Game Day #2

If you could break into Hetty’s unredacted files, whose file would you read?

Leave a comment with your choice…

16 thoughts on “Game Day #2

  1. Jan

    Can I say all of them?

    Probably Deeks’ file, just because we know so little of his background. And he’s probably got the most interesting dirt. 🙂

    Granger’s file is probably too heavily redacted to show anything important, and I doubt there is any file on Hetty herself.

    Maybe Sam’s file, to find out how many kids he really has.

  2. Richtsje

    It’s too tempting to NOT read Callen’s, but since he knows so little of himself I have some doubts there will be lots more in Hetty’s files. Although… she does keep things secret from him; remember there’s this file in her suitcase which says ‘to open after I die’ or something like that. What would be in there that she hasn’t told him so far?

    Hetty’s own file would be the one I really would want to go through; there are so many things she simply tells that you really get curious what cases she was in and where, and when?! Why with Frank Sinatra, for example?

    There’s one more: Granger. Where did he come from? We know he worked with Hetty in the past at least once, but there’s little known about the man himself.

    1. LasiaMsinred

      I agree it’s tempting not to open Callen’s files but if learned something in the last 5 Seasons of ncisla it it that he’s part of a bigger picture so I’d say that everything we want to know about him, everything he wants to know about himself,is not only in one of those “Callen.G” files.
      I remember when Granger told Hetty to “bring her affairs in order”
      We know that they stopped trusting each other for whatever reasons.
      I think it would be Hetty’s and Granger’s file I’d like to open.Later I’d like to get my hands on the “To be opened in case of death” file. (Hetty seemed relieved when G didn’t open it!!)
      Let’s do it together! We need to find out everything!

  3. betsy

    Hetty’s own file because we’ve only touched the tip of her iceburg. And Deeks, because there’s more to meet the eye there, too.

  4. BH72

    So many questions I have on all of these wonderful characters. Although I am a Callen fan and would love to know more about the man, we have no details on Eric or Nell’s family or past. It would be interesting to know exactly what Nell’s IQ is, and how Hetty found Eric to be her Technical Operator. How did Nell and Nate meet?
    And then there’s the mystery on Hetty and Granger’s pasts, what they’ve done, their families…why Hetty told Callen how lucky he was he didn’t know his family…is this an insight into the fact that Hetty doesn’t like her family? Was she telling the truth to Alexa Comescu about her family, or was that a myth? But if I was to choose just one file, it would still be Callen’s. I know Hetty has so much more on him. So many secrets. Remember when Nate sat down at Hetty’s cupboard? So much was redacted. He would definately be the most intriguing to read about.

  5. Shelia

    Though I long to know more about Callen, I doubt his file has much in it. So I would go for Hetty, there is so much to her.

  6. trytofindme

    I would like to read different peoples for different reasons. Callen’s but only to see if there is anymore in there than what we know. I think that Hetty has told him everything that she knows from the open after I’m dead file. That’s not to say she hasn’t pieced together a bit more since.
    Sam, to find out his home life.
    Kensi, we know she spent a year on the streets, then what?
    Eric, banned in Vegas there is a big story behind that.
    Nell, a Skype with family session leaves us a little more curious.
    Granger, what did he do to piss off Hetty so bad.
    Deeks what happened after he shot his dad? and where is his mum?
    Hetty, She’s a legend so who is she really, Is Hetty her real name? you don’t spend that many years working in the industry and not have any skeletons.

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