sam was pushing too hard… and then discussing his partner’s personal life with other people. G is such a private person. (I think he would be even if he didn’t work as an undercover agent.) An occasional interest in someone just shows he is human. Like how impressed he was, and how he flirted just a bit with Giordano in S-1. So I hope that they don’t get carried away with the Jo thing.

Richtsje: ChrisDaisy and Justdreaming83, I am glad you reason like I reasoned. It is not that I did not like Jo, not at all. It is just that… Well, the show should focus on the action and it doesn’t fit right now that Callen gets carried away by a relationship. It’s not relevant…
And P? No, never. I just mentioned the name to point out that it would be easier to date someone in the same line of work, someone he would not have to lie to…
And ChrisDaisy, I must say I completely forgot about Elise. Hmm… Not too sure about her!

ChrisDaisy: It is not realistic to think that someone like Callen does not have a love life – but just as you said, Richtsje, it should not take over the focus of the show. I agree that Joelle is sweet, it just doesn’t fit. And as for Elise – I was a little disappointed that they did not make a little more of this “blogging neighbor story” – I don’t really need her back but that sidestory seemed like a good reason for fun banter among the team.

Fan GCallen: Personally, I’m not really a fan of romance in TV shows, especially in crime and action packed shows like NCISLA. It’s tolerable if it’s just in little doses here and there, but not if it takes over and becomes the focus of the show.

Since there was a fair bit of mention of Joelle in S5, I’m guessing the writers may revisit this bit in S6. But since the beginning of the show, I have always enjoyed Callen and Sam’s interactions and partnership. I think this is one of the strengths of the show. So I definitely hope the writers keep the romance to a minimum in exchange for more buddy scenes between Callen and Sam.


Redacted File 4,472: How in the world is Callen going to survive until the season opener, trapped in that sub with his huge partner, who has admitted his dislike for confined spaces?

Bee: Entertain the possibility that Sam might have to be conked on the head with a heavy object. Or break out the fertilizer bags and plump them into a beanbag-esque chair to relax in.

Justdreaming 83: Oh, I was thinking the opposite, Bee. I’m thinking Callen will end up being the one conked on the head with a pipe or something. He’ll start razzing Sam about his claustrophobia thing, and when he brings up the clown thing again? CONK!!!

Bee: Nah, Sam wouldn’t do that, he’d sit in a corner and mediate while visualizing exploding Callen’s head with his brain when the teasing gets to be too much.

Justdreaming 83: Yeah. You’re right, Bee. Sam’s all bark and no bite when it comes to G. He threatens to bounce him off rocks and drown him in Jacuzzis and stuff like that. But he’s a self-disciplined man. He’d only WANT to conk Callen in the head.

Vicki: Maybe Callen and Sam will work out how to kill the submarine with all those wires in their section of the sub. We’ve seen flash backs of Sam’s time being buried alive (Special Delivery 2×04), so we know how it has affected him before. Callen knows about this and I am sure he knows a thing or two to help his partner through it. They’ve been partners a long time now. Also, maybe Eric and Nell can come to their aid and track the sub for a rescue? It’s an interesting cliff hanger. Not just onboard with terrorists, but also with all that fertiliser. But G has been known to use some MacGyver tactics to get himself out of a bad situation. Am looking forward to seeing how the next season plays the remainder of this episode out.

Richtsje: It won’t be easy for the two of them, and all those things you mentioned came to my mind as well. Remember how Callen teased Sam about the loss of Charlene? And the clowns, and the claustrophobia-matter? That IS a lot indeed.
It is a small space they’re stuck in, and it will be just as uncomfortable for Callen. We are unaware where the submarine will be heading to and why; and an extra trigger is the fact that it is NOT filled with drugs but with a lot of stuff to make explosives with!

Justdreaming 83: Let’s just hope Callen doesn’t offer the “giant teddy bear” another hug. Sam‘s discipline and patience can only last so long.

ChrisDaisy: If there is anybody who can find a way out of this situation, it’s Callen and Sam (with the help of the team, of course). They will somehow manage to get rid of all the bad guys without being hurt themselves (or maybe just a little – Callen in hospital for a few days would sure be interesting) and I am certain that at least one of them is capable of steering a submarine 🙂

And yes, Callen might give Sam a hard time but only to the extent to keep him alert and in „agent mode“. He can be sensible with the big guy and he knows exactly how to handle him. It’ll be interesting to see what they are going to do!

Fan GCallen: Well, if those two actually have time to get on each other’s nerves… Callen can start by singing show tunes or hum some jazz music, or offer Sam a hug (after all, he did get one from Sam in S5!) if Sam were to start panicking and getting claustrophobic and annoying Callen to no end (now this would be fun to see, I’d imagine.)

But frankly, I think the action would be fast paced and they would be trying to figure out a way to outsmart the baddies. And maybe, just maybe (fingers crossed!) there might be some Callen-Sam bonding time at the end of the episode where they have some heart-to-heart talks with each other. Something similar to when Sam told Callen his fear of losing his partner.

 Richtsje: A good talk between friends, every now and then, would be very welcome indeed!


A very special thanks to Justdreaming83 for helping to make this post go live!